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Evidence of WMD in Iraq


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Guys, I have done something totally awesome and totally illegal. I have hacked the pentagon computers. Now, it was hard, but I managaed to. Anyway, I managed to stumble upon Colin Powell's UN Security Council meeting, and the evidence that he used against Iraq to prove they had Weapons of Mass Destruction, and that Saddam was hiding them. Now, many in the world say that Iraq was not hiding weapons of mass destruction, but I have found a picture on the pentagon supercomputers that will make you think twice. This is solid evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and I encourage you to veiw the pic with an open mind.




I also found the link between Iraq and the Al-Queida network, if anyone is interested.

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Originally posted by Cryptic

WOW! Here in Canada our government uses Photoshop 7 to create its documented proof, the states however are geniouses THEY USE MS PAINT!:eek:


What the hell are you talking about? Those pictures are real, that's why they are regarded as such useful evidence.


God, what a der-brain:rolleyes:





XD ^_~

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