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SuperBowl Comercials


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I liked the Budweiser commercial where they are having a strong man competition and they have to haul a refridgerator full of beer. Then next thing you know people who were in the audience start to haul it away and then a midget comes and hits the guy that was hauling and starts to make with it and then you see a old man with a cane come and start to drag it. Then the old man is with the fridge and the strongmen, midget and other guy are standing there and the old man is like "Who's first?" with the cane in his hand like he is about to give out some beatings.

That was my favorite. I also liked the one with Ozzy. I was like :rofl:



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Originally posted by Ratmjedi

I liked the Budweiser commercial where they are having a strong man competition and they have to haul a refridgerator full of beer. Then next thing you know people who were in the audience start to haul it away and then a midget comes and hits the guy that was hauling and starts to make with it and then you see a old man with a cane come and start to drag it. Then the old man is with the fridge and the strongmen, midget and other guy are standing there and the old man is like "Who's first?" with the cane in his hand like he is about to give out some beatings


I think I had seen the strong man before like last yrs Super Bowl

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i know i'm a little late, but i liked the one where that guy sees another guy pick up a shell and hold it to his ear and say to two women something about how the oceans telling him they need to have a bud with him. then the guy walks away with the women and the one watching picks up the shell and tries it on two other women, but then a crab sticks it's claws out and grabs his ear and latches on to his face. it's hilarious! :D

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