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To buy, or not to buy. that is the question. . .


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Ok, I cant decide, should I buy War Craft 3? or should I save my money? i canr decide. i played the demo and i actually thought the game was good. i thought it would be a piece of crap. thing is, i'm saving for SWG, but that's not for 3 more months. I can make up the money I need for the game in like 2 weeks. Is WC3 good? should I buy it? Can you give me a few reasons why I should/should not buy it?



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If more people buy WC3, then God help us all. :eek:



1) Unique sides

2) Great campaigns

3) This one depends on wether u like cartoony graphics or not.



1) **** gameplay

2) Bloody heroe spells make game a clickfest

3) Graphics- Aarrghhh!

4) Limited otions makes this game perfect for bed-time.

5) VERY limited pop cap.


Go figure.

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What about The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Rings for PC? Is it any good? i dont think they released a demo, so that's why I am asking. And before anyone says that it sucked because it wasn't based on the movie, I know and love the book, so you can rule that "con" out.


Thanks again.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

What about The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Rings for PC? Is it any good? i dont think they released a demo, so that's why I am asking. And before anyone says that it sucked because it wasn't based on the movie, I know and love the book, so you can rule that "con" out.


Thanks again.


I wouldn't recommend that unless you're a fan of 3rd person adventures. BIG FAN.


I played the demo and honestly thought it was boring :(


Warcraft III is great! :D

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Rhett: I tried to download the Neverwinter Nights Demo, but I cant find any place that uploads faster than 100Kb/s. Since I have DSL, I'm not gonna download anything that takes like 1 or 2 hours whenn I can get it for like 20mins if a place would upload fast enough. . .


krkode: Can you tell me where you got the demo?


and I got FOCOM for like 10 bucks a long time ago, besides a few problems, I thought it was an ok game.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Rhett: I tried to download the Neverwinter Nights Demo, but I cant find any place that uploads faster than 100Kb/s. Since I have DSL, I'm not gonna download anything that takes like 1 or 2 hours whenn I can get it for like 20mins if a place would upload fast enough. . .





Impatient, aren't we? Just let the download sit there for an hour or two and it'll be done. What's the big deal?

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

What about The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Rings for PC? Is it any good? i dont think they released a demo, so that's why I am asking. And before anyone says that it sucked because it wasn't based on the movie, I know and love the book, so you can rule that "con" out.


Thanks again.


I'm not so sure it'll be all that good. The console versions sputtered and died quickly. I personally love WCIII...but like Rhett said...TRY NEVERWINTER NIGHTS. It's my current addiction. I got GTA: Vice City, Bounty Hunter, TimeSplitters 2, SOCOM Navy Seals, Kingdom Hearts, and some others for X-mas (well me and my brother) the only comp game we got was NWN. I havn't played my PS2 in weeks.

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Rhett: I tried to download the Neverwinter Nights Demo, but I cant find any place that uploads faster than 100Kb/s. Since I have DSL, I'm not gonna download anything that takes like 1 or 2 hours whenn I can get it for like 20mins if a place would upload fast enough. . .


Don't make me kick your tail-end to Tucson boy. :mad: This is the perfect example of a stupid broadbander. He has no sense of respect for the speed of his modem. 2 hours is nothing. I've waited 2 hours for a single song I was downloading. And your complaining about the difference between 2 hours and 20 minutes. I hate you stupid broadband people. If you have a broadband and you act like this call me. I'll come over to your house and give you swift kick in the rear. I hate broadbanders who can't sit down and wait. You should be forced onto a 56k for 3 months... minimum. :mad:


If I ever get a broadband I'm taking the broadbanders oath which I'm making up on the fly. :rolleyes:


I, having acquired my incredibly fast broadband modem,

will respect the common dial-upper.

He waits much longer for much less than me,

and he can't even play internet games at a decent speed,

I will always respect the 56k modem and never degrade it unfairly,

this I promise until the day 56k becomes extinct.


You just wait, if I ever get broadband I'm pledging this oath. :(


No offense to personally you StarWarsPhreak, I just always blow up on people like you.

