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Thrackan Solo

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Originally posted by Genesis16

Yeah, that would be cool if you lost mind points (or whatever) and your vision got blurry, like if you get punched in a James Bond game...:confused:


Hmmmm. In JB if you get punched you just lose health. So depending on the drink it should either make your vision blurry and you character hard to control or raise your health.

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You know me. If I can't have a beer and get at little wasted ingame, I'll personally march on the headquarters of Verant, and burn their toes in my old toaster iron until they give up to the torture and add the code. No mercy for the wicked!


And you could get drunk in the entire BG/IWD series. And in Fallout (which had an extensive plethora of drugs). So we have the simple mathematics of Drunkeness ingame = good game. Can't beat that logic, now can we, Verant?

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Hey since we're talking about drinks/food.......in the game will the food places have any resturant type places were like 4 friends or businesses men go eat and talk. and when they get done eating they have to leave a tip?


or are the food places gonna be more like hotdog stands where u just ask for a food and walk away with it?

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