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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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*vegi heals them again and this time said i am sick of playing around he pulls out his cellphone and calls The Marines,Navy,Air Force, and Army and they surround Crow and all of them fire at the same.




When the smoke clears their is not one piece of Crow to be found nowhere, "Nice knowing you Crow, your were a good Bar Fighting Partner"*

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*extricates self from uncomfortable position*




*throws topshot to the ground roughly and proceeds to break his collarbone, both legs, all three arms, rip out his lungs by the trachea, and perform a lobotomy without anesthesia*


*RUNS out*

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*as Captain Andy nears the door, Kain appears with his hand stuck out foward*

*Andy doesn't see it and continues to run*

*Kain forcefully shoves his hand through Andy's chest, it comes out his back in a clenched fist*

*Andy falls backward dead*

*Kain opens his hand and drops Andy's heart on his face*

*vanishes, leaving his outline for a moment with a rather disturbing grin*

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*Does the same thing as the other 2, including the dual blade cheat.*


You thought I wouldn't do the same, did yah? :p


*Tears Crow's head off, only to see him grow a new one, then decides that this is boring and decides to make amends with Crow, joining him in the fun.*

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*Crow's game hacking is rendered useless, due to Topshot's Norton Anti-Virus protected server. God mode remains on for Topshot. Grows new head.*


"Before this is over, I WILL SHOW YOU THE TRUE POWER OF CHAOS!!!!!!!!"

-Shadow the Hedgehog


*Uses the true power of Chaos to de-activate Crow's god mode and instantly kill him.*

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....*eeep* *gasp*.....come closer.....*cough* my fellows....*choke* .....remove my...mask...... *cough* so you can look upon.... my...true...face.....*aack*


....don't let Orca leave....she is...an escaped Sea World animal....kill her too!



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