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I'm Leaving...

Darth Groovy

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i'm leaving threads = cry for attention.:rolleyes:


so yeah i find them stupid too groovy.


The thing is if you really wanna leave then do you burn your bridges?


After Christmas I really needed a break form all this online madness to get my head straight, I considered making a leaving thread, but in my heart of hearts i knew i'd be back, so i left the door open. I hedged my bets for want of a better word.


I suspect that these dudes with the leaving threads come back more after they allegedly leave, just to see if they are missed. On a lighter note when i came back I checked the favourite swampy thread that was floating around, i wondered if anyone remembered me and more to the point i wondered if i was missed (this i confess) I forget who (maybe z-bomber) but someone mentioned me and frankly i doubt i would have posted again unless i had seen that, I glad i looked, I know I've been missing this place terribly, much more so now that i can look back at what a good laugh we have had here.


Personally i would fell like a right dick if i said I'm never coming back then came crawling back on my hands and knees. At least the way i handled it I could could come back head held high!



Having said that its in my nature to just drop everything at the drop of a hat when things aint going to plan, but it does allow a certain freedom.

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

After Christmas I really needed a break form all this online madness to get my head straight, I considered making a leaving thread, but in my heart of hearts i knew i'd be back, so i left the door open. I hedged my bets for want of a better word.


I suspect that these dudes with the leaving threads come back more after they allegedly leave, just to see if they are missed. On a lighter note when i came back I checked the favourite swampy thread that was floating around, i wondered if anyone remembered me and more to the point i wondered if i was missed (this i confess) I forget who (maybe z-bomber) but someone mentioned me and frankly i doubt i would have posted again unless i had seen that, I glad i looked, I know I've been missing this place terribly, much more so now that i can look back at what a good laugh we have had here.


I noticed your absence in the Senate Chambers mostly.......



I tire of the I'm leaving threads, but I think if it's a member who we all know and who will actually be gone with a real reason that will last longer than one week then they're alright.......but everyone has already said that.......so my point doesn't mean anything......so I might as well not be here....



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I think "Im leaving" Threads are sometimes used to give that person some satisfaction in seeing others around him mourn his exit. Sometimes....

He hit the nail on the head.

I'm with Groovy on this, i hate 'em.

Oh and Jah.. I missed yah :D Though I 'rarely' post in the senate chambers i noticed your absence :(

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I agree groovy, I cant stand the im leaving threads they are just plain annoying.


Tips for anybody who is thinking about leaving soon, dont make a thread...just leave without a trace, if you are so fed up with the swamp then why should you feel compelled to make a thread about your going away. Just shut up, log out and never come back.:D

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No, i dont think they should "Just shut up, log out and never come back", i think they should PM anyone that would actually care that they are leaving, so as not to bother the rest of us happy with how things are run here.

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I'm not sure about that, maybe you consider people like Lost Welshman, Acrylic, Reborn Outcast, and such... as noobs


Anyways, the problem doesn't lie in the fact that people post this kind of thread, it lies in the fact that it's not true and fills the forum with a nonsense thread since the person still posts. So, I don't have a problem if a person leaves for good and wants to post about it, or if they say they'll be gone for a year because they participated in a student exchange program... as long as it stays true. Still even if it'd be true that you couldn't post for 2-3 days because you're going camping, dont post about it, it's useless, if you do, at least make a thread about what people like about camping or whatever, and take a line or two to mention you won't be able to post, but don't make the whole thread about it.


my 2 cents.

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I'll miss you Groovy.


*Gives Groovy his saber back*


Sorry, I still had that from the remains of the Swamp vs. RSN battle. Any hoo...




Don't get too caught up in the politics of the swamp. I used to care.. oh wait nevermind... I've never really cared about what people do in this forum. The reason I've stayed so long is because of all the interesting people that come here. The topics are the same as other places, the SPAM is the same (actually much less), and the idea is the same: have fun. I come here for amusement, to get away from the serious one's. Seeing people pissed off over trivial things amuses me greatly. *claps hands* :D


The good: Father Torque Foundation, av sig competition.


The bad: I'm leaving..no wait.. yes I REALLY AM, maybe (I'll pm you if I decide). Who's the hottest (lol I love that one)?


The ugly: Thrik and his points. Bah, let him choke for all I care. I don't know and I don't want to know.



Honestly I wouldn't care if anybody truely left because if they did, it meant they found a better place to post. I don't think anybody has ever stayed away for too long due to the reasons Groovy posted. However, I can not think of one member (even Jedi 2k2) that truely stayed away.




ps: Groovy you had me going there you sly deveil :p:D

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Originally posted by KBell

No, i dont think they should "Just shut up, log out and never come back", i think they should PM anyone that would actually care that they are leaving, so as not to bother the rest of us happy with how things are run here.



What if they havew a bunch of friends? Can't PM everonye on LF. :p

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