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My Complaint About The Associates!

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Last time it was Wraith who got it, this time it's the Associates' turn:


It will indubitably surprise some people to hear me say this, but the Associates' chums are the foolish fork-tongued-types of the modern age. What follows is a series of remarks addressed to the readers of this post and to the Associates itself. Honor means nothing to the Associates. Principles mean nothing to the Associates. All it cares about is how best to rely on the psychological effects of terror to magnify the localized effects of its publicity stunts so that, like a stone hurled into a pool of water, shock waves ripple from the epicenter of the Associates' attacks to the furthest reaches of Corellia.


After I reinvigorate our collective commitment to building and maintaining a sensitive, tolerant, and humane community, I know that everyone will come to the dismayed conclusion that I stated at the beginning of this discussion: The Associates asserts that it has achieved sainthood. Most reasonable people, however, recognize such assertions as nothing more than baseless, if wishful, claims unsupported by concrete evidence. I must blow my whistle on the Associates' tactics of deception and distortion. Equally important is the fact that the Associates maliciously defames and damagingly misrepresents everyone and everything around it. There's a word for that: libel.


When the Associates says that violence and prejudice are funny, that's just a load of spucatum tauri. It's precisely because the Associates and others of its ilk are symbols of lecherous obstructionism that I know that the Associates' hatchet jobs are the epitome of insensitivity. You know that. But does the Associates know we know that? To rephrase that question, how can the Associates be so noxious? On the surface, it would seem to have something to do with the way that the Associates has no real regard for other people's rights, privacy, or sanity. But upon further investigation, one will find that the unalterable law of biology has a corollary that is generally overlooked. Specifically, it has, at times, called me "gin-swilling" or "bumptious". Such contemptuous name-calling has passed far beyond the stage of being infantile but harmless. It has the capacity to seek temporary tactical alliances with infantile, superficial imbeciles in order to sentence more and more people to poverty, prison, and early death. The Associates is too witless to read the writing on the wall. This writing warns that it is far more interested in fattening itself on the various processes of decay in our society than it is in helping us mention a bit about unbridled slimeballs such as the Associates. Well, that's a bit too general of a statement to have much meaning, I'm afraid. So let me instead explain my point as follows: The Associates has stated that it could do a gentler and fairer job of running the world than anyone else. That's just pure defeatism. Well, in the Associates’ case, it might be pure ignorance, seeing that if there's an untold story here, it's that the Associates wants to blow the whole situation way out of proportion. It gets better: It actually believes that it is its moral imperative to progressively narrow the sphere of human freedom. I guess no one's ever told it that in public, it vehemently inveighs against corruption and sin. But when nobody's looking, it never fails to bring ugliness and nastiness into our lives. But it gets worse than that. The Associates has only one goal: to strip people of their rights to free expression and individuality.


As I have indicated, the Associates is terrified that there might be an absolute reality outside itself, a reality that is what it is, regardless of its wishes, theories, hopes, daydreams, or decrees. While I know very little about parasitic heavy-metal fans, I do know that the Associates commonly appoints ineffective people to important positions. It then ensures that these people stay in those positions, because that makes it easy for the Associates to view towns and the people that live in them either as economic targets to be exploited or as military targets to be defeated. Please don't misunderstand me; I'm not saying that the best way to reduce cognitive dissonance and restore homeostasis to one's psyche is to deflect attention from the Associates’ unwillingness to support policies that benefit the average citizen. In fact, there are three fairly obvious problems with its flimflams, each of which needs to be addressed by any post that attempts to increase awareness and understanding of our similarities and differences. First, mankind, with all of its accumulated knowledge, wonderful machines, scientific methods, and material power, still has much to fear from stubborn devil-worshippers like it. Second, there are no easy solutions for dealing with unenlightened, irascible antagonists ("easy" being defined as a solution that will not make my stomach turn). And third, it is blinded by greed. Now, I could go off on that point alone, but there is still hope for our society, real hope -- not the false sense of hope that comes from the mouths of jejune adulterers, but the hope that makes you eager to provide an antidote to contemporary manifestations of jaded solecism. All of this once again proves the old saying that the Associates has announced a number of twisted ideas on how to run -- or is that ruin? -- everyone's life.


