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WMA vs MP3

Darth Groovy

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Well I got a wild hair, and purchased a Nomad MuVo, wich is basically a portable disk drive that slides into a tiny player. The Memory size is 32MB, but on the front it says "An Hour of WMA Music". Now since I am stupid, I was wondering, are WMA files smaller than MP3s? How much is the file size in comparison?


Oh and here is a pic of my new toy:




They come available with 32MB, 64MB, or 128MB, and yes, the prices are steap, depending on how much memory you want.


Eventually I will break down and get a REAL MP3 player, but they are still out of my price range ATM




See, it''s pretty cool, because it slides out and plugs into the USB port, and you just drag and drop the files. Plus it is so small, that the whole thing fits into the palm of my hand, which makes it great for my bike rides.


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I went to a MS Multimedia presentation on campus back before Xmas. It was pretty cool too, but I remember one of the items they were bragging about is their new codec and how small they got the files down to. They were able to store high quality sound in small file sizes. I remember being really impressed with what was going on durring the presentation.


The new codec was designed for internet multimedia, downloading high quality audio/video for uses with limited bandwidth.


If I have more time, I will try to find something on the new codec and we should be able to do a real comparison. :D

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50%!!!! :eek:, I had no idea... Right now I can only get about 6 mp3s on it, damn, 50%, that is a good album's worth of stuff. Guess I will have to go convert some files. Thanks for the info Kstar.


Yes I know, but a good MP3 player is too much for me right now, this thing here was affordable, small, and once I get some WMA files, it will serve it's purpose, which is to provide me with music for my bike rides.


If I had the money, I would have an IPOD! :D

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I wanted one of these...but I'm going for one that supports MP3 format. I just bought a new car stereo. A panasonic w/ full dot matrix lcd display....ooooo. Well you can connect an mp3 player to it and well there you go! I just think MP3 is a lot more common than WMA and therefore a lot better.

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i got a Sonicblue S30S a few months ago and i love it. I needed something small and tough for skating and snowboarding, and it is excellent. The armband is pretty handy too...


On WMA, can anyone recomend a good music manager that can rip in WMA? At the moment I use RealONE, because it is pretty cool, i have it anyway and it combines a lot of functions into one package. What i really want it a plugin to allow realOne to encode in WMA...


Anyone have any ideas???


[edit]oh, and anyone know what the deal is with SD cards and copy protection?? It can take 128mb mmc cards, but up to 512 secure digital cards. I was gonna get a 256mb one in a few days, but im not sure what the "Secure Copyright Management" of sd cards means in terms of mp3 files.

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Well after much consideration, I took the Muvo back to the store today, and paid an extra $40 and got the RCA "Lyra" . It is a nice little compact mp3 player, and holds about 30 or more mp3s. The thing that makes it better, is there is a slot for memory cards. The cards go up to about 256MB, in addition to the 128MB it has. I have to say I am alot happier with this one.:)




Click here for specs, and the 3D view.

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