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Wont be doing much....anymore...


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Hi Guys. And, kinda...bye. During this summer, I'm not gonna be able to come as much on the forums, or internet. This also means that I'm holding off Shrinks v.2 and Last Entry...by like 3 months :( I'm going to be indulging in sunlight and practicing on my guitar. I havent practiced for like 7 months, and I just had a sudden inspiration to start again. So, I'm just saying, that I wont be on as much....I hope you guys don't miss me TOO much....


(But remember, I still will be on, maybe every other day.) :)


-Acrylic "Frei" Guitar

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Originally posted by Lunatic Jedi










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Originally posted by AcrylicGuitar

Well, I dont get any radiation (I dont think) Cuz I have an LCD Flat Panel.


I will GLADLY give my precious radiation big monitor for your LCD Flat *drools* Panel. It'll be tough..but I can survive..:joy:

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Guitar, huh? Cool! I'm learning piano. I agree with the guys, though. Outside bad!!


(Suddenly realizes what he said and what his plans for the summer are)


Umm... never mind. I'll be in the sun for a good long time over the period of two weeks.


(Walks off muttering) Why must I do this to myself??

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Originally posted by wildjedi

Guitar, huh? Cool! I'm learning piano.[/size]


Well, I had my guitar for 3 years, and barely learned anything. And I see people who have been playing for 3 years, and they are AWESOME!!!!!!

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Originally posted by AcrylicGuitar

Well, I had my guitar for 3 years, and barely learned anything. And I see people who have been playing for 3 years, and they are AWESOME!!!!!!

Yeah, well... I've been playing for about 16 years, graduated from Berklee College Of Music, have been working there for over 3 years now,.. and I still feel that I suck big time!

I know kids less than half my age that can totally clean my clock. It gets a bit depressing sometimes, but I really try not to dwell on it.


Try not to compare your progress with others. You may not be able to see it, but you can already do things that they can't do. Just work on doing something new every day that you couldn't do yesterday, and not trying to do something that someone you know can do, only faster. You'll drive yourself crazy that way, and you'll never really succeed.


Check out this website: http://www.maui.net/~zen_gtr/

and get the Zen Guitar book and read it.


You may ultimately find that your strengths in music aren't in being a great guitar player or performer, but as a composer or songwriter,.. and there's no shame in that.

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Originally posted by edlib

Yeah, well... I've been playing for about 16 years, graduated from Berklee College Of Music, have been working there for over 3 years now,.. and I still feel that I suck big time!

I know kids less than half my age that can totally clean my clock. It gets a bit depressing sometimes, but I really try not to dwell on it.


Try not to compare your progress with others. You may not be able to see it, but you can already do things that they can't do. Just work on doing something new every day that you couldn't do yesterday, and not trying to do something that someone you know can do, only faster. You'll drive yourself crazy that way, and you'll never really succeed.


Check out this website: http://www.maui.net/~zen_gtr/

and get the Zen Guitar book and read it.


You may ultimately find that your strengths in music aren't in being a great guitar player or performer, but as a composer or songwriter,.. and there's no shame in that.

Wow...thanks for the advice. I feel that oneday, I may become something in the music indusry. If not a guitar player, maybe a producer, or own a record label. Who knows? Only time will tell. :)

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I have been playing guitar for about 3 and a half years. I played in a garage band for a little while, but now I am starting my own band.

I am pretty good at the guitar ( I think, or so my friends say) I just practive about an hour a day. It helps. If you want some free tabs(though not always correct) go to http://www.guitartabs.cc


It has just about all the taabs you want. :)

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Originally posted by Thrackan Solo

I have been playing guitar for about 3 and a half years. I played in a garage band for a little while, but now I am starting my own band.

I am pretty good at the guitar ( I think, or so my friends say) I just practive about an hour a day. It helps. If you want some free tabs(though not always correct) go to http://www.guitartabs.cc


It has just about all the taabs you want. :)


Hmmm! Nice Site! I also use guitar pro 4, and it has interactive tabs in a way. I get the interactive tabs at http://www.mysongbook.com

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