And again, if anyone "foolishly" wants to step up in defence of the Associates, read this! :D

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...and while you are at it, I have a complaint:


In this letter, I'm not going to argue that given the public appetite for more accountability, Cpt. Setsuko has managed to elude any direct ties to specific acts of negligence -- no small feat considering her history -- . Nor am I going to argue that as crass as it might sound, she has gone around the bend with her paranoia. I'm not going to argue those factors, because they're irrelevant. Instead, I will say only that her revenge fantasies have led to date rape, domestic violence, pornography, and other social ills. And that's why I feel compelled to say something about tactless schemers.


She likes to put political correctness ahead of scientific rigor. Such activity can flourish only in the dark, however. If you drag it into the open, Setsuko and her helpers will run for cover, like cockroaches in a dirty kitchen when the light is turned on suddenly during the night. That's why we must maintain social tranquillity. Double standards are always debauched. In just a moment I'll discuss some important recent developments based on this fundamental truth. First, however, I want to add a bit to what I wrote previously. Her disquisitions are built on lies, and they depend on make-believe for their continuation.


Setsuko's "compromises" don't accomplish anything useful, because they don't deal with the real issue. The real issue is that it's our responsibility to suggest the kind of politics and policies that are needed to restore good sense to this important debate. That's the first step in trying to renew those institutions of civil society -- like families, schools, churches, and civic groups -- that seek some structure in which the cacophony introduced by her op-ed pieces might be systematized, reconciled, and made rational, and it's the only way to enlighten the mind of Man and improve him as a rational, moral, and social being. A trip to your local library would reveal that it will not be easy to enable adversaries to meet each other and establish direct personal bonds which contradict the stereotypes they rely upon to power their bloodthirsty biases. Nevertheless, we must attempt to do exactly that, for the overriding reason that I find her the most heinous person in the world. In fact, I have said that to Setsuko on many occasions, and I will keep on saying it until she stops trying to tip the scales in her favor. If natural selection indeed works by removing the weakest and most genetically unfit members of a species, then she is clearly going to be the first to go. The law is not just a moral stance. It is the consensus of society on our minimum standards of behavior. The facts are in: We all have an obligation to stand up together and forcefully oppose Cpt. Setsuko's morally questionable, unpatriotic anecdotes.



j/k Set :D


(see link above)

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Hm. Isn't this the second time this generator is randomly used on this forum? :D Oh well, here goes:


Here's the angry letter The Moderators of SWGalaxies knew it was bound to receive. What follows is the story of how The Moderators of SWGalaxies can be so rich in the rhetoric of democracy and yet so poor in its implementation. All that we have achieved may now be lost, if not in the bright flames of demagogism, then in the dense smoke of the officious drug-induced ravings promoted by the worst classes of temperamental, nugatory big-mouths there are. As I see it, if The Moderators of SWGalaxies can't stand the heat, it should get out of the kitchen.


How can we trust The Moderators of SWGalaxies if it doesn't trust us? We can't. And besides, it is immature and stupid of it to cure the evil of discrimination with more discrimination. It would be mature and intelligent, however, to help people see its virulent recommendations for what they are, and that's why I say that I recently received some mail in which the writer stated, "The Moderators of SWGalaxies's bons mots are a quick-fix detour, a placebo aimed at surface symptoms, and an excuse to distract people from serious analysis of the situation." I included that quote not because it is exceptional in any way, but rather, because it is typical of much of the mail I receive. I included it to show you that I'm not the only one who thinks that the only weapons The Moderators of SWGalaxies has in its intellectual arsenal are book burning, brainwashing, and intimidation. That's all it has, and it knows it. This letter has gone on far too long, in my opinion, and probably yours as well. So let me end it by saying merely that The Moderators of SWGalaxies's vassals get so hypnotized by its simplistic "good guys and bad guys" approach to history that they do not hear what it is really saying.

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For a minute there, I thought Jan had lost it :D


I sit in sad repose as I put pen to paper concerning an issue I find most deeply disturbing. In the rest of this letter, I will use history and science (in the Hegelian sense) to prove that Mr. Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer's sermons are clear testimony to the fact that I have a score to settle with Unfrozen Caveman. I sometimes ask myself whether the struggle to express my views is worth all of the potential consequences. And I consistently answer by saying that his intent is to prevent us from asking questions. Unfrozen Caveman doesn't want the details checked. He doesn't want anyone looking for any facts other than the official facts he presents to us. I wonder if this is because most of his "facts" are false. He is utterly effete. We all are, to some extent, but Unfrozen Caveman sets the curve.


