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When political campaigning goes too far!

Darth Groovy

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I hate it when they all to this-->:thumbs1::rolleyes:


I did vote on some props but no people. Arnold Schwarzenneger's prob 49 was good I think. Its for contructive before and after school programs for all kids but mostly for the ones who get into trouble. Enrichment learning stuff. Ya know if he was running for governor I would definately choose him over the other idiots. He seems to be a man of integrity. The real deal. What you see is what you get thing. I heard the same thing about Jesse Ventura when he was gov of Minnesota. Any Minnesotans here who want to comment on that? Did I hear right?

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with all these republicans, we are going to get a bad economy


ROFL are you stupid? democrats screw the economy to hell. Clinton set up the bad economy (no matter what happened in his terms, you know it would have happened anway during that time

and you also know it was starting to fall at the end of his 2nd term) another thing, republicans HELP the economy because they give money to businesses which in turn give you jobs and then you buy stuff, tada! everybody becomes happy. Also democrats dont let the country get resources, now there are republicans, so TADA! Also the economy is doing FINE it is the investors who are not doing fine, they are just too used to easy money, and you cant get it any more. You want long term companies, not short term gains. Until they realize this and quit pointing at bush (whos fault it is not compared to other things that have to be blamed)

a little of the problem is bush, a big problem is the environmentalists, democrats, and a bad economy from clinton. Not to mention september 11th.

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There are way to many people that are uninformed about politics. I have a few smart friends who voted yesterday, but they don't know anything about the candidates or propositions. I Couldn't vote because it's still a few months till I'm eighteen, but I follow politics and know what I would vote for.


In regards to Darth Groovy's first post the reason that there is so much propaganda in politics is because they know that's the only way they'll get votes. People are too uninformed to know the facts so they just go by what some ad says on the tv instead of finding out for themselves who the best candidate is.


I'm glad that the Repulicans gained control of the House and Senate, because that means that things can actually start getting done in our national government. I know that Democrats don't like it, but if they wanted Democrats in office they should have actually gone out and voted for the democratic candidate.

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Ya you give up on politics you sure as hell better not complain when things dont go well, you dont vote you give away your say, and that is the path to a dictatorship. Also a direct democracy just isnt feasible with close to 300 million people, its not even workable with 1000 people.

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It's obvious this year's election in all states was hell. Well, here in the good ol' state of Massachusetts, the O'Brien vs. Romney thing went way out of proportion, and pissed a lot of people off. Down to the alleged people hired by O'Brien to make non-English speaking people who couldn't read English vote for her....


It was stupid, the campaign commercials pissed me off, and debates where adults in their 40-60's were bickering like seven year olds fighting over a Tootsie Roll made me want to puke.


My 2 cents.

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The US has, I think, began to dig its own grave. All this internal bickering between Demoracts and Republicans. The economy seems to be going down. Prices have been driven way up. We're already in a war, as some say anyway, so why should we get into another one with Iraq which would pose much more of a threat? I mean, if he has nukes and biological weapons and all that other nightmare stuff, don't you think attacking him would be a little... *cough*provacative*cough*?


For example, suppose that Saddam will attack the US in three years with whatever he has... say 2 short-ranged nukes and a crapload of bio-weapons. Won't declaring war on him NOW just make him hit sooner?


And back to the internal stuff... politics is generally a load of insults slung at opponents from opponents and empty promises. It isn't a democracy if the only say we, the people, have in gov't is which (IMO)moron to put into office when we don't really have a choice anyway? And the president is acting like a dictator, just going around and bossing the little countries, while playing Big Brother (unrequested) with others. Err... maybe Democrating Dictatorship is the proper term.


The campaign commercials were, IMO, crap. I agree with the "debates were like seven year olds fighting over a Tootsie Roll". Actually, I think seven year olds are above that. Five, perhaps?


When you think about the US, you get scared.

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Originally posted by CagedCrado


ROFL are you stupid? democrats screw the economy to hell. Clinton set up the bad economy (no matter what happened in his terms, you know it would have happened anway during that time

and you also know it was starting to fall at the end of his 2nd term) another thing, republicans HELP the economy because they give money to businesses which in turn give you jobs and then you buy stuff, tada! everybody becomes happy. Also democrats dont let the country get resources, now there are republicans, so TADA! Also the economy is doing FINE it is the investors who are not doing fine, they are just too used to easy money, and you cant get it any more. You want long term companies, not short term gains. Until they realize this and quit pointing at bush (whos fault it is not compared to other things that have to be blamed)

a little of the problem is bush, a big problem is the environmentalists, democrats, and a bad economy from clinton. Not to mention september 11th.


[beliefs on politics and life and all that other stuff]

I dont wanna make enemies about polotics. but im just stating my beliefs. I do not like Bush. I wanted Gore to win. He would have brought forth BETTER on this land we call the United States of America! Bush is squirming us into an economic hell here! Can't you notice this? You will, and itll be regretful..you all that voted Bush and the republican party are not gonna like them after a while.


[/ beliefs on politics and life and all that other stuff]

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Originally posted by AcrylicGuitar

He would have brought forth BETTER on this land we call the United States of America! Bush is squirming us into an economic hell here! Can't you notice this?





