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Have ya seen X2 yet/ your likes and dislikes about x2


What is your favorite mutant power?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite mutant power?

    • The ability to heal self
    • The ability to shape shift
    • The abilty to manipulate weather conditions
    • The ability to teleport
    • The ability to use telekenesis/ telepathic
    • The ability to control metalic objects
    • The ability to control ice
    • The ability to control fire
    • The ability to shoot lasers from your eyes
    • The ability to turn your entire body into metal

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Now i know this is the second x2 thread so keep the comments to yourself. Anyways i just saw it today.....played hooky :D .....ok this was a great movie if i do say so myself. I always yoosta watch the cartoon on saturday mornings w/ my little brother and i know mostly all of the characters. I just wanted to know what u liked and disliked about this movie. Mostly all of the movie was off the hizook, but there was a one thing that bothered me. ok what was with gene gray and her getting freaky deaky power and going off the jet and stuff...also if her powers were that good she coulda just made herself fly outa the water, WTF IS UP W/ DAT:confused: ? and also what is up w/ the not going w/ the cartoon/ comic thing? i mean in the first one (first xmen movie) toad and sabor tooth die, while in the comic they stay alive...also that auriko choick with the adamantium claws doesn't die either, in fact she becomes wolverine's lover of sorts. and oh yeah gene gray doesn't die either??????? other than that this was a big hit w/ myself.



Give me some of your likes and dislikes about this movie.


P.S. Colosus is one of my favorite mutants (the big buff dude that no one knew, that turned his skin into metal)

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oh my mistake 3rd thread, btw what i said was jean gray didn't die in the comics or the cartoons so why the hell did she seemingly die in the movie. Don't think she did, but it is not true to the story. also i don't know if toad or sabor tooth died, but then why didn't they make a triomphant return in the movie? hmmmm bite and that.

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in the cartoons/comic books you think that jean gray died when she really turned into dark pheonix but I dont think that they where in the black bird (I think that is the name of their jet) but in a space ship



this is why I think that they did that

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There seems to be a helluva lot of X-Men 2 threads right now.


I think the most useful ability would be the power to shapeshift, because you could become anything and everything you wanted, and it would be pretty subtle. That being said, I would choose to have telekinetic and telepathic powers, mostly because you can do things right across the boards (e.g. read people's thoughts, move things with your mind <= this one particularly has infinite possiblities).

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Tough choice...


But in the face of "The ability to control metalic objects", "The ability to turn your entire body into metal" seems kinda moot. I'd throw my lot in with the Telepathy, I think, though I don't really know how broad it is (just mindreading, or can you influence the person too?)

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X-Men was great, the whole movie was fun to watch. I'm not really a fan of the comic/cartoon series, I never really followed it.


And I would probably pick the telekensis talent, hell, it's the closest thing to jeedai powers ;)

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If the movies followed the comics closely, they would need like, 100 movies to explain everything. Some things have to be changed in order to move the story at a pace that acceptable for hollywood. Death of bad guys is very important to further plots.





And Jean Grey isn't dead man, and quendi said, she's.........the PHOENIX!!!!! (which will certainly be explained in the next movie


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i saw X2 the day it came out. and my fav part is where



wolverine goes through the mansion takin out the infantry dudes. that was awesome



and i got 2 tickets to see The Matrix Reloaded 2 DAYS BEOFRE IT COMES OUT!!! a lucky bastard am i. but for anyone that lives in the Dallas, TX or more likely the greater metro area of Dallas the EB Games stores are selling tickets to see it at the Studio Movie Grill in Prestonwood. the tickets are $5 a piece a you have a chance to win any console system of your choice AND you can buy ENTER THE MATRIX 2 DAYS before it's released publically as well.

