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What is the best place to meet people?

Sherack Nhar

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In your opinion, what is the best accessible (read: free :D) place to meet people online? Online bulletin boards such as this one? MSN Chats? Newsgroups? IRC?


I'm no expert on the matter, but I believe that message boards are the best. Why? Because it's one of the few systems where people who are willing to discuss a specific subject can meet and do just that. For example, while this forum is labelled as Off-Topic, it's pretty much a given that the vast majority of us like Star Wars. That's a plus in my opinion.


What do you think? What is your favored system for meeting new people?

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Originally posted by Rogue15

ya messege boards are perfect places to meet people w/similar interests. :D


Like horrible spelling and grammar? :rolleyes:


Personally, I think any big gathering of people is a good place to meet a new person. Be this at a college orientation or a concert...any place where there is a wealth of people to choose from is probably your best bet.

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine


Like horrible spelling and grammar? :rolleyes:


Personally, I think any big gathering of people is a good place to meet a new person. Be this at a college orientation or a concert...any place where there is a wealth of people to choose from is probably your best bet.


or at work....

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i totally agree. The message board environment is a good way to meet many people. However the messangers are a good way to get to know people more in debth. I don't like chat rooms either. They give me a headache and too many people saying stupid things...hard to carry on a decent conversation. I also like getting emails. That's a good way to get to know people as well.


As for the outside world. I'd have to say work is a really good way to meet people and of course College and through friends. I meet a lot of my friend through other friends. Partys are a fun way to meet people as well.

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Meeting people online huh.....


I would think that a message board is a great place to discuss ideas and talk on topics of interest, but I would think a chating service/chat room would be a better place to actually meet people on a more personal level. Not sure though, never gave it a try or nothing.

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