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So I'm snowed in...

Darth Homer

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the one time we got snow this season, it barely even made our yards look pretty. the stupid weather people kept saying, "oh, it's gonna snow soon" or "we gotta good chance of snow tonight", but it never did!!


*joins fergie and artoo w/ flamethrower*


just bring some of that snow over here and i'll take vare of it for ya!



P.S.- ok, this is the low of all lows. i just got a pop-up for a pop-up eliminator. what is this world coming to?! :mad::confused:

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Temperature ceilings for me would be -16C (0 F) to +30C (somewhere between 50-100 F).


God, 0 F is that cold that it:


Litteraly stings your cheecks and ear tips. Ouch.

Freezes any soap bubbles you blow, turning them into hovering ice balls (for real).

Freezes your tongue stuck to iron pipes you should for some reason lick (has to be embarrasing).

Numbs your hands, fingers, toes, and ear tips, so that for example turning a key in a lock becomes hard due to the lack of sensation in your fingers.


30+ C is so hot that


It thought me south TX was not the right place to leave a chocolate bar in your pocket :D... ugh..

It kills me slowly. I'll die when my Ice Spirit leaves my body for Norway :p.

Kills athletes exercising too hard.

And me :).

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- 40 F is -40 C as well. I don't think anybody on this forum can beat that, unless they live in antartica >_>


At this temperature, you're past the stage where you don't feel your face; it actually HURTS. You know when you take a big sip of something really cold and it makes the front of your brain hurt? That's the same feeling, except it's all over your face and it doesn't go away...


And I'm not talking about staying long periods of time outside, like one hour or more. It starts at maybe five minutes or less after you went outside. And it won't stop until you go back in a warm place.


I don't understand how many homeless people manage to survive ONE night like that... imagine a whole winter!


EDIT: I should mention that this summer we beat a record by reaching 104 F (40 C) with the humidity factor... Crazy country -_-

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OOO THE WIND!!:eek: :eek: :eek: Numerous wind chill warnings, temps below zero, and the wind chill under 10 degrees farhenhiet, where's the winter thaw???:confused: . At least we haven't seen a major Winter Storm since the beginning of January (Snow day!!!). It's a trade off but I'd rather be seeing snow than experiancing this freezing weather. *shivers*

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EDIT: I should mention that this summer we beat a record by reaching 104 F (40 C) with the humidity factor... Crazy country -_- [/b]



104 with humidity factor? That is weak. Its like 104 the day before it snows crazy weather. But with hmidity especially around my house where 95'll make ya choke with all the humidity. The hottest I can ever remember without humidity is 110 F But then the coldest I remember it was like -4 F.



And for you C people that is 43 C high and a losery -19 C as low

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Ok, Tomorrow it is supposed to be like between 13 to 35 C in Flroida. And they closed like 4 counties worth of schools. CLOSING SCHOOLS BECAUSE IT IS COLD! Geeze, what a bunch of idiots.


hmm.. I wonder what this box that makes heat was invented for? We'll never know. . .


I guess I wouldn't be complaining if MY school was closed. . . but of course our principle cant be cool. Nono, he has to have a regular school day. It's not that bad, though another 3 day weekend would be cool. All the other schools will have to make it up. We wont. While we are relaxing during Spring Break, they have to stay an extra day.

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

I know it may not be much to some of you people, but in SC, this is a once a year (sometimes not at all) experience.



Must be nice. See I live in the midwest, and the past two months it has been a frigid Antartica nightmare. I have made it my mission in life to get as close to the equator as possible and stay there.

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Originally posted by Lord Fergie

Sherack You said it was -40 C(-40 F) at 6:21 Pm EST


I just looked it up At 10:00 Pm EST it is -18 C (0 F)


I think your just tryin to make yourself cold:eek:

It wasn't that cold when I was writing that message, it was actually the night before. I had just seen The Ring with some friends and when we got out of the theater we noticed the temperature...


I don't lie...


We're actually getting back on track now. It's -13 C right now, with not a whole lot of wind outside.

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- 40 F is -40 C as well. I don't think anybody on this forum can beat that, unless they live in antartica >_>


North Norway is as far north as Antarctica, so is Greenland, Iceland, Norwegian Svalbard, and North Russia. All cold places :shiver smiley:


Ok, Tomorrow it is supposed to be like between 13 to 35 C in Flroida. And they closed like 4 counties worth of schools. CLOSING SCHOOLS BECAUSE IT IS COLD! Geeze, what a bunch of idiots.


Depends on. There could be a lack of funding in the school sector and they had to close the schools because of poor ventilation or non-functioning heater. Happened in Norway several times.. :(

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*bashes head*


I can't remember the last time I saw 5-6 inches of snow...maybe back when I was 6-7...hmmm...ancient times...I've never seen a foot of snow in my life and recently the snow just hasn't been falling. Last year was the first time in 4 years that we had gotten snow. This year we got a tiny flurry and we are suposedly getting snow this weekend (prays for snow so he can actually get some sleep because history project is depriving Fergie of sleep for the weekend)


Arky is just known for its heat and humidity. Average temp in high 90s over the summer with 100s everyday occurances then humidity is tacked on top of that and we all die horrible deaths on top of burning asphalt...I really want to move to some colder state...either that or somewhere to get away from the dadgum humidity:evanpiel:


*tosses grenade into hoard of people playing in the snow*

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Originally posted by darthfergie

*bashes head*


I can't remember the last time I saw 5-6 inches of snow...maybe back when I was 6-7...hmmm...ancient times...I've never seen a foot of snow in my life and recently the snow just hasn't been falling. Last year was the first time in 4 years that we had gotten snow. This year we got a tiny flurry and we are suposedly getting snow this weekend (prays for snow so he can actually get some sleep because history project is depriving Fergie of sleep for the weekend)



mAYBE YOU SHOULD GETG OFF THE COMPUTERR b/c I've seen snow last yr, and the yr before that we didn't have power for a week because of ice, the yr before that it did snow but very little

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It snowed 2 years ago, and quite much too. I measured 14 inches in my back yard. I remember it well because it snowed and we got out of school on Thursday and Friday, and Friday was my birthday. So it was an awesome day, cause by then the roads were quite driveable. :D


*Lobs a grendade at the Carolinas which stole the precious snow headed for Arkansas*

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so far i got 1 snow day and 2 delays. last major snowfall for me in NJ was in December and we got, ohh lets see, maybe 7 or eight inches since then its been 1 inch on and off. oh and we got low temps here too. high 20 low 10. for the first time in a while we have ice. Last year it was 40-50. i dont really mind the low temp as long as its above 0. i walk to the bus stop with 1 layer pants, 1 layer shirt or sweater, and a coat. what really sux is the lack of snow during the cold temps...

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