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Getting My Wisdom Teeth Pulled


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Well I did and your face swells up like a watermellon and its hurts SOOOO bad. They practically made me eat morphine cause it was so bad lol....




























No I'm just kidding, I've never had to have any teeth pulled. Good luck man bu tI don't think it will hurt to much since they give you painkillers.

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Ouch. When your heading toward there, remember all of us at LF care for you. ;)

I've had teeth pulled out. Not wisdom teeth, thoguh. Its not that bad. the first time I was SO neevous. Its not bad thoguh. They just gave you a shot, (which is cool, you start to feel drunk :D) I fell asleep, later, I wake up, its all done. It iddn't hurt, but my mouth was numb. :)

Good luck man!

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dont worry about the actual surgery, in fact its likely to kick ass. because the only part you will feel will be the part where they drug you :D


im worried about getting mine done, my sisters had theirs done and i may well have to get them pulled as well. but i wouldnt worry too much about it, heh maybe you can score some sweet milkshakes out of this. good luck man, and if you get the chance, ask if you can take some of those sedatives home for "recreational use"... j/k

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Originally posted by Darth Talliusc

dont worry about the actual surgery, in fact its likely to kick ass. because the only part you will feel will be the part where they drug you :D


im worried about getting mine done, my sisters had theirs done and i may well have to get them pulled as well. but i wouldnt worry too much about it, heh maybe you can score some sweet milkshakes out of this. good luck man, and if you get the chance, ask if you can take some of those sedatives home for "recreational use"... j/k



Yeh, its kinda cool. You feel drunk. :D

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My mom is a dentist.




PH34R! :D


Anyways - there's a big difference between teeth. The ones "downstairs" are much tougher to pull out.


After gettin the anaesthesia you won't feel a thing except for for the jerking when the dentist tries to pull the tooth out. My tooth wouldn't come out, so they had to break it into little pieces first and then pull it out piece by piece. It was...interesting.


When you get home, you'll have trouble eating and you'll be drooling a lot without even noticing it (the anaesthesia). :)


Later, once the pain killers effect fades away...oh man...the PAIN! HAHAHA! :D

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I've had two out, both on the same side, and had them done in the chair, not in hospital. Have had a friend who had hers taken out in hospital, all four I believe.


With my two, it took ages to get the bottom one out, and the top one came out in about 5-10 seconds, it was that easy to get that one out. Mine was mainly for room for the rest of my teeth to spread.


It was good to eat pasta for about 3-4 days, along with ice cream, made for a good diet!!!


Much more pain involved in having my knee reconstruction, actually a lot more pain tearing my Anterior Cruciate Ligament, that required me to get it operated on.

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I remember getting about 4 teeth pulled before my braces were put on. Twas a crappy day at that Doctor's Office...

Unforunately for me, the drugs they gave to subdue the pain didn't do jack. I felt about 90% of the pain while my teeth were being pulled; the doctor destroyed one of the teeth when he was yanking them out (and i had no tooth decay mind you). You may feel nervous at first, but the process is so short that it'll be over before it starts..

Just heed this one last peice of advice- Do not eat Pizza after your teeth are pulled: Aka- Burned Gums..oww..

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i still have my 4 wisdom teeth, at the momemt they are not causing a problem. it bloody hurt when they came through though.


good luck to you


the people i know who have had them taken out have said that its more saw than it is painful

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my brother had his wisdom teeth pulled last year. he said it hurt a little after the painkillers wore off. they just make a little cut in your gum and then pull them out. you'll be under the whole time though, so nothing to feel there. the cuts heal up pretty soon but they'll be sore for a couple of days. of course my aunt wasn't going to have her wisdom teeth pulled and when they came in they broke her jaw. now that hurt.:eek:

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I had the choice between having my 7s out or wisdoms, naturally I choose the 7s (and they weren't as bad as the fang as that needle felt like it was going into my nose) but then my 7s were bigger than most peoples wisdoms I even had to have a couple of stitches(had to go back and have more injection for those). My advice is to have them out under local the injections hurt a bit but there are far less compliations (a bit of swelling and drooling) and the wads of cotton wool are funny. The seditive (valium) they gave me before the injections did very little however expect make me cry but it works for most people. Good luck.

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Why are people so scared of this? Do they all have terrible dentists?


I had them pulled out two years ago. All four of them. So i swelled up and i drooled without me noticing. But i didn't care because I was either sleeping or druged up.


People of scared of this stupid procesdure. It happens everyday and I've never herd of a stupid freak accident or something so painfull that you die.


i mean. gimme a break! :p

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it won't be that bad, man ... don't worry about a thing. i had 3 of mine pulled a number of years ago (dunno where the 4th one is :p ). first they get you with the needle to numb you and they put you out, but now completely. i can remember hearing the doctor's voice every once in a while asking me if i was still with him, although it seemed like he was about a mile away. all i could do was grunt at him ... uh huh.



next thing you know you're done. there's a ton of gauze shoved in your mouth, so you can't talk.


but my only word of advice ... fill the prescription immediately. i was so dopey when i left, all i wanted to do was go home and get in bed. i didn't feel like stopping off at the pharmacy on the way home. so my mother had to go back out to get my meds, and by the time she got home the novacaine had worn off, and it felt like i had holes drilled right through my jaw.


but boy were those pills the best thing ever!


don't wanna scare you or anything, i'm just sharing my experience.



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  • 2 weeks later...

BUMP! lol

well todays the 13th, so that means yesterday i finally got my wisdom teeth out. it was fine, i stayed calm and let them do there thing....all ive been doing is taking drugs and sleeping its been great, not allot of pain or anything, heh. it feels almost like im drunk! lol its amazing :eek: so ya, im fine and ill be posting here still because i didnt die or anything and i can still type, go Elessar-Eärfalas! wooooo :thumbsup: lolol

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