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nice oath. :D i just wish more people went by it. us 56K'ers got it hard. staying up long into the night just to get one single item to bring us joy, when the broadbanders just zip right in there and download it, clogging up the servers for something they'll use for 5 minutes then put in the recycle bin with the rest of the downloads. you can never trully appreciate a download unless you wait 2 hours for it anyway. to download something, i gotta walk 5 miles in the snow and five miles back, uphill both ways so quit yer wining! i'm sick of it. stupid broadbanders... :mad:


just joking! sorta... ;)

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You tell 'em Rogue.


Anywho, i dled the LotR: FotR, and basically, it sucked. And neverwinter is awesome. If i wasn't such a Star Wars Freak as I am, I would get it, but I'm trying to save up for SWG and KotOR in the summer. Man... the wait is killing me!




Where's a time machine when you need one?

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

Just how?


Mommy, do I have to? :(;)


There's a great fun factor about it. More fun than Lotr:Fotr atleast, i felt. It's quite original, pretty neat graphics, nice story, and an engagingly fun multiplayer experience with so many stats on the ladder site that it's mindblowing how they keep track of so much stuff.


But then again - we're waivering. Music is stunningly awesome (to me).


You say "3) This one depends on wether u like cartoony graphics or not." I don't see how any game nowadays doesn't have cartoony graphics. Honesly, i would call Generals, AoM and Age of Empires also cartoony - just a wee bit more realistic cartoony, i guess, but it's all good. The land layout and fountains and other scenery in WC3 is eye candy, again, maybe not for you, but to me, yes.


You also say "2) Bloody heroe spells make game a clickfest" To that i say, true, but the fastest clicker isn't necessarily the best player and the slowest clicker isn't necessarily the worst player. One doesn't need to be the best at everything, and your opponent beating you by a .3 second faster click also makes for an enjoyable experience (maybe not for you, but for me) since the game will have atleast been close. Atleast you don't get flooded by hundreds of Knights like in AoK. Getting flooded by Knights usually ruined my day :|


Anyway, I DO think WC3 is an enjoyable experience...so it's great. :)


And Artoo: Trust me, i understand you. I've used a 14k before and it's not fun. But today, i'm ahead of most, and I hope you can join us one day. But till today, i still respect the dialupper as much as i do my parents. :) So don't hate me for being a broadbander ::p

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If you played the demo and really enjoyed it, then go ahead and grab yourself a copy. I play it every now and then. Its a completly different feel from other RTS games I have so when I get tried of them I switch, and when I get tried again, I switch back. Its a vicisous cycle.


I remember when I have a 56k modem. I would even have to wait an entire weekend and some to finish downloading material I needed. I love my cable connection now, and I will never return.....

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WC3 is brainless. Well for a start it's not even RTS, it's more RTS/RPG. Can't blame a game for it's choice of genre, but it's a factor for consideration.

If u want WC3 go and play WC2. IMO, I have rented WC2 and played the demo of WC3 and the amount of features for a sequel quilify more for an X-Pack.

Please list the number of options u have in WC3.

From what I have learned here is mine:

1) Build more units than ur enemy.

2) Click, click and click more to turn the game into a clickfest of heroe spells

3) Let ur teammates do the clicking.

4) VERY BASIC sige and guerrilla warfare (based on the small pop.cap) In fact they are so pathetic they are like the "trading" in Black and White. But Black and White made up by far with other options.


Here are options for the OLD game AoK:

1) Siege warfare! Catapults, rams and trebuchets, oh my!

2) More resources

3) Generally larger number of units available

4) Research

5) Op. cap about 3 times WC3

6) Trade with ur allies


Not to meantion the fact that the ancient game Civ2 has better graphics!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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Well, I guess graphics are an extremely opinionated thing. You may not like them, i certainly like them - so there - all that matters now is if the person we're trying to convince likes them or not.


As for the AoK comparisons. True, there is a wider variety of units, but that's what makes the game worse for some people - like me. Again, you like more units, i like fewer units - so again, another opinionated matter.


So based on these, SWphreak, you can make your decisions on what YOU prefer of the things Crazydog and myself have just explained :)

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