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Thrackan Solo

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I highly doubt it. Normally they wouldn't want to portray such personally affecting things such as this. Who doesn't have a family member that has died of this. They won't want to stir up memories of that sort. Also, considering that this is a game, and the current state of our union/society, they probably wouldn't include any diseases as this might be construed as becoming a potential 'weapon' in game. Sort of like biological warfare, so I doubt that will be included either.

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Then I'll be the guy who sells the cure to other ppl., Thus making alot of money ;)


And I also don't think there will be any diseases. Maybe there will be some negative buffs that look like a disease when hit be a certain weapon, but nothing permanent.


Imagine....you got a jedi character, and one day you wake up with an uncurable form of cancer. That would be soooo lame.

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its a drug in SWG you know the classic Obi scene in Ep. II

Hey want to buy some death sticks ,"the lowlife said.


Obi looks back and waves his hand ,"You dont want to sell me death sticks."


"I..I dont want to sell you death sticks." the scum says


You want to go home and rethink your life." Obi tells the man in a commanding tone.


I..I want to got home and re-think my life." He says with a flick of the fingers the death sticks twirl back down into his long jacket.



Thats from the part were Obi and Anakin are in the bar. Searching for jango.:D

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Most likely there will be limited effect/timed poison and disease. and of course counter agents for the effects.


What would be wierd would becoming addicted to some sort of stimulant. Like your Stamina goes below your base when an addictive drug wears off. And slowly climbs back to normal as you detox yourself after many days.



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no disease that kills u would suck. you'd put all your time and effort in building your character and then u die cuz of a random disease? nawww


BUT it would be cool if u can get like a cold or some other minor illness that makes u not as strong as normal. then u would need the doc to help u. gives them something else to do.


Edit: i didn't read the others post so if someone else already mentioned a minor disease would be cool sorry for brining it up again. but then again maybe no one brought it up yet so i shouldn't be writing this.............but yet i'm already writing so why am i still talking about this...........alright why am i explaining myself now this is stupid...........ok i think i should stop complaing about my edit..........omg i did it again..........i gotta stop talking..........AHHHHHHHH I"M LEAVING!

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Realism is only fun up to a point, and I think that diseases step over that line. Nothing annoys me more than contracting a disease in a game- take Morrowind for example. You can contract any number of diseases, one of which is tied into the storyline but in no way affects the story itself. People dont really want to talk to you if youre diseased, and your stats suffer to varying degrees. BUT all you have to do is donate a very small amount of gold at any of the dozens of shrines around, or drink a commonly available cure disease potion, and *POOF* youre cured. Lol, the end result is that youve become annoyed with the game for the minor inconvenience and it hasnt affected the storyline in any way...


So, to sum up: Disease ....hate it.




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