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Most Annoying Saber Move ( I Reckon)

Lost Welshman

Do you Find the jumping one hit kill Saber move annoying  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you Find the jumping one hit kill Saber move annoying

    • Yes, I hate those unskilled people who think its cool.
    • I just Go online and take whats coming.
    • You Smell, I think that Move Rocks. I cant get enough of it.

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Please dont start arguing with each other about this but please tell me your views. I also realise that no one will reply to this poll, or thread as they dont like my name. Anyway,

All those good saberists out there, do you also get very frustrated with those people using the big slice move that you cannot block. I was dueling someone and they didnt stop doing it, i was just rolling around the floor avoiding and occasionally throwing my saber. This really annoyed me, its much more fun to win a fight by ducking and jumping to avoid blocks, rather than killing with one boring move. If Everyone finds it annoying aswell I will make a mod to get rid of the move for you.

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I find any move that is endlessly repeated to be annoying. But you have to understand that people will use WHAT WORKS. If it's DFA, or backstab (when that was effective) thats what people are going to use.


It's all a moot point anyway, since ProMod came out. DFA isn't such a devastating hit. It's easily avoided, and it leaves the attacker wide open for a good strong yellow counter attack which would put them in a pretty bad situation -if it didn't just kill them.


Yeah, another shameless plug for ProMod -I know. But hey, if we were all using it we wouldn't need to be having discussions like this one!

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Originally posted by Syfo-Dyas

Yeah, another shameless plug for ProMod -I know. But hey, if we were all using it we wouldn't need to be having discussions like this one!


OT: Promod is fine and all, but I don't see any servers :(


Yes, I use ASE and all the servers are far away in the states with a great ping of 300.... bummer.

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The worst thing that could happen in a duel is that you unintentionally do a DFA (jumping while swinging with red). And an unintentional DFA is the only DFA anyone should be seen doing while dueling!


You could just as well walk up to the opponent and say: "go ahead give me a nice lunge in the back! Or perhaps a medium slash + a kick? Take your pic."


In an insane FFA DFA's are an easy way to rack up kills, but that's just because there are dozen people jumping around madly - everyone can't keep an eye on all the players at the same time and you can get away with risky moves. And even though you get killed, you still score some frags in the process.


Yes, spamming is boring and lame, but spamming the 1.04 DFA can't even be compared to 1.04 kick-spamming / 1.03 (pull)backstab-spamming / 1.02 DFA-spamming.


DFA's shouldn't really be a problem. Step aside and punish the dumb bastard.


But what I love are the 1.03-guys who have joined 1.04-servers and continue assfighting without realizing that the move was nerfed. It's like: "WTF? He turned his butt at me?! And now he is charging down the corridor hitting the floor with his saber?! What the....OH! Of course! An Assfighter! Welcome. Here's a combo of 3 strong slashes in your back, enjoy :) )

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To be honest, I dont really like the saber fighting system in JKII, I mean imagine yourslef to get a lightsaber in your stomach or back, would you survive? noooooooo. But in JKII those hits are just little scratches on you, and thats why I find Red (strong) the msot effective stance (I´m no Red DFA Spammer tho ;) ). Thats why I love Promod, since it makes Blue (light) and Yellow (medium, wich also is my favorite stance) effective, to bad theres so little Promod servers tho :(

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Thanks everyone. I think my problem was that when you roll out of the way from DFA you are too far away from the enemy to get a good attack in. As for the person who hates the saber combat, imagine sabers did realistic damage (like the cheat does in SP), then your player will be killed with the slightest touch of the saber. Maybe if someone makes a more realistic, fast action blocking system. If this was made then you would have to attack your opponent when they are weakened, maybe a stamina bar could be added and as the stamina lowers the blocking abitlity decreases.

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DFA is highly avoidable. In normal (basejk) servers, its just makes the player more vunerable by exposing their body for a long time while landing :rolleyes:


What I hate most is in VAM servers, and ppl use those "special commands :D" to jump out of a DFA very quickly...very cheap IMHO.

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NEARLY everything in the game has a counter. This one's? Easy!


1. Just side step and blue lunge/red swing/kick them in the side


2. Just roll to the side and push them off a nearby cliff


3. Just push them back before they get to you


People spamming this move is one of the EASIEST type of people to kill.


Instead of people complaining about things, they need to learn to counter it. No matter WHAT you say about it, it is never going to be changed...ever. Be constructive, not destructive.

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When someone DFA me, i start a horizontal red swing just when they jump. Then they land and receives my saber in the head :D


But if i have alrady started charging against him i kick him backwards so that his DFA hits the ground in front of me. Thats funnier but riskier.

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Like syfo, I to can't help but say that all the problems with the moves being spammed or nerfed is corrected in promod (SHAMELESS PLUG, now go get on art's server, and be careful, for it is a slaughterhouse for all of us...*blame laz!*), b/c if you spam a move, you're going to quickly find that the other players will soon learn to expect it, and they they'll counter it, then you'll end up with a golan ball slamming into your face, or find a saber up your ass. Balance is the key to promod, and the moves (and the styles to some extent. further, and probably final saber balance will be reached with ProMod 3.1) are balanced. Yellow is still the prefered style over all, but I've found myself switching according to the situation and doing (relatively in comparisson with myself, b/c if compared to the promod regulars, I SUCK :p) better than I would've in 1.04. Besides, the class system just ROCKS! Come on into art's official server (use qtracker or something like that since the ingame browser seems to really be screwing up big time. do this after downloading 3.0, though, so if the ingame browser works, you can search specifically for ProMod 3.0 servers) when laz isn't around (if he is, please don't discouraged b/c he naturally chat kills and does other dishonorable pathetic stuff, even though he's a competant saberist, he just is an ass as well) and we won't bite . . . badly. You'll just get your ass handed to you . . . kindly (hey, it happens to me all the time and I still have fun).


The key is to NOT SPAM a move. Rather, come up with several different moves in different style which work for you, and use them in their appropriate situation, and you'll keep your opponent on his toes. As for facing a spammer, then all you need to do is figure out how to avoid him (for the 1 hit red DFA chop, use a good strong level 3 push [pull in that situation is obviously suicide], level 3 grip, side roll, immediate full power force jump, or send a rocket with his name on it sailing into his face [probably will kill you as well, but it balances out as you get +1 and a -1, and you humiliated the baka as well, so you win]) and do it.



~Sir Brass :D

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