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New Force Powers?


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Mysteries of the Sith had the best way of choosing force powers and had a great variety. As a jedi progressed in training, one could choose from categories of force powers. The more in touch with the force, the more categories accessible.


btw Coupes, what is the logo of your avatar?

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Force Powers:


the best thing to do is simply expand on what JO already has. Take the push/pull powers and turn them into "manipulate objects" power. Force grip gets taken beyond "choke" to manipulate target. However, for a fast paced fps, that may not be a good idea entirely.


The old-school JK powers that were left out....

GOOD RIDDANCE. There is a reason they were left out.... over the top. And redundancy. Why bother with force blind when I can just be invisible? If I set my video settings, force blind isn't so bad, I can still 'see'. Force persuasion.... not same situation. Plus, good dark siders had an unbeatable counter to that. Force sight on at ALL times, force speed on, hit you with destruct. Plain and simple.


Destruction: it was good for the game they put it in. Jk was fast enough, and clunky enough that force destruction worked. However, the JO series is a little slower, and also more precisison based. Also, I personally thought that while the Dark Force series isn't and shouldn't be precisely "movie" style, Force Destruction reminded me WAY too much of Dragonball Z. Sorry guys, Jedi don't make fireballs, especially ones that don't hurt the user. Good riddance.


Deadly Sight: I dug this power a lot more than destruction. At least it made more 'sense' to me than the JK version of Kamehame-ha. However, once again, this power could often get in the way of saber combat. One thing is for certain, Force powers never truly got in the way of guns, but stuff like deadly sight and destruction certainly curbed saber fights to a degree, unless you were a light jedi with absorb.


All in all, I'd be more interested in the combining force powers. IT would be NICE if they gave us a MotS style of force selection. I don't care what anyone thinks about how the "force system" should work according to movies. Techincally, I should be able to select whatever I want. Then it can be in the combinations of powers that really demonstrate who a light jedi is, who a sith is, and who just someone caught up in the dark side is. that sorta thing.

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Maybe they should have Force Deadly 'Nad Kick. :rolleyes:


Seriously though, I think that they should concentrate on making a few quality powers rather than the shotgun approach. Pretty soon we'll be wondering which key we bound Force Water Heater to, the bracket or the dash? :)

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Originally posted by leXX

I would like to be able to absorb lightning with my saber like .:CoupeS:. said, and also, I would like to be able to break my fall from a great height with force push.


I like any more thoughts guys :D

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Originally posted by Mazellion

Think we will get to use these Force powers?


* Force Whirlwind

* Force Wave

* Force Throw

* Force Destruction

* Force Blind

* Deadly Eye

* Sith Sorcery



Whirlwind hmmm interesting and Sith Sorcery I like but what would it do :confused:

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* Force Whirlwind

* Force Wave

* Force Throw

* Force Destruction

* Force Blind

* Deadly Eye

* Sith Sorcery


You almost make it sound like some cheesy mix of kung fu, anime and mortal combat.








A Star Wars game should have pull, push, grip, lightning, speed, jump, saber throw, heal and telekinesis (=ability to move objects). The rest isn't really that necessary.. but I sure as hell don't want to see 12 new force powers like force "making-your-wookie bowcaster-shoot-explosive-bubbles-that-cut-through-shields" or force that neglects the affects of force "heating-up-opponents-weapons-so-that-they-cause-burns".


Btw- am I the only one who thought the blindness in JK was very annoying? Staring at a bright white monitor isn't exactly my idea of fun. :(

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Originally posted by Luc Solar



The rest isn't really that necessary.. but I sure as hell don't want to see 12 new force powers like force "making-your-wookie bowcaster-shoot-explosive-bubbles-that-cut-through-shields" or force that neglects the affects of force "heating-up-opponents-weapons-so-that-they-cause-burns".


Btw- am I the only one who thought the blindness in JK was very annoying? Staring at a bright white monitor isn't exactly my idea of fun. :(


Now that weapon would be a lot of fun :D and yes the blindness was annoying but it was a good thought of a force power

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Originally posted by taekwondo joe

the only thing i have to say is, bring back DESTRUCTION!!!!!!!!! thats the best force power ever


Yuck, no leave it out. :barf:


Luc solar...ROFL That's great. :p


I too thought blindness was more of an annoyance - especially considering all you had to do was adjust your monitor brightness so you could still see. A bit silly, really.


No, I still think the key one missing is manipulating/lifting objects.

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Telekenisis would serve to simplify a lot of force powers and make the game replay value a lot higher.

Keep for sure:





-Mind Trick


-Absorb (but used like yoda in EP II)





and ADD:

-Telekenisis (total freedom to move any object in any direction at a certain speed, as long as your force meter hasn't run out).