If you observe some repetition in my statements, it is because such repetition is needed for clarity and emphasis as I answer the vengeful beatniks who dismantle the family unit. His methods are much subtler now than ever before. He is more adept at hidden mind control and his techniques of social brainwash are much more appealingly streamlined and homogenized. In asserting that anyone who dares to maximize our individual potential for effectiveness and success in combatting him can expect to suffer hair loss and tooth decay as a result, he demonstrates an astounding narrowness of vision. Let us not sink to Unfrozen Caveman's level. Let us combat pessimism by exercising our right to speak out, to denounce Unfrozen Caveman's long-term goals as totally unrepresentative of the values of this society. I definitely dislike Unfrozen Caveman. Likes or dislikes, however, are irrelevant to observed facts, such as that Unfrozen Caveman has convinced a lot of people that genocide, slavery, racism, and the systematic oppression, degradation, and exploitation of most of the world's people are all entirely justified. One must pause in admiration at this triumph of media manipulation.


If it weren't for bad-tempered, disaffected pinheads, he would have no friends. Unfrozen Caveman says he's not antisocial, but he's unmistakably impolitic, and that's essentially the same thing. He says that no one is smart enough to see through his transparent lies. Should we care that large numbers of puerile blockheads actually believe such reckless things? Should we try to convince them otherwise? I don't think so. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that his victims have been speaking out for years. Unfortunately, their voices have long been silenced by the roar and thunder of Unfrozen Caveman's vicegerents, who loudly proclaim that cultural tradition has never contributed a single thing to the advancement of knowledge or understanding. Regardless of those ill-bred proclamations, the truth is that you, of course, now need some hard evidence that his doctrines exude palpable communism. Well, how about this for evidence: It seems clear that I must doubtlessly reach out even to my most ostrich-like readers and show them how Unfrozen Caveman's memoranda are devoid of logic and filled to the brim with hate and misinformation. But we ought to look at the matter in a broader framework before we draw final conclusions on the subject: We see that Unfrozen Caveman appears to have found a new tool to use to help him drive us into a state of apoplexy. That tool is solipsism, and if you watch him wield it, you'll certainly see why his practices do not come without a price. And that's why I'm writing this letter; this is my manifesto, if you will, on how to help others to see through the empty and meaningless statements uttered by him and his emissaries. There's no way I can do that alone, and there's no way I can do it without first stating that only the impartial and unimpassioned mind will even consider that his argument that the sun rises just for him is hopelessly flawed and completely circuitous. In closing, all that I ask is that you join me to stop Mr. Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer and combat the dictatorial ideology of Stalinism that has infected the minds of so many power-hungry meatheads.

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I realize that everyone is entitled to his opinion, and I respect this. I also hope that you will all respect mine as you read this letter. Let's review the errors in Jan Gaarni's statements in order. First, we are starting to witness the shiftless effects of Jan's insinuations. He may find it inconceivable that forbearance and kindly deportment are lost upon him, but he'll come to his senses by the end of the decade.


The big parlor game among his subordinates is guessing which of them was the first to delude and often rob those rendered vulnerable and susceptible to his snares because of poverty, illness, or ignorance, and if you don't believe me, then you should find more constructive contexts in which to work toward resolving conflicts. There is no reason to dilute the nation's sense of common purpose and shared sacrifice and there is every reason not to. (Read as: education without action creates frustration, while action without education leads to immoralism.) Let's look at the facts. First, Jan's annoying maneuvers are responsible for the growth in teen pregnancy, the demise of the work ethic, the size of the federal deficit, and everything else that's wrong with our nation. Second, Jan's exegeses are amalgams of popular themes among scornful troglodytes, diabolic, nit-picky jerks, and overbearing beggars. And finally, Jan's publicity stunts are based on two fundamental errors. They assume that the Queen of England heads up the international drug cartel. And they promote the mistaken idea that the Eleventh Commandment is, "Thou shalt replace the search for truth with a situationist relativism based on brutal nonrepresentationalism".


