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3-d point'n'click?

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Try to keep off the spam, Gubernatorial threepwood.


And SamNMax: you can always delete the double post yourself, or at least edit your old post to include the new information.


But anyway: yes, it can work. Also see Discworld Noir. The problem is that it's not as "impressive" as the EMI style, apparently.

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Guber, Gabez is a mod, and as such has much better understanding of what spam is. Are you sure you aren't getting forums and chat rooms mixed up?


Anyway, yeah, Discworld Noir is cool, but was unfortunately bug-riddled. However, if the game were bugless, it would have been the finest adventure game to have graced out screens in a long time, Grim Fandango aside.

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Gab: I would count spamming as some poster who's had a hard time in the real world deciding to take out his angst by annoying the other posters in the thread


Unlike some other posters who I'd like to name (but they would just hate me more and are in higher places than I am) Gubernatorial threepwood hasn't got my goat at all. He wasn't annoying the other people, just putting in his part and interacting with them



Well anyway, you're going to call me a spammer if I don't write something relavent so:


I've never seen a game that does this. Are there any decent ones, graphics and gameplay wise?


How would one move the mouse in and out of the screen (ie. on the 'z' axis)? What if the player would want Guybrush to enter a hidden entrance which had a bit of scenery in front obscuring it?

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Personally I'd like to see real-time 3D background with 3D characters, but in 3rd person and with point-and-click interface. Like how that old Time Commando game that nobody knows about did, but with REAL 3D background instead.

Imagine the camera following and rotating about 3D characters in true 3D space... (without having to control the camera directly - the game script would be in charge of the camera, not the players)

I think I've typed enough "3D" for the day.

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Yes entirely. If you did a scripted 3D camera that behaved like it was on a loose track, it would be very very nice. Eternal Darkness on Gamecube makes good use of a set camera system (sometimes it makes horrible use). You could use this approach to not only have a very nice cinematic environment, but also to do 3D versions of the classic SCUMM pans through the town as you walk through (have the camera follow Guybrush from a distance) that were so missing from EMI.


I personally think the next MI game should be realtime 3D with realtime controls instead of point and click, too.

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Originally posted by jannar85

Monkey Island will never suit 3D. End of story. They can't create the wonderful cartoony look, like they did in CMI. 3D in EMI looked bad...


The first 2 games (especially the second game) weren't very cartooney at all, they were pretty realistically proportioned with a couple exceptions, and I personally preferred this look. I think EMI looked bad because it tried to replicate CMI, or worse, tried to take it even further in the direction of goofy-cartoon look (for instance, every building bulges out like a mushroom from a small bottom to a big top... even CMI isn't this goofy and ridiculous), which is bad for 3D... If they'd instead tipped the scales back the other way I think they could have produced some exceptional results.


As for cel shading, I think it should be avoided. Maybe a sort of half-assed cel shading would be good. Some approach that still allows the characters clothing to be detailed and textured, but still draws the nice hard sharp cartooney shadows (instead of the really blurry weird shadows seen in EMI)... yeah.

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I think the look of World of Warcraft is suited perfectly for the translation of the first two MI games' graphical style into 3D:


screenshot here


and here

and my favorite


These are the stuff I want to see in the next MI game - I think the quality of the backgrounds in EMI was limited by their effort to capture the cartoony atmosphere of CMI in 3D, and I felt it was too empty and sterile (some things just don't go together well). Had they chose to make it a bit more moody and realistic like in older MI games, people might've liked it better.

IMHO, of course.



Darn it Jake! You posted exactly what I had in mind while I was fishing for the WoW screenshots.


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Yeah, 3Ds come on since EMI, and I think it can now be used more effectively to illustrate the Monkey Island "feel". Personally I would like to see a more detailed and realistic approach in Monkey Island 5.


Originally posted by bucket-o'-mudd

Gab: I would count spamming as some poster who's had a hard time in the real world deciding to take out his angst by annoying the other posters in the thread

I wasn't picking on Gubernatorial threepwood in a general way, just that a simple post of "lol damn" suggests Spam to me. Your definition is fine, but I also think of it as the means of getting more points and posts.


Well anyway, you're going to call me a spammer if I don't write something relevant
Nonono, what you said was very relevant and interesting. :) But you have to draw a line somewhere, and "lol damn" falls way under in my opinion. Sorry to keep using you as an example, Gubernatorial threepwood, just trying to make a point here. :)


Anyway, I don't think there's anything else to say on that. Back to topic please.

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Originally posted by The Feral Chicken

There were a few bugs...the game always crashed in certain places for me, and whenever I opened the notebook.


hmm, didn't for me, it was actually a pretty good game, nicely done, start out with something small and build it into something huge, that's true Pterry style.


Originally posted by The Feral Chicken

Anyway, I like the GRIME engine; I just don't think it was very well implented into EMI.


that's because they used LUA, hence the name change of the bar. that is also why even the newer versions of scumm revisited can't get into EFMI when it can get into the GRIME engine of grim fandango.


but to keep relevent to the topic in hand, it would be okay to have point 'n' click with £D charchters, but personally, i like the 2d characters better.

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i agree with neil. i hope mi5 is just like mi3



LUA bar? wots a LUA?


its moon in portuguese. which really sucked in the portuguese version (from wot my friends told me. i have the english version), cause gb is like "moon bar, wots 'moon'" and they were all like "duh!"

anyways, heres some useless trivia. have fun

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LUA is just the scripting language they used. I'm pretty sure Grim used this too. Theres not a huge difference between EMI and Grim's engines... I guess EMI used a different model format.


I think where EMI went wrong was with the use of all of those static backgrounds. I mean, it's fine for some moments, like more cinematic conversations, and inside buildings... but... A Monkey Island essential is the single map screen that goes down into the vast really nice multiple-screen-scrolling towns... EMI didn't have anything like that and instead of the vast beautiful screen-spanning towns it did things like try to cram it all onto one screen... yeah ack. If anything they at least need SCROLLING next time around :), but I think full 3D would be the best.

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