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Matrix Reloaded: Reviewed (err... kinda)

Boba Rhett

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yes it is shorter. *the continuous ads make it longer since they now include pepsi twist and the Think Young Drink Young Pepsi commercial. But the Matrix is 2hrs 19 minutes long while The Matrix Reloaded is.... 2 hours 18 minutes long. so as you can see, it is shorter.

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i had no idea the matrix was that long.... must be cos it seemed to go by that fast. If you asked i would have guessed the matrix was about 95 minutes.:)


anyone remember the 80s when all films were almost dead on 90 minutes... now even the action movies are nearly 2 1/2 hrs :D

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Well nowadays, the stories can be very complex and for some movie producers, they are required by the parent company to keep it just under 2 hours (hence the standard 90 minutes (give or take 10-20 minutes) But for films like the Lord Of the Rings, Star Wars, and the Matrix trilogies, only a full-length, 2hr+ can cover almost every point.

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i like the fact that the wachowski bros. made sure pretty much everything was kept secret. i mean we know NOTHING of revolutions basically. i started watching a trailer of Reloaded before it came out and stopped it because i wanted everything to be a surprise.

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The one right above Darky's, by RP, was a new thread that Darky merged with this one.


BTW, I think the movie mistakes are great only when they're funny... not tiny insignificant stuff like "there's 16 bullet holes in the hood in one shot, but in the next shot, there's only 15!" Stop the press! 16 then 15! How could they overlook such a glaring error that takes so much from the movie? :rolleyes:

People need to find better uses for their free time. :eyeraise:

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Agreed, sometimes I just wonder, WHY would you EVER notice that UNLESS you were dying to find something wrong?


While Trinity is falling out of the window, she tries to shoot the agent leaping after her. The bullets of her guns are too close to each other because the weapon has a limited rate of fire of 1700 rounds per minute, which is by the way extremely high for a submachine gun. This is because of technical issues: the whole automated reloading cycle just takes some time. In reality a bullet fired off from a micro-uzi would be over 12m away when the next one leaves the muzzle



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In reality a bullet fired off from a micro-uzi would be over 12m away when the next one leaves the muzzle.


Right, 'cos The Matrix is all about realism, right?




When Neo is talking to the Oracle there is a stray hair about to fall away from the Oracle's head. It disappears and reappears a couple of times.


Because that really makes a difference to the scene, and is totally noticable.




Sorry, I'm in a very sarcastic mood ^^;

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yeah, mistakes that are funny are worth noting.. like when the stormtropper hits his head in ANH. but small insignificant details is just plan nick-picking.

when i watch a movie i don't 'count the bullets'

well unless the movie is really crap and i'm bored.

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One thing I noticed by accident that others saw as well was the fact that with the Kitana that Morpheus used had been stuck into the side of the Semi he was on, but when the camera did a flyby for both sides, the sword isn't there at all, but then reappears when morpheus grabbed it for his dramatic fight against agent thompson.

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  • 2 weeks later...

cool thanx, all i heard when neo talked to the arcitect, was argo, anomily, systematic, visa-vi, bla.... any way i under stand it now!!


matrix reloaded is 8/10

matrix is 9/10


edit===== by the way, did any one see the parody of the matrix reloaded on the mtv movie awards, it was soooooooooo dang funny when they had, oh forget his name but if you saw it, he played the arcitech and man, it was soooooo goooooddd

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