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What weapons do you prefer in a 1st person shooter?

Link Antilles

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two pistols (or small machine guns. just has to be two of em) or the melee one,


oh comon, all games have that one super powerful weapon that you need to get in close to use, in jk2 it was the saber, in ut it was the impact hammer. just drop from a ledge (im very sneaky) and smoke em. never fails unless the level is bright. i like dark levels in most fps just for that.

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Depends on the kind of game. Some FPSs have sniper rifles and they are TOTALLY worthless because of too many in-door areas. No real sniping challenge. But in games like BF1942 sniper rifles kick some serious arse.


In addition to sniper rifles, ever FPS needs a good pistol and a straight shooting machine gun.

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