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Theed Pilot

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Welcome to GB.Com and to LucasForums.

Have a bucket of :maize: on me.

Don't pay attention to what Tie Guy said about the Swamp. If you don't go any where make sure that you don't go to Roguesquadron.net. That place is filled with insane people. :D It is also know as Arsen. That is the forbiden place. If you do go do not disrespect Mr. Weasel. GB.COM is a nice and mellow place. Hope you enjoy your and that your little mind become corrupted. ;)


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Welcome, T Pilot!


Hands Pilot Official Unofficial welcome basket made by my 40 basket-making llamas and 410 elves*



I included the Lava Pit Playset (with real lava!), which is especially good for melting down Jar Jar action figures. Have fun and play safe :thumbsup:

















* = NOT child labor

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Greetings and salutations Oh Pilot of Theed!


We beseech you, stay a while and partake in our discussions and our debates.


As sure as the sun rises each day, I assure you, you shall only learn to love this land as we each in turn have done. You have my word, kind Sir.


But beware the land of Aresen, for there many men have journeyed and never returned. Those who have returned, do so without their wits and their sanity.


The land of The Swamp is verily a land of great bustle and ripe with opportunities, but alas, it is poisoned with great temptations. For those who walk their lands find themselves drawn inexplicably towards the dark ways of spam. Therefore the swamp is only healthy in small doses.


Again, we welcome you to these shores and emplore, nay, insist, you stay here and ensure you place in forum lore next to the greatness of many a foruumer that have come and gone before you, and those of greatness that still walk among us!

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