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best Rock scream?


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This is sort of a contest but theres no prize, its purely for fun and enjoyment. The idea is that everybody will post a rock song that they believe has the best scream/yell/howl or something along those lines. If you have never heard of a listed scream song then you should aquire it somehow by legal means :rolleyes::D


well here is mine.


Careful With That Axe, Eugene by Pink Floyd



after a while, when everybody has heard all the screams we can make another thread with a poll and vote? :D:confused:

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well, I really mean an individual scream...I know a lot of bands scream every lyric at the top of their lungs (seems silly to me) but seriously...I want an individual song with an individual scream that stands out.

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The 2 bands in recent memory who's lead singers have impressed me are the dude from Jimmy Eat World and the chick with the short dark hair from TATU. In The Sweetness that dude just wails and is impressive... and the chick from TATU just has some serious pipes on her. And she's tiny too...

But my favorite singer is probably Maynard James Keenan of Tool and A Perfect Circle fame. He has a very impressive and unique voice. He has a lot of songs you could chose from.

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Originally posted by XERXES

well, I really mean an individual scream...I know a lot of bands scream every lyric at the top of their lungs (seems silly to me) but seriously...I want an individual song with an individual scream that stands out.

they don't scream every word.
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Originally posted by InsaneSith

they don't scream every word.

I dont listen to them, but since you said "any AFI song" I assumed so.


PBguy1211, how boutcha pick a tool song with a nice scream?? I like the one in the begening of H.

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Limp Bizkits' cover of 'Faith':


[freddurst]Gotta have faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! WAH! HUH! YEAH![/freddurst]


Thats quite a scream......;)

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Well, I don't perfer screaming into a mic, because that's just ridiculous. My 2 year old cousin can do that, and he isn't rich and famous.


However, I think that Chris Cornell of Audioslave's voice is awesome, and when he "lifts" his voice in any of his songs, it's just awesome.

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Originally posted by legameboy

I don't listen to rock, but I could tell you the best bagpipe tune!!! *runs and hides* :)


I don't believe my ears. Go turn on your radio, find the rock station, then reply sayign Aerosmith, Dream On. :D

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