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Stealth?? In or out, make up your mind.


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Well, they said that stealth would play a part in JKii, and then it pretty much didn't. What implementations there were turned out to be rather pointless and useless.


That stun batton was a waste of time. There was no reason to walk, ever. etc...


SO, do you think they should do it properly with areas where you need to sneak quitely and knock people out, use mind tricks tactically etc... or should they just say sod it and make the game a full on action game and dump the stun baton etc... ?


It would be nice if force seeing had a proper, look through walls effect at higher levels. if they could manage it in deus ex.

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yes they should include stealth. The thing they need to do, is have to where you have your saber out with out igniting it. Then you could move from cover to cover and plan your attack. The saber is a rather loud weapon, so once you go for it, I think that most bad guys in the area would hear it. But force powers like grip and push, might be cool.


It would be cool to choke a guy and then throw him out into where the other guys are and then they all freak out looking for you.


Or you push a guy off a ledge and the others hear him scream as he falls. This would be the equivalent of throwing a bottle or can in Deus Ex or Splinter Cell to distract enemies. -Aim your force push at one guy in one area, and then toss'em. All the other run over to see what that horrible scream was. Then you walk on by, or push the rest of them off, or what ever you want.


Allowing the player to get really creative in their choice of attacks is really important I think.

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I agree with the fact that you should be able to choose your own strategy, but sometimes I wish I could just sneak around a la Obi-wan instead of just "rambo-ing" my way through the game. I don't think Jedi are supposed to leave a path of destruction in their wake :)

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Well the cairn_bay was nice for a change, but it was way to easy at some points...


I liked the room with 3 ppl in it, where you had to jump up on a ledge to turn the generator field of. I choked the ppl to death, it's really cool :D And the most silent way :)


So a little more stealth could be nice, but not too much please!!

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Yes please Raven, no more obligatory stealth mission! JO had one, and it sucked! EF2 has a little bit better one, but aren't we better developers than this? Integrate gameplay and make it flow naturally. Not like in JO. That level really put a wrench in the works of the flow of the game. I'm glad that when I replay the game (as I've done many times) I can, in fact just kill everyone as they approach the alarm console.

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It would be really cool to have more stealth-based missions or missions where you could easily choose stealth over a full-out unleash-the-force assault (hmmmmm...I sense a deciding factor in lightside vs darkside...). It would be especially cool if they could implement things like crawling, scaling walls, etc...

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'stealth' isnt really a thing jedi do very often...theyve got more of a james bond feel to them..like obiwan on kamino, "the names' wan, obi-wan" ya know :)

the jk2 'steath' bits are enough for me...i hope you're not suggesting an invisible mode, cos thats just not cricket



(ermm, ppl from countries outside the british commonwealth may not get that joke)

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I think YES... (the primary) way to play should steathy but not

like that one mission in JK2 where if you have been spotted

then GAME OVER...


They should make it so that normally enemies aren't aware of

you (they aren't waiting for you) or they don't consider you as

enemy... but then when someone sees you in place where you

are not allowed to be or... (you get identified to be enemy)

and if that guy can alarm others then from that point forward

enemies should be waiting for you, they should be looking for

you, there should be more of them, ...


(And you you can kill as many peoples as you want but i think

they should make it so that more peoples you kill, harder the

game gets...)


(and in some "imperial" bases or.... you shouldn't be able to

kill all enemies... basically it should go so that when you kill

one they send two more... soo if you just keep fighting

sooner or later you will lose...)

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it did seem in JK2 that everyone was just standing there waiting to attack me. Often you would be wandering towards a room and you would hear a chorus of "there he is! stop him!" type comments. Then the MOMENT you stepped into the room they would all be standing there shooting you... had they nothing better to do???


the only time i ever used mind trick was to give me time to slice people up.... it was never a valid tactic to do an obi-wan (in a new hope) style "noise to distract them while you sneak past".


jedis seem to do a lot of sneaking and misdirection in the films... they just get caught a lot.


i agree though... mandatory stealth mission - bad. gameplay options = good.


and if you give me a stun batton... give me a reason to stun people....

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An optional steath mission/missions, yes. I DO NOT like forced stealth, especially not after playing SPIDER-MAN THE MOVIE. Has several awful stealth levels. Personally, I think improving Mind Trick would be a good idea, as far as it relates to stealth.

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I don't want to bust your bubble, people, but at the moment, according to the recent PCGamer article, Raven will not be focusing on stealth elements. They have ditched the 'stealth levels' seen in JO, and they are not going out of their way to allow you to play stealthily through any of the other levels. Pretty much the only stealth tool you will have at your disposal is the Jedi Mind Trick, which as far as I can see will offer very limited stealth tactics at best. :(


I do think it's a shame that they won't be designing levels specifically with stealth in mind. As we've seen in the movies - particularly Episode I - stealth can be a Jedi's best ally at times, and I would have thought that would be especially true for a Padawan. We'll have to wait and see how it pans out, of course, but I'm already disappointed by this decision.

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