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I have it on 5th hand hear say, that the GOLD release date will be set in STONE and named at E3



But as everyone remembers last year E3, they said before christmas of last year too, so really it anyones guess now.

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Originally posted by Dradle

I have it on 5th hand hear say, that the GOLD release date will be set in STONE and named at E3



But as everyone remembers last year E3, they said before christmas of last year too, so really it anyones guess now.


Umm i think i can make out what your saying, they are going to name the date at e3? :confused:

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First of all GOLD and release date are 2 different things. When a game goes gold, that means a final version has been agreed upon and it is sent to be duplicated.Second, in the event they do announce it at E3, they would announce release date, not gold date. Third they can easily push release date back to september which is probably when this game will come out.

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Pesemistic...or realistic? That is the question. Though I am not a Beta Tester, I am assuming that the main hold up for the game is balancing the classes and stuff. Fixing a bug doesn't take that long, but balancing a game does. I have Beta Tested a lot of games, and balancing usually is the issue, though some games do have horrible bugs, but those were probably taken care of Phase 1 and 2 for SWG. Of course I could be wrong, and I wish I am and that the game gets released next month, but unfortunatly all the signs right now are pointing to me being right :).

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Yeah, and I have an elephant moving my lawn right now. Thing is, SOE keeps twisting everyone's minds by using improper nomenclatura. That is, they call the future closed beta 3 stage that will be free of the NDA an 'open beta', while an open beta in the rest of the industry actually means a beta version that is free for everyone to join. So, until the day SOE learns a thing or two, they will continue to spread disinformation that the beta will eventually be open to the public.


Stupid SOE, can't do anything right! j/k ;)

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Originally posted by setsuko

Yeah, and I have an elephant moving my lawn right now. Thing is, SOE keeps twisting everyone's minds by using improper nomenclatura. That is, they call the future closed beta 3 stage that will be free of the NDA an 'open beta', while an open beta in the rest of the industry actually means a beta version that is free for everyone to join. So, until the day SOE learns a thing or two, they will continue to spread disinformation that the beta will eventually be open to the public.


Stupid SOE, can't do anything right! j/k ;)


Hey hey, you will have a lawsuit apon you now. For mouthing soe, not as bad as what Microsoft would do. J/K :D

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