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/me 18!!!

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He's right you know... after school ends it's like you old self has died and a new pressured you is born... school was great now that i think about it because it was easy and all we did was have fun with friends... at the time i hated school of course... lol

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He's right you know

aren't i always? :D


school was great now that i think about it because it was easy and all we did was have fun with friends

well...i wouldn't say ALL we did was have fun... there was tonnes of work too....this damn education system.


i guess what made it fun wozzat nothing much was expected of us then. we could do anything we wanted and not have much in the way of social obligations, especially in comparison with what's required of adults. more importantly, we could do everything adults did- albeit some were done illegally, but that affords an extra kick from engaging in that activity. i think i'd enjoy watching an r-rated movie when i was 16 more than i would have had i watched it legally...



Unless you go to college.

might as well clear this up now-- in your country, does college refer to an institution of tertiary education akin to a university or is it an advanced form of secondary education? from a simpler angle... what age groups do colleges cater to?

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Ok the british education system in simple terms


5-16 - full time compuslorary (sp) education at school.


16-18 - usually taking 3-4 a-levels, at either 6th form or college. (6th form is quite often part of a school, where as colleges are paid by the government to educate us if we are < 18, otherwise they charge fees (you can only go to school run 6th forms at < 18)).


19 > - some people will leave for work (most who want to work have usually left before a-levels though), others take a year out before going on to university (uni), others go straight onto uni (like myself). Uni is subsidised by the government depending on your income (basically if you earn over £30k you have to pay 1/4 of the fees, < £20k and you don't pay anything). Uni is typcially three years, but im doing a 4 year course with a year in industry.

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As much as people hate on the US educate system, they still taught me how to spell compulsory. Go go America.


Also, why is a university education three years? Does Britain suck like that and all the good people flee to the US for a higher level education? Four years is typical in the US if you go to a place with the word university in the name. I'm not learningologist, but I'm fairly certain that four years is longer than three years.

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Heck, go into the armed services for free, and get the same education PLUS you get paid to go into a collage anyway for jsut that nice degree, which would be a breeze anyway due to you already knowing what to do anyway ^_~

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Six years is a Masters.


If you really want me to prove why the americans are genetically dumber (on average) than the rest of the world I can.


I can prove that you're stupider for even thinking this. The average IQ (i don't like the IQ test personally. it's fundamentally flawed) in the US is around 98. The world average is somewhere in the 70s.


PS: I'm very interested in this zany three years of British college (in America, it's called college regardless or even just school)(the university I'm technically a student at is one of the largest in the world, but it's still "school." it has owns the second largest stadium in the US). In the UK, what kind of classes do you have to take in "uni?" Are you forced to stick close to classes directly related to your major (do they call them majors?) or do they try to get you a well rounded education? For a Bachelors (which is our four year degree), almost two years of that is general stuff. Like for my B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) in Political Science, I have to have three art classes, two social sciences (like psych or something), three general sciences, three language, two or three math, two English, two physical education and one speech in addition to around 10 classes in Political Science. On top of that I have to have an additional number of electives of my own choice (these can be anything at all). I have to have 123 credits (I will explain credits if they're different/don't exist in the UK). That's just for a standard worthless B.A.. The US is so heavily over-educated that a Masters (six years) is starting to be worthless. An Associates (two years!) is a complete waste of time, unless you're "going back to school" when your 38 and unemployable. I know these because I was screwing around at a community college (think "high school II") for three years and the highest they can offer is an Associates (except at my cc they had a single Bachelors program in Metrology).

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doesn't the number of years in each course vary from university to university?


anyway...anyway, here in singapore, 'colleges' per se don't quite exist. we do have junior colleges which cater to those from 17-18. 18-year-olds take their A-levels in jc...after jc, the males go 4 2.5 years of hell on earth-also known as national service- while the females go to university to get their degrees.


I can prove that you're stupider for even thinking this. The average IQ (i don't like the IQ test personally. it's fundamentally flawed) in the US is around 98. The world average is somewhere in the 70s

well, it sure doesn't show. :D

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World average IQ 70!!, lol.


If you had the intelligence to know what the IQ scale actually is you would realise that is impossible.


An IQ of 100 is supposed to be the average IQ, IQ measures the relative differance of ones IQ from the average, nothing else. Now in reality this is difficult to ensure, but the measurement is still kept around the value of 100.


So from your own evidence you can see that the americans are slightly off this level (in a recent nationwide survey the average IQ of a britian. was found to be 106).


