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Do you like Spam?  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like Spam?

    • Yes I like it.
    • I detest the stuff.
    • We don't have it in our country, you English fool.

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What with all this talk of spam, I was wondering;

Does anyone actually like Spam? as in the 'meat' (that's what it's marketed as anyways)




Personally I can't stand the stuff, but there ya go.




I know what you're thinking, and obviously you can lock it if you want, but technically, spam is a thread or post without topic or relevance, and this is a topic about spam. And the other spam if you think about it. Therefore is it spam? Now I need a lie down.

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Originally posted by PrimoSidone

we dont have it u english fool


Excuse me? I'm English and that is a flame. There was absolutely no need for that. This is a warning, do not flame users of this forum or you will suffer the consequences.

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Erm, I don't want to stick up for flaming, but technically it wasn't a flame.


"We don't have it you English Fool" is actually an option on the poll. Obviously it was meant in a light-hearted way. What with me being English and that.


Sorry if I've inadvertantly started a fight :(


Anyway Lexx, you're Enligh aren't you? Do you like Spam?


EDIT: Keeping it on topic, a Spam anecdote for ya. A lot of vegetarian people say (so I'm told) that the only thing they miss about eating meat is a good old Bacon Sandwich. A friend of mine, who's been a vegetarian for years now, swears blind the only thing that would 'tempt' him back would be Spam Fritters. :confused: Seriously! For anyone who's none the wiser, this is actually fried spam. Apart from that he's a lovely bloke...



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Originally posted by Count_D00ku

Yeah what LeXX you jibbering nincompoop.

may i remind you that is a flame aswell ;)

and why the hell do you have an adolf hitler avatar?



and we dont have spam in can here but i think i really wouldnt like it. i´ve eaten similar food and well, jikes!

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Oh, I didn't even notice that he was using one of the poll options lol. My fault. ^_^


Yes, I like spam when it's cooked, not cold.


And Count_Dooku - Replying to a flame with a flame is just as bad as a flame, so don't do it again.

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Originally posted by Padanime

and why the hell do you have an adolf hitler avatar?


Maybe he likes hitler, or is a true facist. I dunno :confused:



But..Spam..Is..Eeeeeew. I used to eat it. And I used to LOVE it. but now...its just...ick.

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Does it bother anyone else that Hitler defended England's honor?


Anyway, I have nothing to say about spam, (although I have been offered spam a few time, but declined) but when I was in London I ate some English-style bacon sandwiches. I couldn't get over the non-crispiness. Yech! Meat is too damn expensive over there.


-PS- Buy Canadian beef! It's safe, I swear. If you get mad cow you can come kick my in the shnuts. It's probable that the one case of mad cow in Canada was just a random mutation, really!


-PPS- My sister's friend from a long time ago was in the army cadets and she said that rations are absolutely nasty, except the Peanut Butter-style spread on crackers one. She said Chicken Alfredo rations could make a man puke. Wasn't spam invented as army rations or something? I thought I heard that somewhere.


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My Flame wasn't as bad as Primo's because he was denouncing beautiful glorious England, however I was denouncing him for his referal to English people.


And the Hitler avatar is because I have my history exams coming up and I got my mind on History and Hitler.

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SPAM trade mark and other products something called FLICK identical to SPAM was invented by the Brit's I do believe UK historians correct me do to meat shortages in the war. so if support the armed forces than you should dig SPAM. SPAM is very popular in Hawaii, cause during war US forces stationed there ate SPAM, now war is over SPAM is sold in hawaiina supermarkets all the time as in elsewhere as in Canada. there is a cool Hawaiina receipt and it may sound bad but ry it seriously:

SPAM Teriyaki you take SPAM and pineapple and marinade it in either Kobe or Teriyaki sauce and you serve it on plain white rice. I made this the other night, easy to make, last days in the fridge without spoiling cause SPAM is invincible. anyhow a well balanced diet is reccomended but for a lark try it, like green eggs and ham you may PM me and say thank you, thank you egplant U am.:D

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Originally posted by Count_D00ku

Yeah what LeXX you jibbering nincompoop.



That's as bad as Primo's post. Come on, don't make this worst - Darklighter

YOU should be banned from the forums mister!!! Just because of your avatar...IT HURTS TO SEE THIS THAT SOME GUYS HAVEN'T LEARNED FROM THE PAST.

This is no flaming! I'm german, I know what I'm talking about:mad:

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Err, actually, that is flaming =/ Calm down Wanderer, it's been sorted. Now, let's get back on the topic of "Spam" (never thought I would ever say that XD lol).


Spam, eh? Never tried it. Ever. Though, someday I will, to see what all the fuss is about ^^;

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