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Wash St. bans sale of "violent" games to minors....


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I grew up and lived in that state for 26 years.......as for it being the first state to do this, I'm not too surprised considering who is the Governor. I just can't imagine many kids wanting to run out and beat-up/kill law enforcement officer's because they played it in some game [Rogue15 being the exception to that].

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Well, I'm not sure what the political motivations afoot here are...but I do know that it's because of games like Pilot Wings and Rogue Squadron that the local Air National Guard units keep their helicopters in hangars now.


'This is the FAA calling unidentified craft. You are in sensitive airspace, and must put down immediately!'


'UFO to ground--f**k off.'


'I say again, you are violating American airspace. You must put down immediately, or face jet aircraft interception!'


'I haven't begun violating anything yet, Sparky. Which tower are you in?'


'Unidentified aircraft, fighter jets have been scrambled and are on the way. You MUST put down!'


'Jets, eh? UFO to jets--GET OUT OF MY SKY!'


It just gets worse from there... :D

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in australia our game rating system works the same way as our movie rating system







only problem is that games don't have a R18+ rating to em like movies do so anything REALLY violent or whatever is edited... those bastards ¬¬ we don't have any trouble in australia like you guys must have over there in the states... the most any kid effected by videogames down here does is attack his dog with a water pistol *shrugs*

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Originally posted by Lynk Former

you guys must have over there in the states


We dont' have such a problem. We were breeding idiots decades before video games became the 'cause.' The police just used to be able to shoot them almost randomly.

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Oh,.. This is just stupid.


There's nothing quite like the uniquely American propensity of increasing the desirability of something a thousand-fold by enacting a law to cease its sale to minors. IMHO, the tobacco and alcohol companies never did anything smarter than agreeing not to allow minors to purchase their products, thereby assuring that entire generations of kids, (many of whom who would never have the slightest desire to use these products if they could get their hands on them easily and legally,) would become hopelessly enamored with the lure and the danger of getting their hands on these products.


If you passed a law tomorrow banning the consumption and possession of vegetables to anyone under the age of 25, we would suddenly have the healthiest youth population of any westernized country on Earth. I can see it now: All-night underground crudités parties,.. where groups of kids dance the night away fueled by a mixture of high-decibel techno music, X, and fresh broccoli and cauliflower; high-schoolers sneaking away between classes to pass around and sneak swigs off a V-8 bottle; street gangs fighting to the death over valuable black-market salad territory...


Besides,.. As a game-shop owner do you really want to be the one who has to tell a kid who has been playing hyper-violent games all his life that his supply has suddenly been cut off?


"Hey, kid! Yeah, you there... oh, it's you again?!? I thought I told you that we can't sell you that gam... hey, what's that in your hands kid? A fuel-cell powered chainsaw, and a rail-gun?!? Uh, what are you planning on doing with thos... now don't do any thing rash... hey! Ahhh ahhh! Help m..."


You really wanna keep kids from wanting to play violent vid games? Make it something they are forced to do:


First grade teacher: "Jimmy! I saw you pull little Janey's hair! Now you sit in the corner playing Vice-City for 20 minutes and think about what you've done!"


Mother to child, who is sitting at the kitchen table: "What is that you are doing? Algebra? Have you done your Unreal Tournament time yet today, mister? No? What have I told you about doing homework before videogames? Huh? Well you better march yourself right upstairs and get to it! I don't hear fragging up there! You'd better not be reading, or you will be so grounded young man!"



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Glad I could help.


Now about those panties... you wouldn't be interested in selling them, would you? Preferably unwashed.

I can help you unload them if you want,.. for a reasonable cut of the profits.




Gawd... I've really gotta get away from the web for a while. It has totally warped my worldview.




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Ahhh yes... the World Wide Web, where no matter what your particular fetishes are, there will always be someone who will be willing to cater to them...


... for a healthy profit margin, of course.


No matter how unique you believe your personal perversion might happen to be, you will never find any shortage of folks out there ready, willing, and able to capitalize on it.


Gives you a warm feeling inside,.. doesn't it?



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