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Help Needed

Darth Groovy

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Ever since I upgraded my OS from XP Home, to XP Pro, my DVD player on my home pc will not play DVDs. I have reduced the resolution to next to nothing, and updated all the drivers, and still nothing. Currently I have Media Player and Intervideo WinDVD, neither program will play a DVD at this point. All the selections are checked, yet still nothing. Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, what are my options? I wanted to ask here first before calling Microsoft, those calls last forever.


Or, if there is another player for DVDs that you can recomend, I am open to suggestions.


Thanks in advance,



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I don't know what your problem is, Groovy, because I don't use XP Pro (yet). Have you tried reinstalling your graphics drivers? Or looking for an uptaded XP driver for your DVD drive?


You might also want to try PowerDVD, which I've found seems to work when some other players don't.


Good luck with your problem....

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I am going to try both Kstar, and Stormhammer's tips. Is there any wonder why I think this place is the greatest? Thanks for your advice! :D


If I can't get the DVD player to work, it is not a catastrophe, however, I hate having a drive on my pc that will not work, know what I mean?


I'll post again if I can get it to work.


Thanks much,



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I installed Power DVD, but the problem is not solved. Boy, HP may have some nice products, but their Technical support is the worst I have ever Endured. Make sure the system works before purchase. Apparently, I need to download some drivers, but I have been getting the run-arounds all day. HP Technical Support is the worst ever in my opinion.

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Try a freeware program called Zoom Player, it's up to 3 or so, it might take a little work to get it to do things properly, but it does a good job for free. Also Nvidia's NVDVD is another good one too, but not free.


Power DVD is up to 4 I believe, and WinDVD just went to 5 in the last week

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Well upon FINALLY getting through to an HP support tech, I discovered the REAL problem. Windows XP PRO does not support the onboard graphics card that came with my system. My only option now is to go back to XP Home, which I DO NOT want to do, or go and purchase a new graphics card and install it. Which means I am out yet more money. I tell you, one problem always leads to another.:rolleyes:

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You can have my old TNT2 card. ;)

That card pwns all. :D

I had a problem with playing DVDs, it ended up being the DVD Decompresser and codecs.

I've also found out that HP is one of the worse computer developers ever.

The only product my system still has of theirs, is the CPU case. :p

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I would not go so far as to say they are the "Worst". You apparently have not had to deal with Gateway yet. The problem is, you almost have to guestimate what you will be doing with your pc in about the next 5 to 10 years, because they don't want anything to be upgraded... ever!


My PC has been working fine, despite some graphics issues, but all and all, I been pretty satisified.


The tech support department IS miserable though.....


The dude on the phone recomended a 64MB Geforce MX440.

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Well upon FINALLY getting through to an HP support tech, I discovered the REAL problem. Windows XP PRO does not support the onboard graphics card that came with my system. My only option now is to go back to XP Home, which I DO NOT want to do, or go and purchase a new graphics card and install it. Which means I am out yet more money. I tell you, one problem always leads to another.:rolleyes:


There really isn't that much difference between Home and Pro apart from it's LAN capabilities, or so I've heard.

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