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I'm your age and I asked without fear and anything like that. Look go up to her ask her if you wanna get something to eat after school. She might say yes if she likes to eat after school. Your no geek. Hey listen those guys are nothing compared to you. Hey they started making fun of me and a girl I liked once. I kicked the litle f**kers ass. Just think like your talking to on of your friends. Hey believe me if she goes with you or not those asses going to start being your friends becuase you showed them you have guts, you have strenth, you have confidence. Hey I used to be a geek now I'm very popular.



So tomorrow this is a order from everyone in this room. Go to her and say "Hey you wanna get anything to eat or do anything after school?" If she says yes make great plans for later. No then you know what to do next time.

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Heh, personally, I'm 19 and way too busy for a girlfriend. However, I'm in a position where I know alot of people (and girls), and if I wanted to, I could ask and they'd say sure! In fact, at college, people were having trouble fidning dates, and I just went to a friend that I knew and asked if she'd go to Fine Arts with me. She got a nice fancy dress, got my suit on, bought her flowers. Nice evening.


It's a nice position to be in. People KNOW you arn't looking around for a girlfriend, so the girls know they can trust you and can "hang out" without worrying about anything, but when the occasion comes up about going on a date, we've built up so much trust, it's no problem at all.


It wasn't easy though, you sacrifice ALOT to get into that position....but it's well worth the award. I used to be the nerdy guy too, but I've grown up looking like any other normal guy, thankfully.

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Aaah..I really miss those days.....


Believe it or not, but the last time I was single for more than a single day (I was "available" for 1 day twice but not during the weekend, so that don't count :D ) was back in 1992!!







I've had 3 girlfriends after that and the fourth one became my wife, so I guess I'm "out of the game" for good..


Damn I miss those times when you were panicing about asking a girl out or even talking to her. It's the same with Christmas: when I was young everything was so exciting and "magic", now it's just.. life. :(


Oh well...enjoy it while it lasts guys...some day you'll notice that ... *sob* .... you're all grown up and...*sob* .... can't play with GI-Joes without people staring at you and... stuff. :crybaby:



One thing about women: Nothing is more appealing to them than a man who is sure about himself. Confidence is the key. (Perhaps because just about every teenager lacks that.. lol! )


But remember: there is a difference between being confident and being a stuck-up, egoistic prick. :)

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Congradulations Flanders. ;)


You know what to do now right? :naughty:


Just messing with you kid.


I also remember the day's of girls but not that I'm married yet. :)


I am in a very happy relationship and I don't have to worry about someone liking me anymore at school. I just walk around very confident and don't need to worry about showing off my stuff.


I was scared though cause we got into this real serious obstacle about 4 days ago( I won't bore you with all the details cause it is far to personal;) )


Luckily everything turned out for good and we're still on our happy way to one day getting hitched.




This isn't the Love Advice thread huh?

Oh well *Shrugs*


Enjoy your time with her Flander's and don't worry about the future right. *Clears throat and begins to sound like Qui-Gonn Jinn*


Don't think, feel. Be mindfull about the future, but not at the expense of the moment. ;)



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