Jan seems to have a bitter ideological conflict with my statement that I'm bewildered by the dim-witted-to-the-core nature of his belief systems, but given the way things are these days, we must remember that he constantly insists that the Universe belongs to him by right. But he contradicts himself when he says that the only way to expand one's mind is with drugs -- or maybe even chocolate. He seeks scapegoats for his own shortcomings by blaming the easiest target he can find, that is, resentful, intemperate conspiracy theorists. Simply put, some of us have an opportunity to come in contact with patronizing self-righteous-types on a regular basis at work or in school. We, therefore, may be able to gain some insight into the way they think, into their values; we may be able to understand why they want to usher in the rule of the Antichrist and the apocalyptic end times. Jan has nothing but contempt for you, and you don't even know it. That's why I feel obligated to inform you that if there's an untold story here, it's that we can all have daydreams about Happy Fuzzy Purple Bunny Land, where everyone is caring, loving, and nice. Not only will those daydreams not come true, but I'm definitely tired of feral cowards. I, not being one of the many pouty bullies of this world, challenge him to move from his broad derogatory generalizations to specific instances to prove otherwise. Jan can't relate to anyone other than snivelling smut peddlers. That's something you won't find in your local newspaper, because it's the news that just doesn't fit.


There are two related questions in this matter. The first is to what extent he has tried to alter, rewrite, or ignore past events to make them consistent with his current "reality". The other is whether or not the central paradox of Jan's inveracities, the twist that makes Jan's theories so irresistible to unsavory protestors, is that these people truly believe that Jan can walk on water. Needless to say, he contends that without his superior guidance, we will go nowhere. Excuse me, but where exactly did this little factoid come from?


Despite Jan's evident lack of grounding in what he's talking about, Jan's rejoinders cannot stand on their own merit. That's why they're dependent on elaborate artifices and explanatory stories to convince us that apolaustic wheeler-dealers are inherently good, sensitive, creative, and inoffensive. Jan's conclusions have kept us separated for too long from the love, contributions, and challenges of our brothers and sisters in this wonderful adventure we share together -- life! To tell you the truth, if one believes statements like, "The majority of disorderly euphuists are heroes, if not saints," one is, in effect, supporting what I call self-indulgent, distasteful lunatics.


I feel that it can be safely said that Jan's actions will cause more harm than good. What is Jan's current objective? As usual, there are multiple objectives:


to supply the chains that bind the individual to notions of self-loathing and unworthiness,

to hinder economic growth and job creation, and

to condone illegal activities.

Although we can occasionally tie the retailers of twisted new claims to older fabrications, there is unfortunately no shortage of new rumor. This is not the same as saying that I've catalogued all of Jan's foibles -- and the list is pretty big -- although that, too, is true. We must instill a sense a responsibility and maturity in those who eviscerate freedom of speech and sexual privacy rights. Our children depend on that.


In order for us to realize more happiness in our lives, we need to understand that what Jan is doing is not an innocent, recreational sort of thing. It is a criminal activity, it is an immoral activity, it is a socially destructive activity, and it is a profoundly morally questionable activity. To oppose vigilantism, we must oppose jingoism. To oppose nihilism, we must oppose hedonism. And to oppose Jan, we must oppose chauvinistic, amateurish cult leaders.


His representatives merely present their allegations as though they were true, a technique known as a "conclusory" or "Kierkegaardian" leap. In that context, one could say that his analects are rife with contradictions and difficulties; they're utterly neo-ignominious, meet no objective criteria, and are unsuited for a supposedly educated population. And as if that weren't enough, certain facts are clear. For instance, honor means nothing to him. Principles mean nothing to him. All he cares about is how to label everyone he doesn't like as a racist, sexist, fascist, communist, or some equally terrible "-ist". It's not necessary to go into too long of a description about how Jan plans to muddy the word "spinulosodenticulate" quicker than you can double-check the spelling of "incomprehensibility". Suffice it to say that he keeps telling us that the sky is falling. Are we also supposed to believe that freedom must be abolished in order for people to be more secure and comfortable? I didn't think so.


While I am not attempting to argue openly in favor of any particular position, he is entirely gung-ho about masochism because he lacks more pressing soapbox issues. You shouldn't let Jan intimidate you. You shouldn't let him push you around. We're the ones who are right, not Jan.


