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Never Winter Nights


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Apparently we have a lot of NWN players in this forum. I have been thinking of picking up this title sometime, but I am not sure. I thought it would be a good idea to make a thread where people can discuss it, plan to play online, share files, and maybe convience some of us who dont have the title to join.



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Well, to be perfectly honest, I just got it for Christmas from my brother! So , I actually have yet to play the game (It's at home still in the box! I hate my busy life!).


But I have seen it played, and read up on it. It's supposed to be a pretty immersive storyline. The graphice pretty nice, but apparently, the greatest aspect is the Game and campaign building tools. Supposedly, you can make entire campaigns from teh ground up and play them online, making the replay value incredibly high! Escpeccially considering this is a completely 3D rendered RPG title!


So, yes, I have it, but I still have yet to play it! :D

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I just got a copy of it and I'm hooked! It's the new and improved crack. ;)



What if we actually made a Legends of the Spam campaign? :eek: I think we could! How awesome would THAT be?


Anyone who's still not sure about getting this, spank yourself while you're running out the door to get it! Sherack had to convince me to get it and I'm ever so glad he did! It's only 40 bucks and I bet you could find it cheaper if you looked around. Just don't get a used copy of it!

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Yeah, i've been eyeing this game for a long time, like ever since it came out. It sounds awesome, but i can't get it! I'm so mad. My computer sucks, has i think the absolute minimum requirements if even that. I don't want to risk getting it and not having it work until i get a new comp, which is who knows when. I've tried to get the demo but it let me install it for some reason, so that didn't work. It's very frustrating.

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Could someone plz tell me a bit more about Elder Scrolls III Morrowind? Because, I am thinking of getting a good RPG (not hack&slash, mind you, real RPG)


Is it only singleplayer game? Only multiplayer game? Do you have to pay to play on MP? Is it true RPG? And most important: Is it fun?

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Morrowind is very taxing on a comp...just an early warning...My friend bought it and I got sick of watching the fps drop to incredibly low levels so went to sleep...


Anyway...I got NWN...I've been hounded from day one! Havn't even beaten the single player...been playing MP like crazy...but when I can get in SP sessions they are great...after I beat it...I'll probably beat it again...then I'll play a d/loadable campaign...soooooo many to choose from...

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hmm, I too own this game... I have started out a character and got fairly far into it before being distracted by something else and haven't gotten back to play anymore...I know little about multiplayer b/c I've never done iton NW, but I'd be willing to give it a shot w/ some friends :)

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Morrowind is a great game, but not a game for everyone. It comes with a Construction Set, and there is already an expansion.


It is a pure single player game (no multiplayer, one reason I bought it, hate MMRPG). You can do whatever you want, kill anyone and anything. You also can pick up basically everything. It is completly open ended.


Finally, there is a plethora of user created mods which add to the game.


Morrowind is fun, especially to edit. :)



Combat can get a little redunate.

NPC are somewhat Generic (However there are mods that change that)

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