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Sims Unleashed


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Originally posted by CagedCrado

WTF is sims unleashed? dont they have enough sim games with the other 20?




Yeah, you'd think they'd bloody stop milking their customers like that....


Tried the sims, thought it was a very good game, but I'm just finding the way they try squeeze the last bit out of the franchise a bit silly.

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i bought unleashed about a month ago. To my surprise my bf was the one who became addicted the sims. His guy is now a "criminal mastermind". NE ways to answer your question about unleashed. It adds a lot of new stuff. However this is the only expansion pack I have...so I'm not sure what the others have. The pets are pretty fun. If you have a boy and a girl you can have puppies and sell them. If you're not careful they take them away though. The pets are almost as hard as people to keep happy. Sometimes its just TOO much. They are independent. So you can't tell them to do anything. You spend time training them so they won't pee all over your house. And if you get a dog...until they are potty trained you practically need someone home full time just cuz they pee all over your house! The "old town" has some pretty neat places. But it draines down your friggin health bars like no tomorrow and since the sims don't have DAYS OFF they usually get too tired to go to work. So you can't have them go into the town too often. It did add a lot of new features like new options on ways to talk to people, etc and that is probably the best.

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