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My Dad got Carjacked!!!

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I about had a heart attack yesterday morning!!!


My parents own a brand new Toyota Sequia. Its one of those expensive SUV cars that are worth like 50 grand!!!



Anyways, my dad early yesterday morning was in the process of switching cars in the driveway...he left the sequia running (parked on the curb) while he backed his other car out...WELL..he heard a crash (of a bike) and the car peeled out and took off. My dad took off after his car...going at like 100 miles an hour, but soon he lost them and realised it wasn't worth getting killed over. My dad has a heart condition...so...you can guess what that did to him.


The car had everything in it. My parents house keys, my keys, the keys to my mom's school, baby's stuff. EVERYTHING.


The plot got thicker later on. The neighbor's daughter's bike was stolen and they found a purse laying in their backyard. Well it turns out the bike was the one the guy jumped off of to get the Sequia and the purse belongs to some lady who claims her car was broken into - but never reported it??



It sounds like a case of someone stealing stuff in the nieghborhood, saw an opportunity and grabbed the car. We hope they find it. We spent all morning re-keying locks etc. Awful. Even though they have insurance, they still lost all their down on the car everything.


Let that be a lesson. DONT EVER LEAVE YOUR CAR RUNNING UNATTENDED. No matter if your 2 feet away! In a nice neighborhood. All it takes is a split second.


Pray for my family and the safe return of their car and my dad's heart. And also, that this person won't try and come back.

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YIPES! :eek:


I'm so sorry to hear that. That sucks so much that it even blows. :( I can only hope they catch the person and find the car in one piece.


I think the worst my family has ever experianced is teens breaking in to use the pool but that's nothing compared to loosing a new car! :eek: GEEEZ!

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I'll remember that when I get my drivers permit...though the car I'm getting is a PoS. Sorry to here about the car jacking. The thing that I don't understand is why didn't the lady call the police about the guy trying to break into her car. WHY? Isn't it instinct that if something really bad happens like that, you run in the house and dial 911? I hope your father will be ok and the car will come back and that it will never happen again to you or your family.

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That's the thing...why didn't the lady report her car being broken into or more importantly WHY NOT REPORT YOUR PURSE AND CREDIT CARDS STOLEN.


I think she's connected...whether its her son or someone she's covering for. You don't just...have your purse stolen and shrug your shoulders......

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I'm awefully sorry to hear that STTCT :indif: Seems like you lost a lot of valuable stuff. Hope all returns to normal ASAP. Normal meaning getting the car back too :o:)


I live in a nice neighbourhood, but one day we found that somebody had changed our number plates, and when we called up the station, we found that those were the number plates of a car that was stolen! Someone had framed us!! :eek: Luckily ours and the stolen car were different so we weren't suspects :D Really...


But, STTCT, was the stolen purse and credit cards incident an old lady? Because sometimes people don't realize the seriousness of what happened. Either way, maybe it is connected, but I'm sure everything will be good soon :)

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I was down at the beach with some friends last summer, and my good buddy Nick's new Escalade (Yes, his... He won it in a contest like 2 weeks after he moved out), and it was *really* hot, so there were like 3 of us in the back just relaxing and enjoying the A/C.


The thing's got really tinted windows, so you really can't tell if anyone's in the back, and of course, it was running, and we left it unlocked, seeing as how we were in it. Well, all of a sudden, the driver's door opens, a guy jumps in, and peels out of the parking lot... With us in the back seat.


That's what the fun started. When he finally checks his rear view mirror, he spots the four of us... I say four, because it was my two friends, myself, and my business associate, Mr. Tire Iron.


Which was about the same time the jacker **** a brick, and jumped from the still-moving car, followed by me, while Nick scrambles into the front seat to get his baby stopped.


They say you run faster when you're scared... Well, I run even faster when I'm pissed, and I was pissed. But after chasing the sonofabitch for close to 5 minutes, I was getting more pissed, which is when Mr. Tire Iron decided he'd rather fly First Class...


Now, catching a flying tire iron in the back of the knee tends to trip you up a bit, which is exactly what happened to our dear friend... But while it didn't take him down, it allowed me to close to within tackle distance, and our friend learned the hard way not to play tackle football on the road... Asphalt and facial skin don't get along well, not that he noticed right away, since the impact of his inertial energy combined with his lower body suddenly stopping drove him face-first into the blacktop.


I almost felt bad for him... Then I remembered how much my bad knee doesn't like running.


Our friend is now sitting in a cell somewhere, having been convicted or cited on/for 9 counts of auto theft, one count of attempted auto theft, disturbing the peace, reckless driving, public endangerment, and attempted manslaughter, the last three all for bailing from the car with us still in it. They wanted me to help get him for resisting an officer of the peace (which I was, it was argued, since I was a reservist at the time), but acknowledging that I was (an officer of the peace) might of brought up questions about my using undue force (throwing the tire iron) in his aprehension, so I let that one slide.


