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WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model


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Originally posted by -Tercero-

Okies - I retouched taunt2 - got most of the static out and managed to cut the volume on the instrumentals in the background by a hair as well... wound up with a pretty clean sound...


Awesome, thats one of the better taunts. :)


The head and neck are a tad thick but i wouldn't screw with it too much, like ReIIiK said it might make him look odd if hes too skinny, but i'm sure Tercero wouldn't let that happen.

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Back to the question of TGA or JPG, I seriously think you should go with JPG for anything that doesn't need transparencies. If you don't compress too much, you won't loose any of the quality, and you'll save immense amounts of space. With TGA, you might have a pk3 file of 4+mb, where you can get it down to 1mb or less with JPG. For some people, that still makes a difference when they go to download skins/models. Since you're planning on doing multiple alternate skins for this model, you should definitely go with JPG so you don't end up with a 10+mb download :)

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I disagree with Brad. I would never risk size over quality. I think you should release it as a tga but if there are people who really want it as a jpg then you can send a file that is jpg to them personaly. If there are too many people asking for it then you could always submit a version that is jpg.

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No no, Don't misunderstand, I definitely think quality goes before file size. But the fact is, with the right JPG compression, there will be absolutely zero visible quality loss. My preferred compression is Level 6 in Photoshop, I've done a number of skins with that compression level, and looked very closely at the skin as I compress it for any loss of quality, and I've never seen any. Keeping images as TGAs for game skins if you don't need any transparent bits is just excessive. Tercero, if you have any doubts about it, that's simple enough to solve. When you're finished with the skin, just save them as JPG and try various compression levels, I am willing to bet you will find the results more than satisfactory. You MIGHT see a difference if you were to look at the skinned model really really close (ie, closer than is really possible with a game model), but at normal and even fairly close levels, you're not going to see any difference if you don't go too far with the compression. The difference in filesize is immense, which makes it very much worth it.

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Hey guys, Brad is right. The file size isn't that much of a big deal to me, but he is right. I have Photoshop 7 and there is no difference between tga and compression 6 jpeg. If for some reason you think 6 still isn't high enough quality you can go to 7 or 8. So, there is no exchanging quality for file size. It just exchanges large file size for small file size.

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Here's an update - I went back to work on his face - tell me how I'm doing!


Here's a screenie!



or, if that link's down:



I'm going to push the release date back a bit to redo some parts of his body - I want to get it looking spectacular, especially considering that practically all the other Jedi I make will be wearing his clothes... I don't have an exact estimate for release yet, but it shouldn't push things back too much more. Like I've said before, I don't want to sacrifice quality for speed, and with an extra week or two to work on his clothes, I think that I can both drop the polycount and get them looking better.


Oh, on the .jpg or .tga thing, I agree with BradFu - If I can compress them with a negligible loss of quality I will - the smaller filesizes will make a difference - even in game. I want people with limited video ram to be able to play it too...


Tell me what you think of the changes!

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looking very good, i also prefer u to take ur time make this the best model of all models (except ur future realeases) .


On average how long did it take u to make the head only, fully skinned?




P.S was thinkin mace will be easy, no hair to worry about :p

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