Armed only with a white shirt, pocket protector, slide rule, thick glasses, and some other neat stuff, I have determined that inasmuch as I disagree with his accusations and find his ad hominem attacks offensive, I am happy to meet his speech with more speech and, if necessary, continue this discussion until the truth shines. It may seem difficult at first to convince the government to clamp down hard on Jan's positions. It is. But Jan talks a lot about mercantalism and how wonderful it is. However, he's never actually defined what it means. How can he argue for something he's never defined? There is widespread agreement in asking that question, but there is great disagreement in answering it. Look at what's happened since he first ordered his apostles to cashier anyone who tries to challenge his self-serving assumptions about merit: Views once considered repressive are now considered ordinary. Views once considered grungy are now considered perfectly normal. And the most spineless of Jan's views are now seen as gospel by legions of the most gin-swilling doofuses you'll ever see. If you can go more than a minute without hearing Jan talk about chauvinism, you're either deaf, dumb, or in a serious case of denial. Our goal must now be to hammer out solutions on the anvil of discourse. If you believe that that's a worthwhile goal, then I can decidedly use your help. Don't Let me hear from you.


:D That's for making me read all that and thinking you actually wrote it....

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I just had to try this out...


In defense of the honorable Setsuko, I have this to say about Darth Sidious:


As they look over the world's painful panorama of war and terror, some people conclude that it is too late, that no amount of information or activity could possibly stand as a witness in the divine court of the eternal judge and proclaim that Lord Darth Sidious's sentiments are the epitome of insensitivity. But those who take that pessimistic view understand neither Lord Sidious nor his current rung on the ladder to total power. First, the misinformation: Lord Sidious suggests that people are pawns to be used and manipulated. Where the heck did he come up with that? To rephrase that question, what exactly is he trying to hide? I'll tell you the answer in a moment. But first, let me just say that if you read his writings while mentally out of focus, you may get the sense that his prophecies epitomize wholesome family entertainment. But if you read Lord Sidious's writings while mentally in focus and weigh each point carefully, it's clear that his latest manifesto, like all the ones that preceded it, is a consummate anthology of disastrously bad writing teeming with misquotations and inaccuracies, an odyssey of anecdotes that are occasionally entertaining, but certainly not informative. It's quite easy for him to declaim my proposals. But when is Lord Sidious going to provide an alternative proposal of his own? This isn't such an easy question to answer, but let me take a stab at it: Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Of course, if Lord Sidious had learned anything from history, he'd know that I'm willing to accept that I can hardly believe how in this day and age, wicked, repressive jerks are allowed to drag everything that is truly great into the gutter. I'm even willing to accept that he loves the truth only as long as it doesn't conflict with his "compromises". But it is legitimate to have misgivings about juvenile champions of deceit, lies, theft, plunder, and rapine who use lethal violence as a source of humor. For proof of this fact, I must point out that it is more than a purely historical question to ask, "How did his reign of terror start?" or even the more urgent question, "How might it end?". No, we must ask, "Is it possible for those who defend intrusive fanaticism to make their defense look more tyrannical than it currently is?" Well, I'm sure Lord Sidious would rather exert more and more control over other individuals than answer that particular question. If some people are offended by my mentioning that Lord Sidious's prank phone calls constitute one of the many conduits of stoicism in our culture, then so be it.


To be blunt, Lord Sidious's recourse to careerism as a tactical modality for waging low-intensity warfare has been successful. In view of that, it is not surprising that the extent of collaboration between Lord Sidious and sullen unambitious-types is currently unknown, but presumably significant. If you doubt this, just ask around. His idea of rude misoneism is no political belief. It is a fierce and burning gospel of hatred and intolerance, of murder and destruction, and the unloosing of a dour blood-lust. It is, in every literal sense, a daft and pagan religion that incites its worshippers to a refractory frenzy and then prompts them to renege on an incredibly large number of promises. While I agree with others' assessment that Lord Sidious disregards any evidence that contradicts his views, still, I have a dream that my children will be able to live in a world filled with open spaces and beautiful wilderness -- not in a dark, deplorable world run by the worst kinds of scornful slaves to fashion there are. For the purpose of this discussion, let's say that he may deliver an additional blow to dignity and self-worth right after he reads this letter. Let him. Quicker than you can double-check the spelling of "pathologicohistological", I will operate on today's real -- not tomorrow's ideal -- political terrain. Let me end by appealing to our collective sense of humanity: I predict catastrophe.



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Here it goes:


I will not waste my time criticizing or insulting Mr. JackRabbit as 1) he is unlikely to change, and 2) Mr. JackRabbit probably revels in the letters of shock and repulsion that he regularly receives. Instead, I will focus on his meddlesome convictions, which, after all, are the things that make human life negligible and cheap. As a preliminary, I want to speak up and speak out against him. He wants us to believe that we can solve all of our problems by giving him lots of money. We might as well toss that money down a well, because we'll never see it again. What we will see, however, is that Mr. JackRabbit is extraordinarily brazen. We've all known that for a long time. However, his willingness to elevate his slurs to prominence as epistemological principles sets a new world record for brazenness.


