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Favorite game genres?


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What's everybody's preference for games, doesn't have to be sw though.


I love


First Person Shooters

RPGs (some of them, not the ones based soley on magic/wizardry)

Action/3rd peson


I have an xbox and mech assault and turok are the most-played games, followed by Starfighter, which is a very cool star wars game. I'm waiting for Fable/Project Ego, B.C., and Knights of the old republic to come out for Xbox this year. =]


I play FFVII on my Playstation One. That game is awesome, and is also the first rpg i've really gotten into, haven't beaten it yet, only had it for less than a year!

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My favorite genre is FPS (I'm playing Metroid Prime right now) but I really want to get into RPGs. I'm going to get the new Zelda and I'll get KOTOR when it comes to PC.


Although it's not really a genre, I like all kinds of multiplayer games. If I can beat my friends in any type of competition, it's all good for me. It could be RTS, FPS, or sports, I don't care!



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