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You may start on: Naboo, Corellia, Tatooine, Rori, and Talus are the starting planets.


And sorry i cannot give you anything more than: "Take the shuttles, foo." ;):p:D Were you planning on swimming there?:rolleyes: J/K


Dantooine can be accessed from Tatooine's spaceport, but most likely not Corellia's spaceport due to the fact that most people on Corellia do not need to get to Dantooine. Sorry I cannot tell you more. :( But I do believe the cost is somewhere around 125 credits or so.

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from Tatooine to Corellia is about 800 credits; Tatooine to Dathomir, it's like around 2000 credits; and from Tatooine to Naboo, about 600 credits. That's all I can tell you because that's all I know. One thing for sure... never goto Dathomir alone or without a round trip ticket (whick cost twice as much as a normal ticket duh)

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I have yet to visit lots of the different planets because well, I haven't had much money....now I do and it's time to travel. :D


Anyone been to Endor or Lok? What do you think? I hear Lok is crazy....*shrugs*

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And as far as Dathomir.....witches kill parties not people...


Rancors are nasty only if you don't know what you're doing.....


Purboles are the true nasties of the planet........


Never underestimate the power of an angry Malkloc Bull......


If it looks like a mountain.....don't climb it....you're just going to get yourself killed.....


Always check what's behind you......


Use burst run only if you made sure to do the previous step.......


Corellia is a rather easy starting planet......


Sharnaffs are not Giraffes, they'll kick your butt......


Corellian Butterflies are pretty to look at, but if their name contains 'Defender' run like crazy.......


A Durni is not a rabbit, they are killer attack wabbits........


On Tatooine.......


Don't go to Wayfar unless you have a reason.......


Rebels beware of Bestine.........


Don't walk on the Sarlaac...you just look like an idiot.....


......more later........

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Lok is crazy, not only that but there is really cool music when you get on Lok :)


I think what makes Lok crazy is the fact that most of the stuff has armor, what makes Endor crazy is that most of the stuff is aggressive. The only way I suggest going to either alone is if you are pretty far into a specialist combat profession, and even then you may have a hard time. On those planets, the bigger your group the more luck you have :)


Yeah, Dunri remind me of the killer rabit in the Search for the Holy Grail! "what behind the rabbit" (tim) "no! It IS the rabbit!!"

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The entire planet is a city. Thousands and thousands of stories high. That means you have to render TONS of polygons EVERYWHERE. Up, down, all around you. At this stage in computer technology the cost of rendering this planet in decent detail would have the top Alienware computer chugging. I'm afraid it would be impossible to include it however much it is wanted by everyone. I admit it would be amazing...but it just won't happen...not for a long while anyway.

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No, and no. :)


You will not be able to go and see Yoda on Dagobah, much less going there, and Bespin is not in yet, but it may be later in the Space Expansion.


I'll just merge these 2 threads. ;)





And Space Expansion will come out (hopefully) a year from now, maybe earlier.

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