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Jedi, Lightsabers?


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Why has there not been a screenshot or showing in a trailer of a Jedi or Lightsaber ...im getting the feeling being a Jedi in SWG wont be worth it. You would think that if it was one of the funner aspects of the game theyd have some screens of it or show some footage. If there has been footage or screens of this, please let me know.

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It's not that it won't be worth it, it will be near to impossible to become one, much less stay as one. ;)

Basically, they don't want you to get your hopes up.



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I personally dont think its a jedi. I doubt we will see any screenshots of jedis from the devs, we will have to wait for players to take screenshots.


I heard lots of beta people got to test out being a jedi, you can bet they took plenty of screenshots :D .

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Originally posted by Xx_Patman_xX

I personally dont think its a jedi. I doubt we will see any screenshots of jedis from the devs, we will have to wait for players to take screenshots.


I heard lots of beta people got to test out being a jedi, you can bet they took plenty of screenshots :D .


Are you sure, Pat? (Honest question). I'm very new to the beta (been in for about 3 weeks now), but I was under the distinct impression, given some dev posts, that Jedi simply would not be beta tested externally.

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Well i think they have to have the jedi bata tested............How els are they gonna tell if it is perffect...........I also heard somewere that there wasd once a hole lot of exp given away.........so the higher proffesions(i think that includes jedi) could be tested............

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Originally posted by Jatari Bazrak

I know at E3 they showed a battle with the rebels and the Jedi duking it out with the Empire. they actuly have a picture of a jedi on warcry but it isn't clear anough to she the jedi.


Can you link us to the picture please? :confused::)

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Ok, so Jedi is being tested internally...but then how can they get affective feedback if it's from members of the team? Say the devs have the option of putting in force jump (this is a for-instance. I know there is no jumping in the game that is affective) so Jedi can cover large disances in a single bound and they all seem to like it. Ok, so the devs like it. Now what if the game is released and someone becomes a Jedi and they get some force jump so he starts jumping around and he's like "what the hell is the fun in this?" or someone sees him and goes "Jedi!" so they all try to kill him and now the player is like "Great...jumping sucks and everyone's trying to kill me." I think my point is obvious.....

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