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WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model


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Originally posted by Grafox


How is it not? We are the ones that had to read again and again and again where his site was. If it was just in his sig, I wouldn't mind, I only occaisionally (sp?) read sigs.


Exactly. It's our business because we've been forced to read the spam message in many different threads.


It kills me that he says he posted it for "the people who don't check the threads for updates," yet he puts it ON THE THREAD they don't come to in the first place. How are they supposed to see his link if they don't come to the thread? And if they do come to the thread, his link is worthless because now they know what's going on. It's just stupid and pointless spam.

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OMG just shut up if you reported him then fine he is reported drop the whole silly schabang.. if they delete his posts fine they are deleted.. but constantly whining about what someone posts is very immature.. so he is spammin his website (against the rules) and you are flaming him (also against the rules) so lets get back on topic without these little side turns and twists.. people as individuals will never see the same thing.. so be it move on..

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Luckily I am in a good mood and decided to not close this thread until -Tercero- sent me word of an update. I am receiving valuable computer parts today, which means my own computer will be up and running again. A very simple fix to this whole spamming issue is actually quite simple. There is a tiny, insy little thing called the IGNORE option. If you are tired of what seks03 has to say, then just ignore him, and read the other posts. Simple as that people. So, be glad I don't change my mind after I have to keep reminding everyone, even the regular posters, about the rules. So enough (again) with the bickering and b*tching and actually be of use to this thread and give constructive feedback.

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Originally posted by -Tercero-


On the whole food capsules thing - it depends on what point of the movie you are watching. There is a point in the movie in which Anakin actually has 12 capsules on his belt - 4 on either side of the buckle before the pouches in the front and 4 in the back. There are also a number of promotional shots and design docs (see visual dictionary) that support this. After the Tatooine scene, if I remember correctly, 4 of the capsules on the front left side disappear, apparently having been consumed. Thus, in my efforts to recreate as much from the movies as I possibly can, I will do ... BOTH! - really, just a matter of copy and paste and making a different .skin file - no big deal - iou'll just have to type in a console command to get it, that's all.>.


As far as the capsules being skinned on or modeled on, they will be skinned - they don't protrude enough to warrant their being modeled, and since closeups of the belt are rare, they aren't large enough either. Fortunately, a couple of texturing tricks should help to create the feel of depth and make them stand out a bit regardless.


Sorry I've been away so much lately - both my social life and my computer kinda exploded - but when I get them both back in order I'll be back in full force. Sorry for the delay!


Tercero, Great to hear from you. I hope you got my email for reference pics.


Looking at the promotional pics and VD pics I only see 4 in teh front. Obi-Wan has 4 between the clip and pouch on the back left.


The Anakin shots in the VD show the ones on his right, none on the left. Theres that one shot with Obi and Padme with Anakin and he doesn't even have his pouches but they show that side :p


What points of the movie?


I'm mostly confused on the back. In the RPF boards they say 8 only and Obi has 12 or some such.


Not long till the DVD though :) Hope to figure this out with you! :)


Originally posted by JEDI_Anakin_S

Ah, so you need it for you... I get it now. Hey, if you take any pictures of your costume I'd like to see it when it's done. The one in your avatar looks pretty good.


Well I am gonna start it in January by buting a belt leather pouches instead of resin (the only non screen accurate item) the boots, tabbard, robe and capsules :).


Also if its not spam I can post some of my picture of this costume to share. Let me know Andy and Terc.


The Anakin Costume will be the 2nd in my wanted collection :) An EXPENSIVE addition!





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Originally posted by Primrodo

Well I am gonna start it in January by buting a belt leather pouches instead of resin (the only non screen accurate item) the boots, tabbard, robe and capsules :).


Also if its not spam I can post some of my picture of this costume to share. Let me know Andy and Terc.


The Anakin Costume will be the 2nd in my wanted collection :) An EXPENSIVE addition!


Sounds sweet. And if you want to post pics, it's probably best to do it in the swamp, as everything is allowed there... here it'd be spam.


And if Anakin's costume is the 2nd most wanted, what's the first? :)

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Originally posted by JEDI_Anakin_S


Sounds sweet. And if you want to post pics, it's probably best to do it in the swamp, as everything is allowed there... here it'd be spam.


And if Anakin's costume is the 2nd most wanted, what's the first? :)


Slave Leia ;)


No I had three I wanted. Generic, Anakin Jedi and Luke Jedi. Anakin is teh coolest and going to cost me a mint ;)


Yoda's swamp eh? Maybe I will :)


On Topic...


Um...You skinning the clip Terc too?


LAme yes I know...just don't want to spam..case you haven't noticed my post count and start date :)

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Originally posted by JEDI_Anakin_S


Plus it prevents confusion about what the poster is responding to. This can prevent flamage, which is a good thing. :D


Also helps remembering what you are responding to :)


Man some of you guys are really picky about how to post, lol!

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Originally posted by Primrodo


Also helps remembering what you are responding to :)


Man some of you guys are really picky about how to post, lol!


Well, there are certain posting rules that should be observed, but there's certainly nothing wrong with using the quote button.

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*bows to avatar master Jedi Anakin*


Very well..now to the business..


So it seems that Tercero is not here at the moment?


Hmm..most likely just living out his life :p

In my opinion though..Tercero should start a new thread once he is back on track and has some more time to work on the model.


This thread got way too long...and it's old as hell..(quite smelly as well :p)

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Originally posted by Pnut_Master

*bows to avatar master Jedi Anakin*


Very well..now to the business..


So it seems that Tercero is not here at the moment?


Hmm..most likely just living out his life :p

In my opinion though..Tercero should start a new thread once he is back on track and has some more time to work on the model.


This thread got way too long...and it's old as hell..(quite smelly as well :p)


*Sprays some thread air freshener*


Terc still checks the forum pretty regularly. I saw him just the other day. I would like to know if he's gotten to work on it any more though. An update every once and a while, even if it's just to tell us the status would be nice.

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Well to answer your question, Matariel, like JEdi-Anakin said, we're waiting for Tercero to give us an interesting update for the model...


But as we wait we might as well roast some marshmellows and discuss gay sex O_o


(i dont know where that came from O_o)

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Hey, everybody - I'm still here - I still am checking the forum pretty regularly and I'm still working on the model - I just haven't done anything update-worthy in a while. I've gone back to working on the face a bit (yes, again...), but I think that it's actually a worthwhile thing - he's really looking good now...


Sorry progress has slowed so much - I really don't have any other reason aside of that my life has taken over. My D&D group has taken up a bit of my time lately - two of the former members slept with my ex-girlfriend, one while we were going out, and one within a week of our breakup, so they have been ousted as well as her. You'd think after two years, you'd at least have a little more decency... They have since been replaced, and I have to come up with story to write the old chars out and the new ones in, as well as level up everyone and... oy - it's rewarding - it just takes a lot of time is all.


My jobs have also been working me as much as ever, and now my grandfather makes it a point to occupy every day that I have off making a video of our family history that started off as a little two day project and has balooned into an epic film. Throw the fact that I'm sleeping again into the mix, and I think you all will get the picture.


I'm trying to continue work on the model so that when I get time again, I'll still have the project fresh in my mind. I have a lot of ideas for shaders that I might throw in, and some other little tricks too... Sorry this is dragging on so, my life is too if that is any consolation. My computer works again - at least that's a start... I'll finish what I can when I can, but for right now progress will likely be slow until everything else slows down.


Oh - on the whole off topic thing, just don't reply to off topic posts - sorry - I know that it's kinda my fault too - I used to post a new pic at least every two days, now it's been over a month. :p


*Wishing that THIS was my job...*


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