Grip is this with damage, Jump is this on yourself, and in JK I you could throw all kinds of stuff at enemies (my fav. force ability), but they got rid of it, this would re-empiment it.

so basically if you have Telekenisis,by default you have jump, grip and probably a few others. That would definitelly cut down on the number of keys required without Nerfing the game diversity.

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Originally posted by Klorel

and ADD:

-Telekenisis (total freedom to move any object in any direction at a certain speed, as long as your force meter hasn't run out).

Grip is this with damage, Jump is this on yourself, and in JK I you could throw all kinds of stuff at enemies (my fav. force ability), but they got rid of it, this would re-empiment it.

so basically if you have Telekenisis,by default you have jump, grip and probably a few others. That would definitelly cut down on the number of keys required without Nerfing the game diversity.


Yes being able to do that would make gameplay interesting for fights like take for example this



(notice how vader throws things)

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Man, Force Blind was just the silliest power ever made... well, maybe the second silliest. Force Destruction was the silliest ever.


Force Blind:

First off, it simply didn't make any sense. I'm a light jedi, and I don't use the Force to attack. So... how am I blinding people anyway? I shoot something into their eyes, and then they can't see. For some reason, this shot of stuff doesn't damage their eyes at all, I don't permanently do anything. The whole concept of the power was strange AND redundant, considering that Force Persuasion did the same job, only it worked on everyone. Plus, the gamma screen trick solved the problem fast. All Force Blind really did was make everyone turn on Force Sight all day to counter it... easily.



Force Destruction:

This power was a travesty. Just a ploy by Lucasarts to appeal to the Doom/Quake/super guns loving crowds. I know that the Dark Force games aren't supposed to be complete replicas of the Star Wars movies or canon, but Force Destruction didn't come CLOSE to resembling Star Wars. You fire a massive ball of explosive energy that conveniently can't hurt you. :p Talk about lame. It was like Dragonball Z meets the Dark Side. It also completely negated the usefulness of Force Lightning. Why have that power when you could just blast everyone to death? The world may never know.


I don't like any fancy frills in my Force powers. The Force, when used, is a simple kind of thing. It doesn't cause wind storms, it doesn't summon Earthquakes, it doesn't cause the sky to burn crimson red, nor does the Force oddly resemble Son Goku's Kamehame-ha. It's those little invisible pushes, those mind tricks, those chokes, absorb (yoda did it), and the lightning that makes the game. The more the Force resembles Dragonball Z or the card game "Magic", the worse it is.

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Originally posted by Doctor Shaft

Man, Force Blind was just the silliest power ever made... well, maybe the second silliest. Force Destruction was the silliest ever.


Force Blind:

First off, it simply didn't make any sense. I'm a light jedi, and I don't use the Force to attack. So... how am I blinding people anyway? I shoot something into their eyes, and then they can't see. For some reason, this shot of stuff doesn't damage their eyes at all, I don't permanently do anything. The whole concept of the power was strange AND redundant, considering that Force Persuasion did the same job, only it worked on everyone. Plus, the gamma screen trick solved the problem fast. All Force Blind really did was make everyone turn on Force Sight all day to counter it... easily.



Force Destruction:

This power was a travesty. Just a ploy by Lucasarts to appeal to the Doom/Quake/super guns loving crowds. I know that the Dark Force games aren't supposed to be complete replicas of the Star Wars movies or canon, but Force Destruction didn't come CLOSE to resembling Star Wars. You fire a massive ball of explosive energy that conveniently can't hurt you. :p Talk about lame. It was like Dragonball Z meets the Dark Side. It also completely negated the usefulness of Force Lightning. Why have that power when you could just blast everyone to death? The world may never know.


I don't like any fancy frills in my Force powers. The Force, when used, is a simple kind of thing. It doesn't cause wind storms, it doesn't summon Earthquakes, it doesn't cause the sky to burn crimson red, nor does the Force oddly resemble Son Goku's Kamehame-ha. It's those little invisible pushes, those mind tricks, those chokes, absorb (yoda did it), and the lightning that makes the game. The more the Force resembles Dragonball Z or the card game "Magic", the worse it is.


All i have to say is "True":D

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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

i'd like to see u be able to lift objects then drop them on ur opponets. also in multiplayer i will kill u in a duel with my double headed light saber Rad Blackrose


Three words:








They don't call me the Magic Fencer for nothing.


Now, as far as new force powers go, god forbid that they reintroduce Force Blinding or Destruction. I do like the sound of telekinesis though. And could we have a better saber throw system?

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Originally posted by Smood

I do know they are foolishly progressing further, and further away from the movies with the addition of all these crazy jedi abilities (COMBINING POWERS, urgh).


And conversely their STAR WARS revenues decline :). I see a correlation do you?


combining powers is more realistic. i don't know what u have been smoking but jedi don't have really specific powers like in the game. there is no grip, no push no pull. they manipulate the force and it does that but there is no specific force power. so combining allowing other things to happen would in fact be more releastic.

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