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Anyone Seen Tyrion?

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He's been missing for about a month now. I know I pick on him alot and junk, but it's all in fun. I miss the little booger. Supposedly his last post was yesterday morning, but he stays clear of most of us for some reason. Has he been grounded from the computer? I never thougth my post count would surpass his, but damn, he's been out for a while now.


Note: It's pretty bad when the Truant Officer doesn't show up. Not that Ty has benn considered Truant..... but still!:confused:

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Maybe he's taken a lot of the things we said to heart for once...I miss 'im too:(Check out his posts in this thread. It should give you a better idea where he's at now:




Try PMing him and asking what he's up to and why he hasn't been on a lot. It seems he's still active here, just not nearly as much as he was as the Spam King lol...awww, where is he?:(...

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You are all very touching...


I didnt come to the LFJA forum much becuase it didnt seem like there was any new things(a thread that was a month old was three or four threads away from the top...


As I've said before in the swamp,other stuff has caught my attention.


Sheesh,the one time where you all feel bad and stuff,and I didnt even do it on purpose!:D

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Originally posted by Tyrion

You are all very touching...


I didnt come to the LFJA forum much becuase it didnt seem like there was any new things(a thread that was a month old was three or four threads away from the top...


As I've said before in the swamp,other stuff has caught my attention.


Sheesh,the one time where you all feel bad and stuff,and I didnt even do it on purpose!:D




I mean.....



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I know what you mean Darky.....LF as a whole is down right now. I rarely see more the like 90 members on at one time or another.


Don't fear, with Galaxies and Kotor coming out this year, things should pick up around here. :)


On an LFJA note, I don't know who is keeping track of all the members, but <I'm Yo Pusha> has been expelled due to inactivity. His last post was 1/7. Also, he was my padawan so that means that I'm now available to train somebody. Now that I can actually play JO it should be fun. :) Is there anybody looking for a master?

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

I know what you mean Darky.....LF as a whole is down right now. I rarely see more the like 90 members on at one time or another.


Don't fear, with Galaxies and Kotor coming out this year, things should pick up around here. :)


On an LFJA note, I don't know who is keeping track of all the members, but <I'm Yo Pusha> has been expelled due to inactivity. His last post was 1/7. Also, he was my padawan so that means that I'm now available to train somebody. Now that I can actually play JO it should be fun. :) Is there anybody looking for a master?


Exactly. This is only the calm before the storm. Things will pick up with the new games coming out, and watch out for the bum rush when Episode III hits the cinema! :) The true test of loyalty is to withstand the persistance of time.




*writes that down in my scrapbook for later use* :D

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Exactly. This is only the calm before the storm. Things will pick up with the new games coming out, and watch out for the bum rush when Episode III hits the cinema! :) The true test of loyalty is to withstand the persistance of time.


hmmm.... :D


I'm still here.....mostly :D


Slayne, you are such a butkisser :p



Now I just went and made myself sad. :eyes3:


Hate when I treat myself like that.

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Originally posted by Darklighter

He's not back for long...he's too good for us...:(:mad:


How come things have gotten so quiet around here? We're so bored that we're making threads about missing people...it happened with Obi in the Swamp too...the world's gone craazy >_<


It's not that I'm too good for you..well..actually I am..but that beside's the point.


Anyway,when KOTOR comes around for the PC, expect me to pop up.


Or at the very least,summer.

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Originally posted by Tyrion

It's not that I'm too good for you..well..actually I am..but that beside's the point.


Anyway,when KOTOR comes around for the PC, expect me to pop up.


Or at the very least,summer.


I have very little to say to you, you pompous little freak.


j/k :D:p

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Something is not very right in here with Tyrion. Either one of these has happened:


1.) Ty is generally peeved off with us and doesn't want to come on here as much.

2.) He genuinely is busy with stuff and can't spare the time.

3.) He's (yet again) gone way beyond his years and decided we are too childish and immature for him.

4.) This is not Tyrion, but a mere decoy in place of him.


What have you done with Tyrion, I say...GIVE HIM BACK, YOU DAMN DECOY!!!:mad:








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Originally posted by Darklighter

Something is not very right in here with Tyrion. Either one of these has happened:


1.) Ty is generally peeved off with us and doesn't want to come on here as much.

2.) He genuinely is busy with stuff and can't spare the time.

3.) He's (yet again) gone way beyond his years and decided we are too childish and immature for him.

4.) This is not Tyrion, but a mere decoy in place of him.


What have you done with Tyrion, I say...GIVE HIM BACK, YOU DAMN DECOY!!!:mad:









Mostly 2, but somewhat 1.

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