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Things that annoy you thread

Bob Gnarly

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Seriously though, I hate any type of arguments. It's arguments that lead to hate, hate that leads to suffering (in the words of the great green muppet himself:D). There's nothing I hate more than violence and war. Prejudism and racism are also very bad, and have split our world in two. Why can't people just put aside their differences and just be nice?:(I hate money and wealth too. This planet revolves around it, and it's what everyone fights for. How futile.

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I hate people who don't like Star Wars (yeah laugh you fools! LAUGH!).





I hate high school buffoons


I also hate the guy that taunts me and makes me smash a fruit in his eye, leading into a fistfight.


I hate the damned principal for suspending me


I hate the doctor that is giving the guy that taunted me stiches....:p

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Little sister


Lots of buffons (students and faculty included) at school


People who hate stuff and they won't give it a chance (ie movies, foods, sports, etc)


Swearing (I swear, but not on here... It is easier to stop myself here. I'll say hell and use bitch as an adjetive, but not much else fortunately) I don't care if they do it in movies if it gives a good effect of realism (Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers must use the F-word at least 5 times along with loads of other ones...)


People telling me I have such a temper when someone messes up something I worked so hard on, yet they get just as mad when the remote control is 2 feet away where it is supposed to be)


Lifetime (lol)




Sexism/ Racism/ etc

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Originally posted by Katarn07

Swearing (I swear, but not on here... It is easier to stop myself here. I'll say hell and use bitch as an adjetive, but not much else fortunately) I don't care if they do it in movies if it gives a good effect of realism (Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers must use the F-word at least 5 times along with loads of other ones...)


Good thing you don't hear me when I'm playing video games....

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originally posted by Pnut_Master

-Everyone on the MSN Gaming Zone for Jedi Outcast



Ugh! I feel so insulted!




Although I have been there before, I see what you mean. :D



On a side note, another thing that comes to my mind, which I hate, is rude comments directed to any good person I know here.


*Runs off before anyone tries to butcher him.*

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Just to let you know, A LOT of things annoy me. You might want to grab a sandwhich, because this is going to be long.


1. Windows Messenger popups. They're practically impossible to block and they force any game I'm playing at the moment to minimize.


2. Popups in general.


3. Spammers


4. Trolls


5. Having to go outside


6. Sports (I just don't find them fun or interesting)


7. People who refuse to listen to reason


8. People who insist that you're lying even when you're telling nothing but truth.


9. Childish idiots who insult you for absolutely (and I mean ABSOLUTELY) no reason.


10. Liars


11. SHALLOW PEOPLE. I really, really hate shallow people who have nothing better to talk about than their own appearance or their popularity, or other trivial superficial things like that.


12. Motorcyclists who come within 6 inches of sideswiping you while zipping between cars at 90 mph.


13. People who honk at you for no reason while you're stopped at a red light.


14. People who give you the finger for going to slowly, even though you're going 10 mph over the speed limit.


15. People who take things way too seriously.


16. Religious/political/anything fanatics


17. Nature. Yeah, you heard me! I don't like nature! I like things that are man-made! Things that are strong and solid! So what if I'm an insane technology-nut?! I'm not on trial here! STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!!!


Phew... well, that's my list. Hope you enjoyed my ranting! By the way, how was that sandwhich? :D

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Originally posted by Darklighter

I hate how Lynk tries to hide the fact that he wants to be loved by being mean...awww, you so cute Lynk;):D


I betcha Lynk wants to kill ya now. :p



Dont worry, as long as its Darklighter month, we'll protect ya! And once Darklighter month is done......you're on your own! :p

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I hate spelling tpyos


School projects


Group project members who don't do what they're assigned




People who are inconsiderate of other's feelings


People who are so patriotic that they fail to see why foreigners like their own country


People who protest wars while their troops are fighting (oppose war, not the troops)

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