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I'm Back From the wonderfull land of Australia!


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Well I just got home from a month is Australia, I saw Syndey, Perth, Melbourn, Mandrah, Fremantle, Geralton and afew other cities... it was great! I went through about 10 flights and 100 bus rides only to get in a 5 car pile up on the way home from the airport... I'm alive and well as always, I just dont die I guess... anyways, its good to be back.

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Originally posted by ZDawg

Well I just got home from a month is Australia, I saw Syndey, Perth, Melbourn, Mandrah, Fremantle, Geralton and afew other cities... it was great! I went through about 10 flights and 100 bus rides only to get in a 5 car pile up on the way home from the airport... I'm alive and well as always, I just dont die I guess... anyways, its good to be back.






My buddeh!


You okay man? I haven't seen you around in ages...take care of yourself. ;)

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I'm perfectly fine... all the cars including mine was wrecked, but no-one seriously hurt.

Rofl... just to add humor to the story...I gotta tell ya, as my family is religious, everyone was screaming "OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD"... besides me... when we finished sliding I said my first words... "Dude, what happened to my friken soda?"

Good Times... Good Times.



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Why so much time over in Western Australia??? Freo, Geraldton, Mandurah, for crying out loud, you may as well have been in the middle of nowhere. You could travel for hours and still see nothing.


At least you made it to Melbourne, you better of liked it, otherwise I'll send over the heavies to get ya!!!

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5 car pile up? O.o yikez... good to see you're okay whoever you are XP lol


Aaaaaaanywayz, how'd ya like OzTralia? Be honest... Melbourne was better than Sydney wasn't it. It was. Yeah I know it was *nods* ...Sydney has the bridge and the house but Melbourne has some fun stuff to do at night :p Sydney is dull and lifeless compared to Melbourne with nothing but two small monuments to hold it up.

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Well to be honest, I just flew through both sydney and melbourn... the air ports where nice :D I'll be going back somtime next year and than again in 06... I plan to travle Australia... but I had a great time... I didnt get any pictures of roadkill roo though *sniff* I wanted a picture of a dead kangaroo so bad! (Yes, I'm sick and twisted) but I wanted to come home and be like "DUDE GUYS! I WENT TO AUSTRALIA! CHECK THIS PIC OUT!" MWAAHAHAHAH

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Originally posted by ZDawg

As a matter-o-fact I found my soda and finished it off :D


Nah, I'm happy you got out of that accident alive. lets see if you can do it next week, when I crash a tarin into your house... yes... your house. :p

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