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Will we be able to have fights and ships


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*slaps Kiedo around a bit with a large trout*


there.. that should help :p

Like the good people said.. ofcourse ships will be in game already... like the mabda class shutle (which i saw in a screenshot) and others ... but you will not be able to fly them yet.


Also the devs have said that with the space expansion there will be possible underwater abillaties (sp?). like on Naboo.. and maybe the extra planet on Mon Calamari.


thats it :D

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Originally posted by -=ReApEr=-

Ill be making my own shuttle perferly like jango's i will go around ruling the galaxy :)

uhmm i hate to be rude and all..


but do you think your the only fett fan out there? imagine that alone on the Starsider server there are about over 2000 jango and boba fans.... all wanting a firespray as a ship....


a little corny dont you think?

be original :D

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Originally posted by -=ReApEr=-

Bah ok then :rolleyes: Ill go for a typical ship i don't mind like my hero said


I won't try ruling it exactally but i will be hunting people and try to get a fearful name :)

i just want like a huge peice of junk and modify the crap out of it like hansolo did with the millennium falcon
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as far as ships go, I'm very confused as to how this all will work.

Here's some points of discussion:



First off, How could you attack someone in another ship? You would have to either have enough dialogue with them to open a pvp, or have an enemy flag on them from the start.


What about passengers? If I'm hitching a ride with setsuko and swediot's modified piece of trash rolls up on us, am I in jeapordy just since those two have some seirous beef to settle from that cantina earlier?


And speaking of space travel, controllable navigation would mean that traveling from planet to planet would be a realtime experience. That will suck for people who are trying to travel alot, but don't have any piloting skills.


Lastly, I'm sure that an entire ship isn't attackable if one person on it is flagged. For instance, what if you're the pilot of a transport ship, and some bounty-hunter's prey decides to hire you?


truthfully space fights seem pretty unrealistic to me. I can't imagine the devs making it possible in the sense that we're all thinking.... "tie fighter" style.



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@ Wraith: It's the Lambda Shuttle ;)


and about the Firespray. There is a Contradiction.


In the Bounty Hunter War Series, it is said that Boba Fett paid Kuat of Kuat to make him the Slave 1 at the KDY.


In the game Bounty Hunter, Jango Fett steals a prototype of the Firespray, and Boba Fett inherits the Slave 1.


So, either way, you aint getting it.


And I hope you fly with your mouse, shoot your primary weapon with the left click, and shoot secondary with the right click. Or, I just hope it's similar to Freelancer. I think that is the perfect Space Flight Control.

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Fact is, the space expansion is so far away that nothing is planned this far. The only thing we've seen is some playing around by the devs in one of the convention movie clips. I'm pretty sure not even the devs themselves really knows how they'll do it, but yes, the little we've seen, it'll rely on fast trigger fingers and good reflexes.

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