Now on to proving why the americans are genetically dumber than the rest of the world.


During the colonisation of america many people decided to start a new life there, usually because their lives in europe (and other places were so bad). Now on average (I stress that I am only talking about averages and majorities, not totals here.) the people with bad lives are the poor, now again on average the poor tend to have a lower IQ (people with a higher IQ tend to do better in life no matter what their starting point). So therefore there would have been a greater percentage below average intelligence on their way to help colonise America. QED. The difference in the average IQ of american compared to britian can be used to support this.

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come 2 think of it...a world average IQ of 70 IS pretty impossible. after all, the average IQ point is 110+ -- and there's a reason why they call it the average iq...


During the colonisation of america many people decided to start a new life there, usually because their lives in europe (and other places were so bad). Now on average (I stress that I am only talking about averages and majorities, not totals here.) the people with bad lives are the poor, now again on average the poor tend to have a lower IQ (people with a higher IQ tend to do better in life no matter what their starting point). So therefore there would have been a greater percentage below average intelligence on their way to help colonise America. QED.

ya know, technically, this isn't quite proving that the americans are genetically dumber than the rest of the world....it only relates america's average IQ to britain's....


and even so, it isn't exactly proof per se of britain's superior intelligence....it's just a theory based on the questionable premise that the poor are indeed dumber than the rich. cold, undisputable (with the exception of critising the validity of the IQ system) proof would be a comparison of their average IQs.


a question- is intelligence really genetic?





now...how did we get from congratulating jabba on his birthday to discussing america's average level of intelligence? :)

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Firstly IQ is a relative scale so the average IQ is set at a hundred if the world average is different then the scale is changed so 100 is average.


And yes there is statistical data that the poor tend to have a lower IQ


And I actually meant they are dumber than all of europe.


It changed topic like this - my birthday --> What im doing now --> how the british education system works --> why is it standard to only do 3 years at uni --> cause the british can learn faster...

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Thanks you for a good laugh Jabba.


IQ, is perhaps the most worthless test ever devised. At the most it is valid only for children. Around the time you become a teenager IQ basically becomes worthless. From that point on it is all about a persons motivation and willingness to learn. This holds true if you don't actually have mental problems.


Also for you information


90-100 is considered average.


The world average is 90. 1 in five contires have scores near 100.


In the end it shows the US and Britain have basically the same average IQ.


Of course the test also differ, Making the scores differ.

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Most of my questions about the British system went unanswered. I'm genuinely curious about how your system works compared to ours.


Admiral is both a gentleman and a scholar. I said right out that the IQ 'test' is flawed. I know this because I got no less that three different results in a single day for myself in 1998. Each and every one of these results were over 120. This is supposed to be statistically impossible. There are only, in the US, supposed to be 6.25 million people capable of producing such results. I have my doubts that I'm in the top 2.5% of intelligent people in the US.

If I remember right:

2.5% percent of the population is supposed to get 120+

5% 110-120

85% 109-89

5% 88-78

2.5% -77


It MIGHT break down differently though. There's actually a few versions of the IQ test.


Virtually everyone I know that I went to high school with scored over 110. I know this because we got to see our own records in our senior year and everyone was comparing their test results. I'm not sure exactly how many people were in my graduating class, but I'll guess (guess) 200. This means there should have been only five people got 120+. I can name, right now, ten people that had. oops we broke the system.


What's hilarious are that those online IQ tests are exactly the same as the written kind, but somehow produce different results. The highest I remember getting on a written IQ test was 133. On an online one, it's easy to score over 180, which shouldn't even happen.


There are far better tests for measuing adult intelligence. I remember taking one of them and it was really really really hard. It proved I could read and reason like a...thing that reads and reasons good, but sucked at the math like an automatic sucking machine.


And Jabba, you seem to have forgotten that while all the stupid fled England, the smart fled everywhere else. British descendants are very uncommon (at least around here). The rest of Europe made America.

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And Jabba, you seem to have forgotten that while all the stupid fled England, the smart fled everywhere else. British descendants are very uncommon (at least around here). The rest of Europe made America.



My sentiments exactly. To say that Americans are dumb is absolute folly. But if it is true Jabba, how's it feel to know that a bunch of dummies kicked your countrymen out of here 200+ years ago, then we bailed them out in WWI, then we bailed them out again in WWII. How does it feel to know that you would probably be speaking German right now if it wasn't for a bunch of dummies?



I guess we're not so dumb after all.

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