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Originally posted by MysticSpade

i saw X2 the day it came out. and my fav part is where



wolverine goes through the mansion takin out the infantry dudes. that was awesome



and i got 2 tickets to see The Matrix Reloaded 2 DAYS BEOFRE IT COMES OUT!!! a lucky bastard am i. but for anyone that lives in the Dallas, TX or more likely the greater metro area of Dallas the EB Games stores are selling tickets to see it at the Studio Movie Grill in Prestonwood. the tickets are $5 a piece a you have a chance to win any console system of your choice AND you can buy ENTER THE MATRIX 2 DAYS before it's released publically as well.



you sure bout dat? People always say dumb stuff like that right before a blockbuster comes out.....anyways the guy who said jean gray turns into pheonix is right...ok you know at the end where you see a yellow bird shaped object it the water? well thats jean only that she is now simbiotic with a life force called pheonix, which is why she had that fire in her eyes when she went all chop socky on the missles and stuff.



P.S. I copyright the word chop socky, so if you hear it anywhere you know they stole it from me.

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yeah i'm sure i got the 2 tickets in my wallet right now. and the EB Games just pulled together and rented the whole theater so they could do this. and i used to work at the EB that pulls the most weight. so it's all true i assure you. do any of you guys live in the Dallas/Mesquite TX area

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Ok, let's see, first off, in the FIRST incarnation of the comics, Jean Grey did die to be reborn as the Pheonix, but the end of X2 is up to personal interpretation. Fortuneatly, Stan Lee is keeping veto power over the new Marvel movies, so everything that happens, does so with his stamp of approval. I, personally, would love to see Gambit get going in the next one.



I loved the sequnce with Wolverine going nuts on the military guys. And when Mystique infiltrated the base..."We have an intruder, it could be anyone, even me!"


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Originally posted by Troopr-Undr-Fir

anyways the guy who said jean gray turns into pheonix is right...ok you know at the end where you see a yellow bird shaped object it the water? well thats jean only that she is now simbiotic with a life force called pheonix, which is why she had that fire in her eyes when she went all chop socky on the missles and stuff.


Uhhh......we....know that....YOU were the one that asked why they had her die........

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Originally posted by Darklighter

I think the most useful ability would be the power to shapeshift, because you could become anything and everything you wanted, and it would be pretty subtle. That being said, I would choose to have telekinetic and telepathic powers, mostly because you can do things right across the boards (e.g. read people's thoughts, move things with your mind <= this one particularly has infinite possiblities).


Er,technically, you couldnt be everything you ever wanted. If your vital organs were changed(like, you turned into a donkey or pig) you'd probably die..


For me,I'd like to be Iceman. The mere ability to free Dr. Pepper and other sodas is enough for me.:D

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I voted for Shapeshifting simply the best ability ever.


I mean the greatest (and wussiest) X-man of all time Morph had this ability. He wasn't much of a fighter till one episode in the animated series where all the X-men are captured by Sentinals (I think at Genosha my memory is really foggy). He simply pwnages every thing in his site (morphs into each of the other X-men, and uses their abilitys). If you can use every other ability while morphed why would you want the other abilities when you can have em all at your discretion in the first place? (I don't think telekinetic and telepathic abilities can be mimic-ed though, from what I've seen, or else the morph ability would be way overpowered).

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well it's said that Gambit is rumored to play a MAJOR part in X3. his cameo in this movie is said to be a lead in for his plot development in the next film. but they removed his cameo cuz they felt that it would taint his plot line for a worthless cameo

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Originally posted by MysticSpade

well it's said that Gambit is rumored to play a MAJOR part in X3. his cameo in this movie is said to be a lead in for his plot development in the next film. but they removed his cameo cuz they felt that it would taint his plot line for a worthless cameo


YES!!! that makes me REALLY REALLY happy!




If you can use every other ability while morphed why would you want the other abilities when you can have em all at your discretion in the first place?


I don't think all morphs can use mutant's abilities. Mystique cannot.

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If I could I would choose them all and become a god and unstopable force that could live forever


for healing where you talking about from the movies or the comics/shows because in the movies he heals alot faster then he did in the shows


and Tyrion if you changed into an animal I dont think that it would kill you but its true that you couldnt turn into anything you wantd like say a hand gernade :D:p:D

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Well, you could make yourself LOOK like a hand grenade....it'd probably have to be a fairly BIG hand grenade, not sure if Mystique could make herself that small.......hmmmm.....


is mystique able to shift her organ shapes and sizes? Like....could she make herself REALLY flat, like.....enough to slide under a regular doorway? Just curious...

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