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=== How was the hovertrain? ===


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Greetings Rogues! LukA_YJK reporting in...

Rogue15, Redwing, Keiran, Kyle, Darky/Devil Doll how are you all? What news?

I just came to drop some news:

1. My draft version of new RSN design


Also speaking about slogan I think it must be taken from the game. Something like "We did well here today" "Let's go home" "All who shell see it shell know you" ;) "For the freedom of the Galaxy" or why not "Good luck and may the Force be with you!"

2. I accepted proposal of my techers and now teaching programming to newbies. This is cool, of course, but the salary is laughable :D about 70$ in a month...

3. I'm lieutenant in reserve as commander of anti-tank platoon. Seems there will be a war here ;)

"That's all the imperial forces" hey what's up with me ;) Hope to see you all later. Good luck...

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the food was good, it was pizza and was made by Rogue15! but the waitresses took their good old time! ;)



Glad to see you again! :D


I love that design! altho eets has another one that's just as cool. :)


I got a job at pizza hut! It's pretty fun...at the expense of sore feet at the end of the day. :)


may i ask what your avatar is?


Mine is an Elite Vanguard from the Manowars III Mod for Mysteries of the Sith (which i still make levels for, check out the 'Ikhnaton' thread )

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Lynk what an inexcusable mistake! Sorry, I did not forget you of course, I was just in hurry. Also I want to ask about Lujayne, Rogue9, The Master... What about them?

Dark Sad Shadow sorry, your name is very long ;) Hope everything is all-right. You did not talk much...

Rogue15 what a pizza hut? Did not you apply to LucasArts ;) ?

Eets I'll better post at Help/Feedback Forum...


Hope to be back soon in a week :D...

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Rogue15 I'm still here as you see ;) Wow you should write it "Pizza Hut Int'l", what are you doing there? IT manager, Technical director, computer technician or... You did get tat A+ Certificate, did not you? And my question about LucasArts was a joke mainly, but why not? Did you ever try to start as a tester at least?

Sorry, who is that Tyron? I did not recognize...

Eets I better reply at Help/Feedback Forum

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hey Luka...

Any new mods for RS?

Its been a while........ This is Jared....and Tk-421....heheh I had my name changed..so...anyways....I havnt posted in a few months, I was living in a group home for 8 months...and I finally got to go home.:):)

It seems most of the originals here are gone....ah well. How are you doing?

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Originally posted by LukA_YJK

Hey, TK-421 how are you? Thanks I'm still alive ;) Glad to hear you... But I still can not understand, why you "was living in a group home for 8 months"?


this is why:


IHATEDuoalot: hey

RogueFifteen: hwy

RogueFifteen: *hey

IHATEDuoalot: cya in a few weeks

RogueFifteen: why?

IHATEDuoalot: redwign didnt tell u

RogueFifteen: explain please

IHATEDuoalot: ?

RogueFifteen: no

IHATEDuoalot: hmmm

RogueFifteen: of course he didn't...

IHATEDuoalot: some cops are taking us

RogueFifteen: lol

RogueFifteen: why?

IHATEDuoalot: casuse my moms not home

RogueFifteen: ok what happened

IHATEDuoalot: its ing shi

IHATEDuoalot: t

IHATEDuoalot: jeremiah

RogueFifteen: what did he do...

IHATEDuoalot: stood on the roof and thew a pole at jerry

RogueFifteen: geez!!!!

IHATEDuoalot: cut his head open and

IHATEDuoalot: hez fine

IHATEDuoalot: but

IHATEDuoalot: my dad of the neibor that was watching him

IHATEDuoalot: and

IHATEDuoalot: they called the police


IHATEDuoalot: s

RogueFifteen: dang

IHATEDuoalot: now my rats r gonna die

RogueFifteen: ah :-(

RogueFifteen: dude that sux....

IHATEDuoalot: yes it does

RogueFifteen: anything else?

IHATEDuoalot: tell wraith

IHATEDuoalot: to

RogueFifteen: ok..

IHATEDuoalot: not kill me in duel of duels

RogueFifteen: is red going to be gone same amount of time?

IHATEDuoalot: yes

RogueFifteen: k

RogueFifteen: why do u 2 have to go?

IHATEDuoalot: all 9 of us do

IHATEDuoalot: this ing sucks

RogueFifteen: doesn't sound like any of u did anything....darn.....that sux!!!

IHATEDuoalot: nope

RogueFifteen: well, use the force or somethign!

IHATEDuoalot: just no1 over 18 here

RogueFifteen: ah

IHATEDuoalot: i tried:D

IHATEDuoalot: :-D

RogueFifteen: lol

RogueFifteen: man....

IHATEDuoalot: and

IHATEDuoalot: my stupid mom turned off her phone

RogueFifteen: ah

IHATEDuoalot: what an idiot

RogueFifteen: just wonderful....

IHATEDuoalot: so we have to go

RogueFifteen: ah

IHATEDuoalot: :-\

RogueFifteen: :-(

IHATEDuoalot: and i just got a hd too:-( now i can set up my computer

RogueFifteen: man...

IHATEDuoalot: i hate cops

IHATEDuoalot: a bunch of

IHATEDuoalot: stuck up

IHATEDuoalot: s

IHATEDuoalot: hmmm

IHATEDuoalot: well tel the forums we will e gone dont tell them how

IHATEDuoalot: *be

IHATEDuoalot: k?

RogueFifteen: ah...that's going to be very hard.

IHATEDuoalot: hmmm

IHATEDuoalot: y

RogueFifteen: cuz...they'll ask why and i won't deny the truth...


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