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Originally posted by The Truthful Liar

Since Redwing brought up the question... I'll try help you guys the best I can.


- Choosing Items:


If you check the "Buff" status of a weapon, that's how much damage it deals out. Of course you have to consider how much Evade/Strength you and your opponent has, so it can vary.


Same rule goes for armour levels, magic healing potions and magic attacks.


- Choosing a Character:


Being good or evil affects your normal attack/defense, magic attack/defense, speed and evade values.


If you're on the good side you have higher magic status rather brute strength, also you're faster but your evade points are lower.


For the dark side it's the opposite, you get lower magic points but higher attack/defense and better evade than speed.


Gender doesn't matter.


- Classes


Classes are completely up to you, choose one you feel most comfortable with. I'm making a small table for myself with the statuses of each possible class. :]


- Elements


Elements only affect the bars below your character details - the HP, MA, PP and AP.


Dark & Earth elements give you fairly high PP and AP, other bars are average.


Fire element is average, your best bet is to stick to this if you don't want to risk anything.


Light element gives you the highest HP status but decreases your AP to a near zero and lowers PP quite abit. You get the same MA as you would with Dark/Earth and Water elements.


Lightning is another average element.


Water is similar to Light, but it's **** in comparison you only get a slightly higher PP and AP level, so if you're going to go all the way for high HP values then just stick with Light.


Wind is also pretty average, you do get higher HP than you would with Dark/Earth as well as higher PP and AP if you went with Light.


I hope this helps clear some things up, if you find that I got some info wrong feel free to let me know so I can edit it. :-)

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In the defence of pb guy. Fisher you won't even except any of my challenges. All you do is pick on smaller levels. You say I am too high and won't except. So whatever. I tried to tell you that GIL and Weapons do not mean as much as raising your stats. And your stats raise through experience. Even win or loose you still get experience. So watever. Its not as fun as you all think being so high up - because no one will play me. They are too scared. Except for a few in which I have had a lot of fun playing win or loose.

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Originally posted by BigTeddyPaul

The stats in some people's sig that list how many people you have beaten and how many times are those put there by the people or are they put there by the forums?





Thos are put there by the person who owns the sig:D Everytime they beat someone they go fix their sig to reflect it....

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The game is afoot, eh Sammy? People mock your sig so you remove it. You won't fight higher level but get off fighting people half your level. You do spam like a mo-fo*okay i'm ready' isnt a post, its a PM*. And worst of all, you don't even bother trying to fight back or justify your actions.


If anyone, ANYONE HIGHER OR LOWER, wants to fight for the hell of it, I'm here

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I'm not scared, I'm smart for not fighting people above me because they will beat me, and I'll have to spend money to heal again. What the point? Just because you want to see me die? Oh, yes, I now see some suck ups to STTCT, just beacause she said that I'm scared to fight her. So what if I am? She's almost 2 levels above me. If you have a problem with me not fighting a higher level, that's your problem.


DM, I'm in a fight w/ BawBag right now, so I'll PM you when I'm ready.

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