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Ep2 Mistakes!


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awww thanks LeXX you're all heart.


anybody notice the scene where ani and padme are eating on naboo? he floats her over a piece of fruit and she "eats" it. that look incredibly weird to anybody else? i cant really describe it but go watch it and tell me what you think.


*btw how're you liking RSN so far? i sense more swampies migrating soon*

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Originally posted by Darth Talliusc

awww thanks LeXX you're all heart.


anybody notice the scene where ani and padme are eating on naboo? he floats her over a piece of fruit and she "eats" it. that look incredibly weird to anybody else? i cant really describe it but go watch it and tell me what you think.


*btw how're you liking RSN so far? i sense more swampies migrating soon*


Uhhhh, what's so wierd? I mean, yeah, people don't usually stab food out of mid-air, sure, but...?

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sorry for not being clear enough. my fault.


i didnt mean when she stabbed it, i meant when she BIT it. look closely at the fruit as she bites it. i think you will see what i mean. she bites the front of it, and like half the fruit snaps off. it just looks... wrong. i dont think they meant to do it like that. i dunno.

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Originally posted by Darth Talliusc

i didnt mean when she stabbed it, i meant when she BIT it. look closely at the fruit as she bites it. i think you will see what i mean. she bites the front of it, and like half the fruit snaps off. it just looks... wrong. i dont think they meant to do it like that. i dunno.


I noticed it too. It's a byproduct of the CGI they used to render the fruit, since Padmé doesn't actually bite anything.

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I agree, it does look very strange, hard to describe why, it just does! Also, when he first cuts the fruit he cuts it in half and the bit he floats over to her is a lot smaller than half of it!


(I'm loving RSN thank you! :D )

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What about the clonetrooper not helping a Lady like Padme to rise up (taking her hand for example) That's BAD manners :p I think it is for the CGI thing, but maybe they didnt thought about it... (because they have made CGI-Real interactions pretty well in that movie...)



Another mistake is shortening the Yoda duel :(

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Originally posted by Andy867

actually LexX, its bad ettiquette to cut a pear in half and try to bite pieces off of that half. So what Anakin did was he cut the fruit in half, but then sliced a thin bit and then floated it over to Padme.


that's funny, I only saw him cut the fruit once!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by PowerBroker

Jango's head should be visible somewhere in the scene with Boba examining his helmet, but it isn't (at least I think it should be lying on the ground near there).


Why would they show Boba picking up his father's head? That would probably make the movie rating go up to PG-13 would it not? Besides, Boba wouldn't want to see his father's decaptitated head, his helmet would be a little easier to look at than your father's head.


Oh, and Jango hit his head while entering Slave 1. (one of the funnier moments of the trilogy.)

Another mistake is making Jango die. He killed the Deranged dark Jedi Komari Vosa who had a freaking cult at her disposal. BIG mistake.

(Oh well, he died fighting at least.)




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Yes the fruit scene seems a little odd (they should not have shown the bite.) But if fact all it utterly perfect until the bite. I love how well is it done when Padme catches the fruit and moves the fork.


The Jango pumping his head on the ship was made intentionally, since he is CGI (i think)


Am i or every time i see this movie i got more amazed by the CGI?!


You know those clone troopers, obi-wan, Mace Windu, Yoda, Jango, the animals....


I think ILM is the only company that has managed to catch the essence in Human movement, but of course they are far off to create a perfect person yet



Did you know that there were two Jedi that are CGI? They fooled me with those. I'm sad i knew the Clonetroopers were all CGI, i would have liked to get amazed (seeing the movie and Believing they were as real as stormtroopers....)


If this movie does not win an oscar, wich one could?

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Originally posted by PowerBroker

- Jango's head should be visible somewhere in the scene with Boba examining his helmet, but it isn't (at least I think it should be lying on the ground near there).


There was never any head, it was just the shadow of the helmet. Two shadows cast by two light sources.

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First, it won't win an oscar because the Academy doesn't like George and George doesn't like the academy. It's all rubbish anyway. Fancy A Beautiful Mind winning over Fellowship Of The Ring!


