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Possible Spoilage - Enter the Matrix - Hacking discussion


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Don't ask me,


personally I think he's just SAYing he knows to look good. I don't doubt that he's tried. I know neo is ingame, because I found the image of the ingame model. And there is that screenie above. Phizzle seems to be the only person who has a chance of telling us. But frankly all this conspracy is making me hate the game.

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That's true, Welshman. The other player models (like Morpheus and Trinity) are playable in MP mode, and they have their own unique fighting style, so Neo should be available as well.


Too bad that Reaper fed everyone a load of bull. Perhaps Phizzle will tell us.

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I know Decode is used with the Strategy guide. Beep and vibration are is used for fun. All the rest are pretty clear. I thought they put Echo in to make it more realistic. I don't know anymore.


Oh and reaper, sorry If you do know, Its just I dont think people appriciate you keeping it from us. :mad:

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Originally posted by Lost Welshman

Oh and reaper, sorry If you do know, Its just I dont think people appriciate you keeping it from us. :mad:


I completely agree with Lost here. Reaper, I personally do not think it is clever or funny to withold information such as this, as it is causing a massive amount of aggravation among the other participants in this thread. Either you kindly tell us now what to do, or you stop bragging with no intention of giving any info. Simple as that. Your witholding of information, like Eldritch said, only makes us believe that you haven't actually got Neo. Only way to prove you have is to tell us. I think that's a fair deal.

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Well, insulting Reaper isn't going to get him to give us that code any sooner...but since he has his 1000 posts and his custom title and is STILL feeding us a buncha crap...well...Reaper....tsk tsk...

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ok, from what I gather, the decode is pointless unless you get the guide. They just coded the important words in the hints section, so don't worry about decode....


as for echo... I have no clue. Reaper is right.. they put it in for a reason.... I just don't see it...


and about Sparks Training level... it's nothing more than minigames. I dunno what you get if you do something special, but it's just there for fun.


I got this info when I did a lil reading at the mall :D

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Originally posted by -=ReApEr=-

I am holding out indeed. Once i get 1000 posts and my custom title. I will tell everyone the way it gos. :D

Maybe it's just me, but I interpreted this as "Once I've got my custom title, i'll tell everyone exactly how to get Neo."

Seems pretty clear to me, but I guess "I will tell everyone the way it gos" means "I'll cryptically hint at it, without giving you any really substantial clues."

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Many of the programs have example command lines, try then at first to lead you on....


IE DROP has an example code, if you hacked before getting into the game, you would've dropped weapons into the second level of the post office... Try the example line first, it usually does something to help you...

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The rabbit hole just got deeper.


If you go to www.danielinstitute.com, it says the site can't open but the thing is...the site IS open. They purposely put the Error 500- Site can't be found on purpose. They made the site look like the error page. If you scroll down, you'll find a hex code=0x800A0BCD. I don't know how to enter it into the matrix.com though. Someone tell me.


Also, once Hacking is finished, Neo tells you to "follow the white rabbit". Go to www.whiterabbit.com. The whole site is the friggin origin of the Matrix!! It's entirely fabricated but...damn. This game is sooo deep! I'm going to try and see how deep the rabbit hole goes. I'll

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