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Space Shuttle Columbia Has Broken Apart Upon Re-Entry

Boba Rhett

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Or at least that's what has all but been confirmed. The shuttle is missing and people have filmed debree falling out of the sky. I don't really have anymore news about it yet. I'll keep this updated. My thoughts and prayers go out to the friends and family of the seven astronauts.

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They think that it was caused by a piece of heat shielding that was ripped off at launch. That's not too uncommon but they think it then caused a large portion of the shielding to be ripped off upon re-entry. The debree hit one of their wings and the shuttle started to break up. Even if it hadn't of broken up, with that much heat shielding being ripped off the heat reached the inner cabin... :(

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I hate to say it, but what does NASA EXPECT to f****** happen? They send those shuttles up multiple times, and all of them are based on the same design from 20 d*** years ago!!! I'm surprised that it took this long for another disaster to happen.

They need a severe redesign if they're going to keep sending those things up.

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well, if they keep sending them up, they obviously have a fairly good design. and how many things like this have happened in, say, the past 5 years? this is the only one i can remember (there may be more, i just don't remember them). so they're not that bad. but i do agree that they should redisign them. this is just sad. 7 people just died. :(

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This is tradgic and upseting. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the crew and their families.


-=History of the shuttle=-


The Columbia was a part of NASA's orbiter fleet. In fact, this was its first member. It was launched on 4/11/81 (day I was born, that is how I know). This was the first time a shuttle could be launched into space and reused. Challanger, Discovery, and Atlantis were all added to the fleet soon after in order. 17 years ago (almost to the date, 1/28) the challanger exploded on lift off. There had been no other shuttle acidents in 20 years before that one. The Enduevor was then created to replace this shuttle craft. It was a more modern craft, and had more capabilites. The Columbia had been upgraded with the features with the Discovery and Atlantis on a 2 year plan to be upgraded with the same features.

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Enterprise was the very first shuttle, though Columbia was the first to go into space...it was named Enterprise b/c NASA had so many write-ins from trekkies that they gave in, don't believe me, read it HERE


so technically speaking, Columbia was the first true space shuttle, with Enterprise just a test vehicle


just fyi

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Redesign is useless at this stage... they dont have the technology to create a more relyable spacecraft... 113 missions... only 2 losses... thats not that great but its not that bad considering the forces that are involved, as for heat shielding... it falls off all the time and it dosent cuse alot of trouble, it is a problem tho and needs to be fixed... the age of the rocket is nearing its end, but the shuttle is the best possible design to be used with a rocket... until the technology is updated to the point where it is propelled by *o god i forgot the term* this is going to happen, but it is all part of the job description


with challenger the trouble occured at a different phase in the launch *duh* ... this wasn't ever thought to be a problem

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I'm very sorry this all happened. I just really don't feel an emotional impact from it for some reason. I guess I just hav the mentality that with all these missions from NASA something like this was bound to happen again sometime. Oh well, because of this they'll redesign and make the space shuttle alot better.



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I was about 6 years old when Columbia first went up. See back then it was still a big deal and everyone watched the ships launch, and watched again when they came back from oribit. I'm with jediduo though, I know of Naval Ships that have been Decomisioned that are younger than that shuttle. Something tells me this has alot to do with piss poor planing and miscaculations.

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man i saw this yesterday.. and because i was only like 6 years when the chalenger went nova. i still do remember the big new impact on it.


I alway thought space travel rocked... but its a moment like this that destroyes the feeling of my childhood.


My thought go to the relatives of the crew of the colombia.

A moment of silence






-Wraith 8-

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First off: Don't shoot at NASA: They are underbudgeted. Big time. I say get some of those Defence Contracters to actually grant the government its consumer's rights, and ship the revenue to NASA.


That said, it had to go wrong. There have been several incidents that were just too close for comfort.


But at least it wasn't sabotage/terrorism... I suppose that's got to count for something.


I would pray for the crew, if I thought that anything would listen, but Astronaut is a so-called "high-risk profession".


The NASA needs a bigger budget, not a close-down, Groove.


But as for the historical aspect of space travel, it's actually very lucky that there haven't been far more accidents than there has. The first missions were equipped with such junk that you can hardly imagine it. Chances are that you are sitting with more computing capacity in front of you right now, than were in the whole world when Armstrong took "the vast leap for mankind".

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Space is what's next...this tiny rock of ours is quickly running out of room for us, we must be able to expand beyond it. We need to start looking into colonizing the moon & Mars...Space exploration is just the first step, we must make it important, this doesn't mean to ignore other problems, education is required for anything, that must be first, but shutting down the space program could be the doom of us....what happens in several thousand years when a planet-killing asteroid comes on a collision course? If we don't have the know-how and the ability to go into space, humanity will end. Space is a must!


New vehicles are needed, more people are needed, and so is more funding.


My heart goes out to the family and friends of the Astronauts

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Originally posted by ShadowTemplar

The NASA needs a bigger budget, not a close-down, Groove.


Agreed, but do you think they are going to get more funding now? First the Challenger and now this?


Also I think that terrorism theory is government fed pro war propaganda. The price may sound good, but I'm not buying. :mad:

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Yeah, Rhetts right. Most of the propaganda the American people here today is from liberal TV Media sources anyhow, not the Republican government.



About NASA, i'm really not sure i see the point of it all. If we are going to colonize Mars or the Moon are what not tvhen lets get to it, because we certainly aren't right now. If its because we have to be prepared for some cataclysmic event then my religion does not allow me to believe thats going to happen. So i'm really not sure what they should do right now. If they can prove its for something truly applicable, then go ahead, but if not, then what's the point?

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