Some people have compared counter-productive heretics to brazen ex-cons. I would like to take the comparison one step further. Individually, Mr. JackRabbit's demands rally for a cause that is completely void of moral, ethical, or legal validity. But linked together, Mr. JackRabbit's op-ed pieces could yield this country to the forces of darkness, oppression, and tyranny. I don't just claim that Mr. JackRabbit is calling for blind, impulsive action for the sake of action, for the sake of making himself feel good; I can back that up with facts. For instance, Mr. JackRabbit's pranks will have consequences -- very serious consequences. And we ought to begin doing something about that.


To oppose larrikinism, we must oppose sesquipedalianism. To oppose revanchism, we must oppose onanism. And to oppose Mr. JackRabbit, we must oppose the worst classes of unprincipled ingrates there are. His recommendations are propaganda to the point of comedy and are so easily refuted as to render them useless even as such, but given the way things are these days, we must remember that it's easy for him to declaim my proposals. But when is Mr. JackRabbit going to provide an alternative proposal of his own? This is not a question that we should run away from. Rather, it is something that needs to be addressed quickly and directly, because if Mr. JackRabbit continues to break down our communities, I will undeniably be obliged to do something about him. And you know me: I never neglect my obligations. This is a lesson for those with eyes to see. It is a lesson not so much about his officious behavior, but about the way that if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem.


In order to dispense justice, we must fight to the end for our ideas and ideals. And that's just the first step. Remember, Mr. JackRabbit likes thinking thoughts that aren't burdensome and that feel good. That's why by the next full moon, he will indulge in a vast orgy of murder to sate his innate blood-lust and his hatred of his betters. For proof of this fact, I must point out that his most progressive idea is to force us to do things or take stands against our will. If that sounds progressive to you, you must be facing the wrong way. As that last sentence suggests, Mr. JackRabbit's catch-phrases all stem from one, simple, faulty premise -- that the best way to make a point is with foaming-at-the-mouth rhetoric and letters filled primarily with exclamation points. If Mr. JackRabbit continues to twist the history, sociology, and anthropology disseminated by our mass media and in our children's textbooks, crime will escalate as schools deteriorate, corruption increases, and quality of life plummets. It's good that you're reading this letter. It's good that you're listening to what I'm saying. But reading and listening aren't enough. You must also be willing to help me respond to his words.


He claims that anyone who dares to provide people the wherewithal to discuss the programmatic foundations of his beer-guzzling histrionics in detail can expect to suffer hair loss and tooth decay as a result. Sound suspicious? Myopic is a better word. Mr. JackRabbit's reinterpretations of historic events sound so noble, but in fact, we are at a crossroads. One road leads into the light of a bright, shining future in which self-centered finks like Mr. JackRabbit are thoroughly absent. The other road leads into the darkness of collectivism. The question, therefore, is: Who's driving the bus? Well, we all know the answer to that question, don't we? But in case you don't, then you should note that Mr. JackRabbit is the picture of the insane person on the street, babbling to a tree, a wall, or a cloud, which cannot and does not respond to his belief systems. One can examine this from another angle, and plainly see that I cannot believe how many actual, physical, breathing, thinking people have fallen for his subterfuge. I'm utterly stunned. If we intend to defend democracy, we had best learn to recognize its primary enemy and not be afraid to stand up and call him by name. That name is Mr. JackRabbit.

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Wow Thew, you hit the nail on the head. By the way, I've arranged for your rations to be cut in half and changed to gruel. Should your spirits not diminish in the next few weeks, I will cut those rations in half as well. If that is not enough, then I will be forced to send you to our secret hidden solitary confinement encampment. Once brainwash.....I mean training is completed, you should once again see things with the right perceptions and make the right decisions, the ones I tell you to. :D

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Pardon me, but could someone direct me back to the SWG message boards? I seem to have become hopelessly lost in an alternate reality that I'm quite sure wasn't here the last time I wandered in this direction...


(just a gentle shove in the right direction, there's a good lad...)


JS (?)

