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Possible Spoilage - Enter the Matrix - Hacking discussion


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Thank you Reaper, you finally found something then.




J/k :p


I hope it mentions Neo.


Does anyone know what this Swordplay is?




'Q: How do I use Neo, Morpheus or Trinity in the main game?

A: As far as I know, you can't.'




Here is the only thing we didn't know:


Decode these







Not sure what they do yet. Anyone know?

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Yeah......so......um...........There was not a single thing on that FAQ that I didn't know how to do already, EXCEPT for the decode terms. There was no mention of Echoing either......and unless your name is Spencer.......you didn't write that......so are YOU ever going to tell us anything? Or have you been feeding us a line this entire time?

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Dammit ReApEr! This dosen't help at all! Just flat out tell us how you got Neo or that you don't got him so we can talk about other things. I don't know why you felt you needed this BS attention you're getting, but its quickly turning into negative attention.

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okay. apparently, the decoding of those 3 codes has lead me to believe that they only help in getting the sword. 'SwordPlay', 'Red Solution', 'Sparks', and I forgot the other one. See the association? You need the red solution for the sword and you need Sparks, which you get from the RAM, which is where the TRAINING is. Any sign of me finding Neo? No. But unlike some people, if and when I find him, you'll all be the first to know. I give my word. THEN we'll see who the REAL MaTrIx HaCkInG LoRd is!


Oh, and ReApEr. Looks like someone found YOUR source before YOU did. Why is that..?:mad: For shame, ReApEr...

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Mods are of no help to me when I have ETM on Xbox.......


Same here dude:(


Well, it can't be helped I guess. Who knows, maybe there is a secret code to get Neo (I mean, that was one of the main reasons people wanted a Matrix game - to play as the hero), and the game creators might release it at some point. Until then, we'll just have to make do:)

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*flies in*


the neo picture could have been made by doing this


Ok, here is a "not so smart" way to play as neo, trinity and morpheus:


first, BACKUP all the files for ghost and niobe in the actors folder


then use Neo.dcx/Morpheus_coat.dcx to replace all the Ghost***.dcx by renaming Neo.dcx/Morpheus.dcx to Ghost_Costume04.dcx etc.




use Trinity_zen.dcx to replace all Niobe files (except for Niobe_cellphone.dcx, Niobe_cellphone_pik.dcx and Niobe_thermal.dcx i guess.. don't ask me why cause i'm also not sure, i didn't replace it)


now u can play Neo vs Seraph in the Seraph's Tea House as in the movie, or fight the 3 agent smith with Neo. Cool!



or these codes have been suggested

To get Neo



To get Trinity



To get Morpheous



but i haven't tested them yet


if i found out more i will be back


*flies off*

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Originally posted by Darklighter

Same here dude:(


Well, it can't be helped I guess. Who knows, maybe there is a secret code to get Neo (I mean, that was one of the main reasons people wanted a Matrix game - to play as the hero), and the game creators might release it at some point. Until then, we'll just have to make do:)



I HOPE there is a code to get Neo.....because it would be way fun to play as Neo, especially if he was able to kill agents and whatnot.

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Originally posted by Masterjo2588

siv, do you know if your method for neo works or not. im just asking.


well, renaming files method works, i haven't done it myself but other people have and say it works. although there is some bugs (still got ghost's voice and mouth doesn't move in cutscenes :()


the codes? I don't know, haven't tried them yet

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Originally posted by Sivy B

*flies in*


the neo picture could have been made by doing this



or these codes have been suggested

To get Neo



To get Trinity



To get Morpheous



but i haven't tested them yet


if i found out more i will be back


*flies off*



I just checked the 3 codes, none working...

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