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Pirates of the Caribbean

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I just saw it today, and man was it an awesome movie! It is the best movie I have seen this summer in fact. Just about every aspect of the movie was great. I can't really think of anything to complain about, in fact (which is unusual). Unlike most recent movies, this one actually had an ENDING! Yes, it is true. There was no cheesy rumbling over the grave of a dead guy, or some waked out battle that's conclusion was beyond the comprehension of us mortals.

No, this time the guy gets the girl, and the pirate goes sailing off into the sunset.

Having said this, it pleases me greatly that there is probably going to be at least one sequal. I was reading at IGN that one of the script writers said that he has to more stories to tell about Sparrow. I hope the sequals are as good as the original.


It sort of reminded me of Disney's The Three Musketeers, which I also like.

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So the movie didn't have any story-crashing bugs? I'd heard the game was pretty different, and I guess that proves it. I really want to see it, but I may end up waiting until it's out on video. It's one of those rare blockbuster-type movies that I've heard almost universally positive things about.


Plus it has one Ms. Keira Knightley in it. 3heart If Natalie Portman doesn't hurry up and do a movie that actually allows her to act, I may just have to give up on her and stalk Keira instead. :amidala::slsaber:

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Originally posted by amishler

So the movie didn't have any story-crashing bugs? I'd heard the game was pretty different, and I guess that proves it. I really want to see it, but I may end up waiting until it's out on video. It's one of those rare blockbuster-type movies that I've heard almost universally positive things about.


There was only one part that didn't make any sense to me, and after the movie my brother explained to me what I had missed. It all seems to pretty sound if you pay close attention.

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I enjoyed Pirates immensely. For me that means a lot because I usually don't go for the "summer blockbuster" types, even the ones that people generally consider good, but I thought this was really well done. Johnny Depp, of course, was amazing.


Moos: I'm quite glad that the screenwriter said there are more stories to tell about Sparrow, as opposed to whatever Orlando Bloom's character was. Depp's character was about 23095723 times more intereresting. Bloom did a decent job I suppose, but it was nothing amazing.

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I agree that Pirates of the Carribean was probably the most entertaining movie I've seen this summer. That's kinda funny considering I was expecting it to suck, while I was hoping a lot of the earlier summer fare would be... good?


my one problem was that they seemed to rip off monkey island a lot :¬:



that bit there was a joke for anyone who is confused.


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Originally posted by remixor

Moos: I'm quite glad that the screenwriter said there are more stories to tell about Sparrow, as opposed to whatever Orlando Bloom's character was. Depp's character was about 23095723 times more intereresting. Bloom did a decent job I suppose, but it was nothing amazing.


Yeah, I was glad to hear that as well. It felt to me that Orlando's character was underdeveloped. I'm sure that he could have done a fine job, but he was never really given a chance. You never really know what he is thinking or feeling. If he is in the next movie hopefully this will change.

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Yeah, it seemed to me that Bloom was just there to play the pretty boy role and not to provide much int he way of actual depth. Still, I thought it was a really great movie. I've seen it 1.5 times (fire alarm went off part way through the first showing).

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Originally posted by Corley Motors

I loved Pirates of the Caribbean so much.


But I heard somewhere that after the 20 long minutes of credits, they show something else. I'm not sure what though. Can anyone confirm this?




I usually stay for the credits, but I went to see it with some friends and didn't stay. I hate it when I miss things.

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Originally posted by Corley Motors

I loved Pirates of the Caribbean so much.


But I heard somewhere that after the 20 long minutes of credits, they show something else. I'm not sure what though. Can anyone confirm this?

I read what it was. I better use spoilers, just in case. Although it's not very surprising or anything.



They show the monkey that was in the movie, and he leaps at the camera. That's it.


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I guess I have never ever anticipated any other movie so much. Just imagine: it is based on the same Disneyland attraction that influenced Ron Gilbert to make Monkey Island series! There's a "zombie" pirate with a skeleton crew. There's a Curse motive and a main hero who is a young pirate/adventurer wannabe! :D


This is "must see" for all adventure gamers in love with MI...


Edit: Damn! The polish premiere has just been postponed one month... so much for summer movie :mad:

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The bit after the credits... actually

though whoever wrpte about it earlier basically got it, it wasn't just the monkey leaping at the camera. He climbs up the mountain of treasure and picks up one of the cursed coins first and leaps at you as a SKELETON MONKEY! scary!



-Jake, using Sarah's computer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw the movie today, and it was great! definately another view worthy :) Johnny Depp did a brillaint job as captain Jack Sparrow, and I can see that they want to make another movie, I'm willing to see it as long as it has the great captain Jack Sparrow in it :)


A delicious mix of humor and exciting action, not too much dabbling on the love affair and lots of funny wisecracks if you haven't seen it yet, go watch now!





I saw the trailer for League of extraordinary gentlemen, it looked as another nice movie, very curious to see how that movie will turn out. Next to that I saw the slightly less impressive trailer for the italian job, also a nice movie to check I think...

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