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WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model


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Actually, Terc has complied a CD of screenshots for me...

from which I am in the process of producing a model time like for you all.

I was going to do this as a nice gesture, and suprise of sorts for those who've been following the models progress.

But since you mentioned it, hold out, and I will have it ready as soon as I get the CD from terc... not a big issue.


Thank you.


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I posted this stuff over in Jolts' Episode 1 Obi-Wan/ Episode 2 Anakin thread, but since some people haven't seen the pics, I'll post here too.


Some people have not been able to see Primrodo's pics, so I copied the pertinent ones and put them up myself. If he objects I'll take them down, but until then...


Remember, these are PRIMRODO'S pictures of Anakin's outfit from Episode 2 - I take no credit whatsoever for these pictures.


Front & Back :

Front 1

Front 2

Back 1


Fabric & Belt :

Fabric 1

Fabric 2

Fabric 3




Boots 1

Boots 2

Boots 3

Boots 4

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I may have saved u from a bit of work with the hilt.


Check out OmniMOD 1.0b. Included is a file called anakinep2hilt.pk3. I opened up the original anakin hilt, kept my master replicas version in front of me and added the appropriate missing pieces, and had the textures redone.. It may be a lil too bright in game, but thats the only real tweaking that needs to be done (maybe making the silver a lil darker.. more chromier.

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Actually those pics I got from someone at the RPF, but he gave me permission to post elsewhere as my own archived pics.


The Psychotic.com seems to be down which is a downer :(


I have tons of anankin reference images. :) I hope these help anyone :)


And thanks Aru-Wen a whole bunch for reposting these for those who cannot see :)

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Originally posted by Seka


God I'm flattered! Compliments are a rare delicacy for me so, thank you guys. And I wouldn't be opposed to receiving more but, Well forums not about me! *chuckles*

However, thanks again.


Aww, but they're so much easier to give to those of the fairer sex who naturally deserve such flattery. :) I may be late on the bandwagon, but still no reason to ignore the obvious. I hope that made your day... I'm going to get flamed for sure. :p


Now for some Tercero ego-boosting!


I've been tuning in and out of this thread for quite a long time... but not because of spam or disinterest. I'm about to go through something similar to what Tercero did a few months back, and that has caused some free time fluctuations. I just wanted to say I understand not only that you want to release such a detailed and pretty much perfect model, but that there are things outside hobbies that you just have to take care of, even if it means letting some people down. It seems like either way, you're letting someone down, but you have to do what you can to make yourself happy again. I'm glad you sound as if things have completely turned around for you in that regard, and now maybe it'll be easier to motivate yourself to really crank this model out!


I'll wait as patiently as could be expected for this model to be released... that's probably the best anyone could do! :p But thanks for putting in the time you do to make JK2 even more enjoyable! Good luck with all of your projects, and with the new girl. :)

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Sheesh people.... Well since no one else seems to be responding to Scouttrooper's question i will. (At least you didn't flame him) Trooper, Tercero as far as i know Tercero has has not run into any serious problems with the model and i don't think he has it tested in game.... anyone want to verify that?

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Atsuri is right as to the status of the model - it's been more problems in my life that have been slowing me up than problems with the model. I have sorta tested it in game - some of you might remember seeing screenies of a silhouette of a previous version of the model in game, but it didn't have UV's and it was a far rougher model than the one that I'm working on now - that was back before the first remodel. I basically just asked Toonces to put it in game for me so I could check how it was deforming and change the model's structure to get it deforming better.


As far as new pics, I'm trying to get him looking a bit more presentable for his next photo-op, but work has been really slowing me up. I'm cutting my hours after Christmas, so I hope to really get back on track then. I'll keep using what little time I do have to work on it until then, but it'd probably be unwise to expect any major updates until the holiday season is over.

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