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I am just a new boy, Stranger in this town...

Darth Groovy

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Well ok, not really. But Pink Floyd Lyrics aside, I just recently broke up with my girl friend of 3 years, and now I desire to get back into the meeting/dating game. I am not looking for any major commitments right now, just some company, and some fun.


I like girls who I can talk too, (I.E., a brain is required), a good sense of humor is a must! (If she can't make me laugh, there is no fun)


I just do not know where to begin. I have done this before, but it has been years. The girl I just broke up with I did meet online, but she lived near me anyways. I refuse to meet girls online, but the bar is not that great of a place either.


I could use all the advice I can get.


Thanks in advance,


The Groovester:cool:

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No break-up details?


I thought you two had it great together, with all that talk about marriage, pictures etc.



Sorry if I'm twisting the knife - it just sort of comes out of the blue right when I've mentally established that "Groovy has a girlfriend he loves to bits".

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How to pick up girls, eh? The way I like to tackle that is to make a list of why I *can't* pick up girls... Although that just generally leaves me naked, curled up in a feeble position, in the middle of my floor...


To be honest with you, I think the best place to find a good date would be at school... I would imagine it easier to start a casual conversation at school much easier than at a bar. Personally, I'd find it uncomfortable in a bar, as it's kind of *known* for the place to go for a date. So when you walk up to someone and try to break the ice... It's kind of like you've already layed all your cards out on the table...


Although, I'd just say screw it. You know me... Just have every night be a Guy's Night :D


Either that or you can accidently bump into a girl at the store and, in the process of doing so, knock over a display case. This, of course, would probably lead to you two inadvertently being forced into employment in the CIA to help save the world from Dr. Destructo...


...I still like the Guy's Night Out idea...

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Groovy's back on the market! I want him first! :D


Heh, just wondering, did you ever end up getting your tongue pierced?


I agree with Datheus (not the part about being naked :p) Look around your school. If not, you might just meet someone when you wouldn't expect it, like the Mall. ;)

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]I just recently broke up with my girl friend of 3 years


Aww man, I can't believe it. I agree with C'Jais, I thought you guys were getting on really well again. Ah well, I guess if it's done, then that's it. Shame though:(


I like girls who I can talk too, (I.E., a brain is required), a good sense of humor is a must! (If she can't make me laugh, there is no fun)


Woah Groovers, you're asking for a lot there, dontcha think?;):lol:lol


I'm inclined to go with Datheus' idea of finding someone at school. Then again, if you're not looking for anything serious, it could be kind of awkward going out with someone at school just for fun (if you broke up at some point, I mean). Meeting in a bar is kind of clichéd, but then again it's the best way to meet a variety of people, if you just want that one night sort of fling thing (I know from experience:xp:lmao).


Then there's the infamous online dating game. The whole reservation about dating people online is that you a) Don't exactly know who you're talking to, and b) Are not sure if you'll actually meet. Start searching around for people who live in the area maybe: fun girls, of your description, and just arrange to meet up sometime in a bar or something one night. Course you'd no more about the whole meeting than I would, just giving a little advice;)


Hmm, not sure which one you could go for really. I spose the online chatting is the most harmless, no-strings attached, can "log off" and get out when you choose to. Well, good luck man, that's all the advice I can give really:)

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Originally posted by C'jais

No break-up details?


I thought you two had it great together, with all that talk about marriage, pictures etc.



Sorry if I'm twisting the knife - it just sort of comes out of the blue right when I've mentally established that "Groovy has a girlfriend he loves to bits".


Fair enough. Basically she cheated on me, and I pulled the plug.


We were good together, and I was faithful to her, but she cheated on me, and expected me to feel all happy because she told me... No can do....


I will get on The Manipulation pronto, but I do want to date again, I do not want to sit and sulk about the past...

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hey thats what the rest of us do! j/k But i'd have to agree with

Datheus , there are plenty fish in the sea, err, plenty of fish in a school of .....forget it, just go to school , iam sure there are plenty of girls also looking to date. :D

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Originally posted by Datheus

How to pick up girls, eh? The way I like to tackle that is to make a list of why I *can't* pick up girls... Although that just generally leaves me naked, curled up in a feeble position, in the middle of my floor...


To be honest with you, I think the best place to find a good date would be at school... I would imagine it easier to start a casual conversation at school much easier than at a bar. Personally, I'd find it uncomfortable in a bar, as it's kind of *known* for the place to go for a date. So when you walk up to someone and try to break the ice... It's kind of like you've already layed all your cards out on the table...


Although, I'd just say screw it. You know me... Just have every night be a Guy's Night :D


Either that or you can accidently bump into a girl at the store and, in the process of doing so, knock over a display case. This, of course, would probably lead to you two inadvertantlying being forced into employment in the CIA to help save the world from Dr. Destructo...


...I still like the Guy's Night Out idea...


Actually I like the CIA idea...


ZBomber, and Rogue 15, No I never got my tongue pierced, neither did she.


Ya know the sheer irony is that for the last 3 months she has been wining about working 50-60 hours in a grocery store, and what does she do? She sleeps with a guy...from the store...:rolleyes:

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oh man... and you sounded like you were getting along. Sorry dude...


I can't help much, I've known my girlfriend since Middle school. We just "bumped" into each other and it "clicked."


All I can say is be yourself and no regrets.

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Ah nothing to worry about. I am keeping my head up, and it is time for me to see other women, I just always saw myself being with Libby for the rest of my life, this is a fresh start, and I just want to know that I still have what it takes to show another lady a good time.

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nothing says unrequited love like the glow of a lucas forums mod on a chainsaw. sorry to hear about your love lost, but its hard to be objective, people oftern say act and think totally in opposition to themselves and each others. I know several guys who had terrible terrible break ups and sometimes it was their fault and sometimes it was her fault and sometimes it just sort of happened. it always hurts and makes you feel mad and angry and want to curl up and die. but you either get yourself another girl; or give up on women altogether and buy a computer with the Linux OS

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Chatting away to girls is childs play Groovy, I find breaking the ice the really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really bloody hard bit.

I'm sure you'll live m8. ;)

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