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Lol, nothing wrong with it at all. I just happened to read the posts on a day at work that I had far too many projects going at once, and needed a break.. What I ended up with was 10 minutes of ponderous reading before I actually realized what was going on... My post was just intended to reflect my bewilderment ;P



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Originally posted by Thew Rydur

Yeah, I was amazed at how close to the truth the generator got. ;):D

is that right thew because ive got a few things id like to say about you :D:p


Thew Rydur, allow me to introduce myself. I'm one of the victims of your psychotic perversions. As a note of explanation for other readers of this letter: Thew often flirts with Marxism. What follows is the story of how Thew can be so rich in the rhetoric of democracy and yet so poor in its implementation. He might prevent me from sleeping soundly at night in the near future. What are we to do then? Place blinders over our eyes and hope we don't see the horrible outcome? He may have the right to rob us of our lives, our health, our honor, and our belongings. He may have the right to authorize, promote, celebrate, and legitimize atrabilious antagonism. But Thew crosses the line when he uses his bully pulpit to permit recalcitrant voluptuaries to rise to positions of leadership and authority.


In hearing about his ideals, one gets the distinct impression that given the amount of misinformation that he is circulating, I must indeed point out that he and his cronies are what I call naive cheapskates. This is not set down in complaint against them, but merely as analysis. As that last sentence suggests, I wonder what would happen if Thew really did offer hatred with an intellectual gloss. There's a spooky thought. His surrogates say, "It is better that a hundred thousand people should perish than that Thew should be even slightly inconvenienced." Yes, I'm afraid they really do talk like that. It's the only way for them to conceal that I indubitably hope that the truth will prevail and that justice will be served before Thew does any real damage. Or is it already too late? There aren't enough hours in the day to fully answer that question, but consider this: My goal is to question authority. I might not be successful at achieving that goal, but I truly do have to try. I've heard of malodorous things like denominationalism and conformism. But I've also heard of things like nonviolence, higher moralities, and treating all beings as ends in and of themselves -- ideas which Thew's ignorant, unthinking, disagreeable brain is too small to understand.


To tell you the truth, there is no place in this country where we are safe from Thew's followers, no place where we are not targeted for hatred and attack. Think about it. If we are powerless to build a true community of spirit and purpose based on mutual respect and caring, it is because we have allowed Thew to palliate and excuse the atrocities of his drones. He should think about how his objectives lead jackbooted geeks to work hand-in-glove with the most duplicitous tax cheats you'll ever see. If Thew doesn't want to think that hard, perhaps he should just keep quiet.


Although I agree with those who maintain that he will stop at nothing to get his way, nevertheless, I cannot agree with the subject matter and attitude that is woven into every one of his intransigent, pushy reinterpretations of historic events. If one dares to criticize even a single tenet of his mottos, one is promptly condemned as bitter, high-handed, infantile, or whatever epithet he deems most appropriate, usually without much explanation. Thew's pledge not to toss quaint concepts like decency, fairness, and rational debate out the window is merely empty rhetoric, invoked on occasion for theatrical effect but otherwise studiously ignored. If we let Thew purge the land of every non-pesky person, gene, idea, and influence, all we'll have to look forward to in the future is a public realm devoid of culture and a narrow and routinized professional life untouched by the highest creations of civilization.


I'm sticking out my neck a bit in talking about his activities. It's quite likely he will try to retaliate against me for my telling you that my prayers go out to everyone who was hurt by him. Why do I tell you this? Because these days, no one else has the guts to. Although a thorough discussion of predaceous, vile narcissism is beyond the scope of this letter, if I seem a bit lethargic, it's only because I'm trying to communicate with Thew on his own level. As cuckoo as his deeds are, the really interesting thing about all this is not that we can't let him enrich himself at taxpayer expense. The interesting thing is that he has -- not once, but several times -- been able to make conditions far worse than could ever have been the case without his lackadaisical efforts without anyone stopping him. How long can that go on? As long as his nugatory sentiments are kept on life support. That's why we have to pull the plug on them and begin the debate about his actions. Which brings me to my point. We all need to be aware of each other's existence as intelligent, feeling, human beings, even if some of us are execrable egotists. It is quite true, of course, that I intend to exercise my franchise to place a high value on honor and self-respect. But Thew can get away with lies (e.g., that rabid, sick manipulators of the public mind make the best scout leaders and schoolteachers), because the average person cannot imagine anyone lying so brazenly. Not one person in a hundred will actually check out the facts for himself and discover that Thew is lying. And that's it. Thew Rydur should try being a little more open-minded.

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