Anyway, the biggest mistake for me, which no one else has mentioned is in the duel between Dooku, Obi-Wan and Anakin. I know they chopped it around so much, but it's a continuity error all the same. Right when Dooku is about to cut Obi-Wan when he's lying on the ground and Anakin flys in to save him. In the next shot Obi-Wan throws his saber to Anakin and suddenly Anakin and Dooku are halfway across the room, nowhere near close enough for Dooku to chop Obi-Wan.

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That's right, I did notice that!


Did anyone notice that Padme presses a button on her ship to transmit Obi's message to Coruscant and then presses the exact same button to find out where Geonosis is! Damn, that's one intelligent computer lol, one button does everything! :D

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Originally posted by Emon


There was never any head, it was just the shadow of the helmet. Two shadows cast by two light sources.


Look, got your DVD or VHS copy of AOtC, search the scene and pause it. You CAN see a nose and a chin (in fact that shadow is so good it looks like a real Jango side view.)



Lexx, maybe it is the button called 'locate-planets-by-voice'... she says the name and locates the planet..... (very unlikely...)


(about Fellowship of the Ring winning best movie award, i would have not liked it - i'm not saying 'A beautiful mind deserved it- but a movie like that or any like star wars, i think. ALthought it also pissd me off that it won best SFX (AI should have) and Score (AI should have again) - the oscars suck anyway.

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Originally posted by leXX

Did anyone notice that Padme presses a button on her ship to transmit Obi's message to Coruscant and then presses the exact same button to find out where Geonosis is! Damn, that's one intelligent computer lol, one button does everything! :D


yep i noticed that lexxy.


i got a question also. does mace use different sabres in the movie?

when he ignites his sabre at jango daying the party is over his handle i think is metallic. and when he fight with jango and force pulls his sabre i think its the black 1.


am i blind or not?

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Actually, Emon, Starwars.com confirms that the 2 shadows are one of the helmet and the other being the shadow of Jango's decapitated head.


I can't believe what Ebert said about Star Trek: Nemesis though.

Originally posted by SCI-FI Biased Ebert

"There might have been a time when the command deck of Starship Enterprise looked exciting and futuristic, but these days it looks like a communications center for security guards. Starships rocket at light speeds halfway across the universe, but when they get into battles the effect is roughly the same as on board a World War II bomber. Fearsome death rays strike the Enterprise, and what happens? Sparks fly out from the ceiling and the crew gets bounced around in their seats like passengers on the No. 36 bus. This far in the future they wouldn't have sparks because they wouldn't have electricity, because in a world where you can beam matter--beam it, mind you--from here to there, power obviously no longer lives in the wall and travels through wires.



Umm.. HELLO EBERT. YOU NEED POWER TO POWER THE TRANSPORTER!!!!Obviously, Ebert doesn't know a rats ass about electricity, Physics, or basic science for that matter!


anyway, back on Topic, nothing to see here people.

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Originally posted by leXX

That's right, I did notice that!


Did anyone notice that Padme presses a button on her ship to transmit Obi's message to Coruscant and then presses the exact same button to find out where Geonosis is! Damn, that's one intelligent computer lol, one button does everything! :D





LMAO i noticed that and was like ''what the...''

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Did anyone notice that Padme presses a button on her ship to transmit Obi's message to Coruscant and then presses the exact same button to find out where Geonosis is! Damn, that's one intelligent computer lol, one button does everything!


No, it looks more like that button traces where a signal has come from. both times that she presses the button the display shows images of geonisis and obiwans starfighter which is on geonosis.


that button does the same thing both times she presses it.


they must have organised the message to be sent to coruscant before that scene started because the jedi council had gathered and were waiting for it.

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i asked this a bit earlier but as i didnt get a reply i ask it again cause its really buggin me.


does mace use different sabres in the movie?

when he ignites his sabre at jango saying the party is over, his handle i think is metallic.

and when he fight with jango and force pulls his sabre i think its the black 1.


am i blind or not?

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