Long story short, if you can safely do so, chase the bastard... But it's not worth getting yourself killed over.

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i actually tore a guy out of my father's car...he was busy disassembling our car-radio. then he started swiping around with a knife-like thingy and yelling...well...not so good stuff. he ran for it but got caught later after i went down to the station and had to go over several id-photo's.

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Wow, I feel glad I live in Arky now. :eek:


All these stories... I'm glad there is some justice in the world *points to Nitro* and I'm glad there is the law also *points to Krkode* and I wish sincerely that they both come into play for your father STTCT. My thoughts and prayers are with you. :)

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That was a great story nitro! I am glad my dad didn't catch the guy though. Something might have happend. And PL you coulda been hurt!




We found out that the lady with the Purse did in fact call the police..but the report wasn't in the system when the police checked that day. Apparently she left her wallet in her make-up bag accidently in the car. Well...the guy took that and tried to steal her stereo (this is the 4th time this guy TRIED to take a stereo). Luckily she did not have ANY cash in her wallet. She came down to talk to my mom about it and felt so bad that everyone thought she was guilty. She was just a victim like everyone else.


No sign of the car. I checked all the gas stations in hopes of finding it. Even EBAY to see if someone from around here was selling its parts. No luck. The police probably aren't even looking :(

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Sorry to hear what happened. I hope you father is well, and I must say, I would have done the exact some thing as him.


My father was almost carjacked himself once. Someone tried to take his work truck (dont know why, it was a power line truck) and just tried to beat him or pull him out. Luckly he was ok, other than punched in the face and he was able to drive off safely. He filed a case after the man and 2 days later the criminal was found shot dead trying to hold up a convient store.


Simularly, my brother was attempted to be held up by gun point by 3 teens. Approached him from the front and told him to go into the alley and give them his wallet. My bro kept walking towards them and and pretty much told them that he was not going to do that. To make a long story short, he ended up swiping for the gun and knocking it out of their hand, and they ran away. My bro looked at the weapon and realized it was only a pellet pistol, made to look like a real gun.


Lastly, someone tried to hold me up for my wallet from behind. Stuck something in my back and told me give them my wallet. I refused to do so and told them that he was not going to do anything to me and everyone will see what happens. A few seconds later, I felt the pressure release and the suspect ran in the direction, and I was luckily ok with my wallet in tact.


People do some stupid stuff to save their possessions. Its really not worth it, and your life is so much more irreplacable. I can only imagin what life would be like if any of those stories had ended up differently.


I pray that everything in you situation turns up alright.

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I have no details yet, but tonight after I got home from my parents from 4th of July....the police left a message on my phone! They found the car and they said everything is okay with it!!!!! We can't pick it up till monday though!! But we are very happy and we are praying the baby's stuff is still inside of it!!!

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I highly doubt that a joyrider...or temporary carjacker...would want baby stuff unless they're a desperate parent, and it doesn't sound like this guy is that, so I'd say anyway that there's a good chance it's still there...anyway, great news, and good luck.

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Got the car back. The person stole the baby diapers and my mom's car charger. They also took off w/ the keys. The police found it Thursday Night. Would you believe it was right inbetween my parents and my house? REALLy close by!!! Like a block away. I can't believe it. My mom picked it up this morning. Since the keys were taken with the car - now she has to rekey the entire car and re-do all the alarms. The insurance does not want to cover any of it. I guess the car is covered in finger printing stuff but they won't give out any information if they caught the guy yet. Sucks...have to use other ways...of finding information.

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My question is... what does the thief want with baby diapers? It's not exactly like there is a black market for them or anything. It must take someone either really desperate or really low to steal baby diapers. Mom's need them for crying out loud! And who would want to steal from a new mother? It's crying up immoral.


But anyway the insurance people will come around, they like stiffing you, but if you have the case, which yo obviously do, then they will come around... eventually...


and if they don't we can send some ninjas their way. :D

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Originally posted by Artoo

My question is... what does the thief want with baby diapers? It's not exactly like there is a black market for them or anything. It must take someone either really desperate or really low to steal baby diapers. Mom's need them for crying out loud! And who would want to steal from a new mother? It's crying up immoral.


You forgot people with overactive bladders...maybe carjacking gives him a little bit TOO much of a thrill...;)

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You forgot people with overactive bladders...maybe carjacking gives him a little bit TOO much of a thrill...


That's what Oops I Crapped My Pants are for.


The worst that ever happened to my family was our van broken into in Baltimore when we went to see the aquarium (which we eventually didn't go to anyway because it was so crowded). They took a Harry Potter book and some other stuff, but it was real fortunate they didn't take my dad's laptop. Can't imagine having your whole car stolen though. Good thing it turned up. :)

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