No, I cannot notice this. The reason the economy is in a downward spiral or whatever, is because America has ALWAYS been in debt. ALWAYS, since the 1700's. It's not Bush's or Clinton's fault. Democrats AND republicans help build the debt.

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It goes in with that very confusing thing about where if we do not give people money to but our prodcuts then their economy would collapse and so would ours and the rest of the Earth's because they need money to start stufff because they suck and can't get their own start up money or something. I never did get that part in Econ.


Giving countires "aid" and then they buy our prodcuts so essentially we are working our buts off to pay taxes to give to other countires so they can buy our products with our money.


That didn't even make sense to me. If there is an Econ Major here who can clarify this or jsut tell me I am plain wrong I would be thankful.



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Tell you what, when the economy improves come look me up and let me know. As far as blaming people for the poor economy, do you think the average citizen gives a rats ass who's fault it is. Clinton has been out of office for 2 going on 3 years now. Gee Dubya has had more than ample time to devise a plan of attack and act on it. However instead of attacking the problems on our own soil, we are concentrating on going after Saddam, which is fine, but I think its a bit premature at this point. Like I said, I am a results man, I don't see alot of happy poeple around me these days, so please, tell me.........when does it get better? And how many times are you going to remind me that all things need to recess before they improve? It's been almost 3 freaking years and hard working Americans are still loosing they're jobs. This will start a flame war, but I dont care, "It's the Economy Stupid!"


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Groovy man, I always thought that you lived in the UK :confused:....


Two questions: What's the exact difference between a democrat and a republican? Does a democrat want the country to be a democracy while the republican wants it to be a republic like Rome? :confused:


Also, what's so wrong with socialism? I can understand that communism has proved it's worth (then again, the USSR wasn't communism at all), but socialism takes care of the lower class people - a class that seems to be growing judging on Groovy's and other's remarks about the situation over there.


Here in Denmark, socialism has outlived itself - we practically have no "lower class" now, which means we should switch to a more liberal politic, yet we still haven't.

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Since you dont understand this, i will try to tell you. These are not the exact things each party stands for, but the cons and pros of each party:


Democrat: Poor leadership, pro abortion, wants higher taxes for average people, support gay rights, support marijuana use, and support giving money to poor people who refuse to work.


Republicans: Smaller Government (to improve economy), anti abortion, flat tax cuts, support family values, getting jobs for the poor, and not meddling with the economy (democrats like to tax big corporations and give their money to the poor, dumb, dumb idea)


These things might be good or bad for you but i think the democrats have the most moronic ideas and very poor leadership right now.

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Bush is plannin to make a tax cut on Marriage tax. I completely support this because a person shouldn't be taxed on their marital status. He is tryin to do away with Income tax as well, which will be a burdon lifted off of the chest of Americans.

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Originally posted by CagedCrado

Since you dont understand this, i will try to tell you. These are not the exact things each party stands for, but the cons and pros of each party:


Democrat: Poor leadership, pro abortion, wants higher taxes for average people, support gay rights, support marijuana use, and support giving money to poor people who refuse to work.


Republicans: Smaller Government (to improve economy), anti abortion, flat tax cuts, support family values, getting jobs for the poor, and not meddling with the economy (democrats like to tax big corporations and give their money to the poor, dumb, dumb idea)


These things might be good or bad for you but i think the democrats have the most moronic ideas and very poor leadership right now.


Gay rights is fine. Marijuana, with medical approvement, is great. And those taxes maybe go to poor people who cant find a job because they were born into a very poor family?

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Originally posted by CagedCrado

It dosent cost any money to get a job........


yes,but it costs money to-


-get into college

-to get all the proper school tools and books



So you could get a job..but it'd be so bad you still need money...

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ok so it does cost a little money, but welfare is better a suplement to income, rather than a source of all your income (believe me, im from a place with many lazy bums like this) Eventually you will make money if you try your best, i live with the phylosophy if i can do something anybody else can too, no matter how much easier or harder it is.

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Originally posted by CagedCrado

ok so it does cost a little money, but welfare is better a suplement to income, rather than a source of all your income (believe me, im from a place with many lazy bums like this) Eventually you will make money if you try your best, i live with the phylosophy if i can do something anybody else can too, no matter how much easier or harder it is.


Well unfortunately Crado, some people aren't as fortunate as you to be able to set your mind to something and persevere towards your goal. Believe me, I know people who find it hard, and I hate that I can't help them. Life isn't a walk in the park for everyone you know, you are still making these generalisations of these people. Everyone is completely different, some find things easy to do things, some don't. And these people who don't need all the help that they can get.

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No ones mentioned Texas politics here yet... :)


I didn't vote this year either. The only thing on any candidates agenda seemed to be finding fault with the other candidate or the other cacdidatres party. No one AFAIK had a celar positive stance on any issue.


I somehow got put on the damned Rebuplican mailing list. These jerkoffs kept on sending me hothing but anti-Democratic hate mail. The Democrats don't act much better. Sadly this is the norm in Texas, where all minorities along the border will vote Democrat, but the rest of the state overwhelmingly votes Rebublican, leaving an uninteresting strain of manufactured conservatives rolled out into the government.


I felt that no candidate this year represented me. :(

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